On March 3rd, Caldwell Rotary Club held a meeting at the Veterans Memorial Hall with Anne Whitwood from the College of Idaho as our esteemed Speaker. |
ROTARY'S "HELPING HAND BASKET!"Also on March 3rd, Caldwell Rotary Club member, Dennis Ghormley, is showing off our club's "Lending a Rotary Hand" box that is being filled by members with much needed items for CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) for the children they support in our community! |
"ROTARY LENDING A HAND" PROJECTCaldwell Rotary Club is helping to fill a tub with hope and love for kids in need. Our "Rotary Lending a Hand" project is an easy, timely and effective way to put into action what Rotary is all about, "Service Above Self." The items that CASA needs the most are: Diapers, Children's Socks, Underwear, and shoes (all sizes and seasons) and duffel bags. Other items like toys, bedding, and children's clothing are also welcome. More to come later! And thank you in advance for your willingness to help with this project that will do so much good! |
Meet new member Bob Piazza! |
Second Grade Book Project Begins |
Rotary Scholarship Winners 2019Photo L to R: Chelan Lane (Technical Trade), Carlee Smith (Academic), and Sophia Nash (Academic). Chelan Lane from Parma High School was awarded the club's Technical/Trade Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to an applicant who will be attending a technical or trade school to earn a certification or an associate degree in a specialized trade. Chelan plans to earn an Associate's Degree in Culinary Science and plans to attend the Culinary Institute of America in San Antonio, Texas. Eventually she would like to work for a catering business after many experiences during her training. Carlee Smith of Parma was awarded one of the club's Academic Scholarships. This scholarship is awarded to students who plan to attend a 4 year college to earn a Bachelor's Degree or higher. Carlee plans to attend Lewis-Clark State College to earn her degree in English: Publishing Arts. Her dream is to become an editor for a book publisher. Sophia Nash from Homedale High School was awarded the other Caldwell Rotary Club Academic Scholarship. She plans to attend North Idaho College in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho to continue her softball career while earning an Associate's Degree prior to continuing on to a four-year university to finish her Bachelor's Degree with a major in English and a minor in Political Science. She plans to work hard and then apply to law school to become an attorney. |
Clean Up Day at Rotary PondOn Saturday, May 11th, Caldwell Rotary Club members Jerry Bauman, Jeff Hunsicker and his two kids and Milon and Joyce McDaniel joined the group effort of several groups to clean up the area around Rotary Pond. One of the groups was Milon's daughter's science group from Syringa Middle School. |
Gina and Milon earn PHF+ AwardsGina Lujack was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow +1 pin for reaching a $2,000 contribution level to The Rotary Foundation's Annual Funds. Milon McDaniel was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow+2 pin for reaching a $3,000 contribution level to The Rotary Foundation's Annual Funds. |
Rotary Shares Easter with Hope's DoorDuring our April 17th meeting our club put together 10 Easter dinner bags stuffed with the "full meal deal" for moms at our Hope's Door shelter. Also put together were 5 Easter baskets for some of the children of these moms. This project was put together by Aaron Buck. He noticed a plea put out by Kelli Jenkins who was organizing this project through another entity and he signed us up to help. Kelli did our shopping for us and several members of the club stepped up to pay for all the goodies necessary to make this happen. Thanks to all who helped! |
Caldwell Golf Team Defends TitleFor the second year in a row, Caldwell Rotary Club golf team defended its title and was once again awarded the "Second to Last Accomplishment Award" during the CFEO (Caldwell Foundation of Education Opportunity) golf tournament. We displayed just enough skill to beat one other team in the entire tournament. Next year, we will see if we can repeat this performance and defend and "own" this honor. In bowling, when you get three strikes in a row, it is called a "Turkey." I wonder what it is called when you receive this golf honor three times in a row? Hmm... |
IndieDwell Home Tour--Apr 3!In lieu of our regular meeting at Kaley, we will be having an "onsite" visit at an "IndieDwell" home located at 3520 Arthur St. in Caldwell at noon on April 3rd. Lunch will be provided. We will be eating outside at the site, so bring a bag chair or folding chair to sit to eat. If you haven't RSVP'ed, please click on this email: and give your name and that you are attending. If you bring a guest, please add them to your RSVP! |
Dr. Jasper LiCalzi, Political Analyst
RYE Students Go To McCall Winter CarnivalDistrict 5400's Rotary Youth Exchange Students who are in the District from other countries this year went to the McCall Winter Carnival. They meet the kids that will be leaving our District to go to other countries next school year. They stay at Pilgrim Cove for the weekend and while there, they give presentations on their home countries to attendees as well as speak of their experience during their exchange here. They go skiing at Brundage and swimming at Zimms Hot Springs on Friday. On Saturday, they ride on a float in the Mardigras parade with signs they have made with the countries from which they came and to where they went when they arrived. The outgoing students made signs from where they live to where they are going next school year. You can see our Marty Gallo (2nd sign from the left) with is sign "Argentina to Caldwell." Currently he lives with President Jeff Hunsicker and attends Caldwell High School. And next to him is Naida Camancho, of Caldwell who will be going to Denmark next school year. |
David Johnson Blood Drive Report"It was a very good day," reported Carole Munn, Red Cross Blood Drive Coordinator for Caldwell. She reported that 98 potential donors came through the door with 92 successful units. Of those units, 9 of the donors donated "double reds." These count as two units each. Usually they only get about 4 double red donors, so this was exceptional! The goal for the day, December 24th, Rotary's sponsored blood drive, was 80! "We did very, very well," said Carole. |
PROGRAM FOR JANUARY 9th! "Sea Turtle Project"JANUARY 9th Program--Sea Turtle Project Milon McDaniel has invited his daughter, Melyssa McDaniel Ferro, a past Idaho Teacher of the Year, to be our speaker this week. Melyssa spent a week with a CHS science student in the Bahamas studying sea turtles. Both she and her student will present a program with pictures of the turtles, describing their experience and what they learned. Caldwell is lucky to have such great teachers a district that can provide such great learning opportunities for our local students. Come hear all about it and enjoy the company of your fellow Rotarians. |
CHRISTMAS EVE DAVID JOHNSON BLOOD DRIVEFront Row: Patrick Baumgart, Cece Flores, Jerry Bauman and great granddaughter Mia Carson, Marisela Pesina Back Row: Aaron Buck, Harry Zanks (Leora's nephew), and Marty Gallo (our exchange student). It was a great day with lots of Rotary volunteers and donors during our annual Christmas Eve David Johnson Memorial Blood Drive. We thank our volunteers: Milon McDaniel, Patrick Baumgart, Bob Jenkins, Marty (our Rotary Youth Exchange Student), Marisela Pesina, Cece Flores, Aaron Buck, Jerry Bauman and great granddaughter Mia Carson, Jeff Hunsicker and Harry Zanks (Leora's nephew who worked all shifts!). We also thank our Rotarian donors and their family members who donated or even tried to donate: Joyce McDaniel, John Blaisdell, Leora & Sam Summers, Bob Jenkins & his daughter, Harry Zanks, and Marty Gallo (our exchange student). I know I missed some folks, so if you are not listed and either worked or donated, please click on secretary Cece's email address: to get your attendance "make-up" credit. When we get the tally for pints donated, I will update you. It looked like it was very successful. We thank Mark Flitton, who donated the apples and we especially thank West Valley Medical Center for their preparation and donation of stew. It was delicious! |
SANTA'S REDNECK BBQ FUN!We had a lot of fun during our Santa's Redneck BBQ on December 19th! Our "Ugly Sweater" contest winner was Geoffrey Hill! As you can see, it wasn't a difficult decision. He won a "Yard" of Twix candies. Now the "Cut Throat Wrapped Gift Exchange" was something else! There were definitely some unusual surprises. It was a good time with lots of good food and laughs. Thanks to Mike for barbequing the burgers and thanks to Sam Summers for helping set up the tables and chairs before the lunch and thank all of you who stayed to help put things away. Have a Happy New Year and Be Safe! |
IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES!NO ROTARY JAN 2nd! No Rotary this Wed, Jan. 2nd So don't come! Due to the date being so close to the New Year, January 1st, it was advisable to cancel that meeting due to expected low attendance and difficulty in procuring a program. Regular meetings will start up again the following Wednesday, January 9th, and Milon McDaniel will be arranging for a speaker for that date. BRING A POTENTIAL MEMBER JANUARY 16th Our club has decided to have a "Bring a Potential Member" for free day. It will be during the January 16th meeting. So carefully consider who you think might like to be a member in our club and invite them to come for that date. Ask them early and get a confirmation from them so you can RSVP with their name so we can give our kitchen a headcount so we don't run out of food. RSVP whether you are attending or not to this email address: If you are bringing a guest, please put their name in your RSVP. |
MILON THANKS VOLUNTEERS!2nd grade classroom of Cassie Doxtator with Aaron Lamb and Leora Summers at Lewis and Clark after receiving their books. Milon thanks the following volunteers that helped deliver books to 2nd graders at Wilson, Lincoln, Van Buren, Sacajawea, Lewis and Clark and Washington Elementary Schools on Thursday, Nov. 29th and Friday, Nov. 30th: Barry Fujishin, Shellye Wilson, Jerry Bauman, Chuck McHugh, Leora Summers, Tammy Dittenber and Aaron Lamb. If you volunteer and for some reason might be late or can't come at the last minute, please text Milon at 208-899-7066 so he knows and doesn't wait for you. Thank all of you for all your help. Many hands make light work! |
Rotary District 5400 had a big impact in Idaho and Rotary International through the pledge to plant projects! Come see and hear all about it. Plus, learn what Rotary 5400 will be doing in coming years with the planting projects and Rotary Days: People of Action. Laurie Zuckerman is the current Rotary District 5400 Stewardship Chair and a third generation Rotarian. She works at Idaho Public Television, holds advanced degrees in education and ministry, and has built and run a small farm. She will share with us news about Rotary's tree projects, environmental work, and what we can expect this year. |
SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGINGWe ended up bringing in $4,157.92 from the combined efforts of our members' contributions and our intake from our "Bell Ringing" for the Salvation Army on November 24th! If you didn't get a chance to make your contribution and plan on making a donation before the end of December, to give our club credit for our bell ringing day, you still can by writing your check to "The Salvation Army" and mailing it to: Caldwell Rotary Club, P.O. Box 24, Caldwell, ID 83606. I hear the Caldwell Police and the Canyon County Paramedics will be ringing this year and they are stiff competition along with the Caldwell Elks. So help us rise above them and send in your donation very soon! In the end, our community wins whether or not we come in first, but it sure would be nice to come close! |
HELP NEEDED THURS & FRI, Nov. 29 & 30!Milon NEEDS HELP on Thursday and Friday of this week to deliver 2nd grade chapter books to 6 schools. He will not be at Rotary on Wednesday of this week to ask you to sign up so please respond to his plea in this request! To volunteer please click on his email address: to let him know you will be there for him. He and Joyce work long and hard to get the books to the schools prior to asking our members for help delivering them. So please show him your support and schedule a little time on Thursday and/or Friday to assist them. THURSDAY, Nov 29 9:30am--Wilson, 400 E. Linden St, Caldwell 12:45pm--Lincoln, 1200 Grant St, Caldwell 2:45pm--Van Buren, 3115 Marble Front Rd, Caldwell FRIDAY, Nov 30 10:00am--Sacajawea,1710 Illinois Ave, Caldwell 11:00am--Lewis and Clark, 1102 Laster St, Caldwell 1:45pm--Washington, 2918 Washington Ave, Caldwell |
ROTARY PROGRAM--Nov. 28th!Denny Smith and Bob Haunschild will be presenting a program at Rotary this Wednesday on "HOW TO GROW CALDWELL ROTARY CLUB." Come hear their ideas and then let's help our club grow and become a more present and vital club in our community. |
ROTARY SUPPORTS SALVATION ARMY!THANK YOU BELL RINGERS! We had a great day of bell ringing and we thank our members who were able and stepped up to "Ring the Bell!" Thanks goes out to: Milon & Joyce McDaniel and their grandkids, Bob & Diane Haunschild, Jerry Bauman & granddaughter, Leora & Sam Summers, Tyson Berg, Aaron Lamb, Mike & Sadie Dittenber & Marty (our exchange student), Carl Anderson and Barry Fujishin. Attendance make-ups go to our volunteers! STILL NOT TOO LATE TO DONATE! Our "Salvation Army Ringing Day" has come and gone, but it is still not too late to donate your dollars to help boost our club's numbers in the service club competition to bring in the most dough! I will have numbers soon from Major Bridgeo, but we can still add to it with your contributions. I save my contribution to our Salvation Army for our Rotary contribution and only contribute this one time a year, so I make it a good one. Consider doing this if you haven't donated this year. To donate so our club will still get credit, write your check to: The Salvation Army. Then mail it to Caldwell Rotary Club, P.O. Box 24, Caldwell, ID 83606, I will then take your checks down to the Salvation Army office and make sure it gets included in our numbers!!! |
PROGRAM FOR WED, NOV. 7th!The Interact Club from Boise Arts Academy has been invited to be our program this coming Wednesday, November 7th, noon at Kaley, and will tell us a little about their club and will be showing us what they do at the Boise Arts Academy. This should be a really fun program. Interact Clubs are Rotary Clubs for Junior High age kids. So mark your calendar and come see what a junior club of Rotary is all about! See you there! |
Chuck needs a couple of volunteers to help distribute dictionaries on Tuesday, November 6th. We will frequently be asking as he works out his schedule to deliver them to 3rd graders to about 18 schools to about 1,400 students. If you are able to help contact Chuck by text or phone at: (208) 989-4029 or shoot him an email at: TUESDAY’S SCHEDULE is as follows: 9:00 AM—Wilson Elementary, 400 E. Linden Ave, Caldwell 10:10 AM—Lincoln Elementary, 1200 Grant St, Caldwell 11:00 AM—Washington Elementary, 2918 Washington Ave, Caldwell |
Rotarians Chuck McHugh (left), Jerry Bauman (center), Jeff Hunsicker (right) and Leora Summers (photographer) made the club's first distribution of dictionaries to 3rd graders in Notus, Parma and Wilder on October 23rd as a part of Caldwell Rotary's commitment to literacy and supporting our area's youth. When the distribution is completed, about 1,400 third graders from 18 area schools in Canyon and Owyhee Counties will receive their own copy to keep. The kids were so excited to receive such a comprehensive book that not only included definitions, but also information about many topics of interest including sign language, solar system information, U.S. President biographies, times tables and others. Chuck could use some help this Tuesday, October 30th, delivering dictionaries: West Canyon (10ish—Call, text or email him for confirmation on this one), Homedale at 12:30pm, and Marsing at 2:30pm. If you are able to help contact him by phone: (208) 989-4029 or e-mail him at: |
PROGRAM FOR OCTOBER 31st!Cecilia Flores has invited Martiniano Gallo (Marti as we call him--far left in photo), our Rotary Youth Exchange Student, to be our speaker for our October 31st regular noon meeting at Kaley. He will talk about his experiences so far. He began his exchange with a bang, helping at our booth at the Caldwell Night Rodeo. Come hear and see our world through his eyes. |
Kiwanis has invited Rotary to join them at Kaley, October 18th, noon, for their regular meeting in lieu of our regular meeting the day before. So don't go to Rotary on Wednesday, October 17th. Their speaker will be Hollie Conde, Development and Communication Manager of Land Trust of the Treasure Valley. |
MEET NEW MEMBER--Geoffrey Hill!Geoff Hill (right) was welcomed as a new member into our club on Wednesday, October 10th with President-Elect Aaron Buck (center) officiating his induction with Wendy McClain (left) as his sponsoring member. Geoff is the Chief Financial Officer for West Valley Medical Center. His classification is: Administration-CFO. He lives in Nampa with his wife, Aleena, and they have three daughters and one son. He enjoys golfing, hiking and camping!
It will be great to have him with his expertise as a member of our club! Please greet and visit with him when you see him during our lunch meetings and make him feel welcome! |
MEMORIALS sent to C of IMemorial contributions were sent to honor two of our members to the College of Idaho in their names from our club. A $100 memorial contribution was sent to the C of I in memory of past member Charles Kerrick and a $100 contribution was sent to the Wally Lonergan Scholarship Fund to honor Wally. Both men had been longtime members of our club.
Charles passed away on July 1, 2018 at the age of 94. He would have been a member of our club for 68 years at the time of his death. He was president of our club in 1966 and was a Paul Harris Fellow +1. Wally passed away on August 27th, 2018 at the age of 90. He was a member of our club for 30 years and in charge of the club's Ambassadorial Scholarships for many of those years and also helped evaluate our scholarships for graduating high school seniors. He was a Paul Harris Fellow +1 also. |
Don't show up at Kaley on Wednesday, October 17th... as we will not be meeting on that day. In lieu, we will be meeting the next day. Kiwanis has invited us to a joint meeting with them at Kaley during their regular noon meeting (our regular meeting place).
Please reply ASAP with your headcount number (whether you are attending or not) by clicking on my email address:
We need to let the kitchen and Kiwanis know how many of us will be joining them on Thursday, October 18th!
Kiwanis has invited Hollie Conde, Development & Communication Manager for "Land Trust of the Treasure Valley" to be the speaker. The topic will cover "Open Space Conservation" throughout the Treasure Valley and maybe something about the Land and Water Conservation Fund re-authorization vote on September 30th.
ROTARY PROGRAM FOR OCT. 10th! This Wednesday, October 10th, noon at Kaley, Tyson Berg has invited Jacob Bower from Prime Sports Med, who began his chiropractic practice in Nampa and has recently opened a Caldwell location in the Indian Creek Plaza to be our speaker. Come hear what's new in chiropractic services in our community.
FREEDOM BREWFEST--RAMP IT UP!Caldwell Rotary Club's foundation is sponsoring its 2nd Annual FREEDOM BREWFEST this September 8th (1-6PM) at Caldwell's Indian Creek Plaza. Proceeds from this event benefit our area veterans and Caldwell community. Live music by Jake Leg, Soul Patch and Eighteen Strings with everything and anything from blues, to country rock, golden oldies and more will be played throughout the event. The event features Northwest Quality Beers with about 30 different beers to sample. Not a beer drinker? There will also be a couple of different wines and hard cider available. Foods will be available through Fiesta Guadalajara, Crazy Dog (last year's favorite), Gauchos (Argentinean menu), and El Segreto Pizza (wood-fired brick oven pizzas). A Henry's Lever Action 22 caliber rifle will be raffled off during the event along with other items. You need not be present to win. Raffle tickets are $10 each. Tickets for both the event and raffle can be purchased online at: With your ticket, you receive 15 brew tickets to sample the available beverages and a beverage mug. Tickets are $25 online or $30 at the door. You must be 21 or older to purchase tickets. Bring your friends! There is no admission charge to enjoy the music and food! Rotary plans to grow this event each year to bring a variety of beverages, music and food to Caldwell, Idaho to support our area veterans and community. |
ROTARY FREEDOM BREWFEST Aug 8--Buy Tickets Now! Caldwell Rotary Club's foundation is sponsoring its 2nd Annual FREEDOM BREWFEST this September 8th (1-6PM) at Caldwell's Indian Creek Plaza. Proceeds from this event benefit our area veterans and Caldwell community. Live music by Jake Leg, Soul Patch and Eighteen Strings with everything and anything from blues, to country rock, golden oldies and more will be played throughout the event. The event features Northwest Quality Beers with about 30 different beers to sample. Not a beer drinker? There will also be a couple of different wines and hard cider available. Foods will be available through Fiesta Guadalajara, Crazy Dog (last year's favorite), Gauchos (Argentinean menu), and El Segreto Pizza (wood-fired brick oven pizzas). A Henry's Lever Action 22 caliber rifle will be raffled off during the event along with other items. You need not be present to win. Raffle tickets are $10 each. Tickets for both the event and raffle can be purchased online at: With your ticket, you receive 15 brew tickets to sample the available beverages and a beverage mug. Tickets are $25 online or $30 at the door. You must be 21 or older to purchase tickets. Bring your friends! There is no admission charge to enjoy the music and food! Rotary plans to grow this event each year to bring a variety of beverages, music and food to Caldwell, Idaho to support our area veterans and community. |
NEED RSVP--District Governor Jennifer Deroin Party--Sep 19 We will be having a reception for our Rotary District Governor Jennifer Deroin so all can meet her and enjoy a social club event on September 19th at Stewarts Bar and Grill beginning at 5:30pm in lieu of a regular Rotary lunch meeting that same day. So mark your calendar! No regular noon meeting on September 19th! Come to Stewarts for some fun and socializing beginning at 5:30pm. Bring potential members and your significant other if able! Appetizers will be courtesy of the club. Drinks are on you. To RSVP, please click on this email:, and reply with your name and how many you will have attending that day. Include yourself and the names of the others please! Let's have a party!!! |
MEET ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE STUDENT--Marti Gallo!Photo: Marisela Pesina (Rotary Host Parent, far left) with Cecilia and other Rotary folks and family members greeted Rotary Youth Exchange Student Martiniano (Marti) Gallo (center with dark jacket) at the Boise International Airport upon his arrival in mid-August. As we said goodbye to Rotary Youth Exchange student Emilia Rioseco from Chile, Caldwell Rotary Club greeted Martiniano (Marti) Gallo from Argentina, who arrived in mid-August just in time to experience working in our concession booth at the Caldwell Night Rodeo. Although this was truly his “first rodeo,” during his time while working in the concession booth, he was taught the meaning of and to respond with the expression, “This isn’t my first rodeo,” when asked how to make a walking taco! He is sponsored by Caldwell Rotary Club and is attending Caldwell High School this 2018-19 year. He was greeted at the airport by Marisela Pesina, his first host parent, and a group of Rotarians and others. During this school year, Marti will be hosted by another family or two before the year is over, giving him different lifestyle experiences in our community and country. Rotary’s Youth Exchange Program is unique in that when a student from our district goes out to another country, an incoming student is accepted to be exchanged for that student and welcomed to a family and school district within our Rotary district. This is a true “exchange” program in every sense of the word. These programs create a better understanding of our world, one young person at a time, when they take their experiences and knowledge back to their country, creating bridges among nations. |
ONSITE VISIT to Caldwell Memorial Veterans HallROTARY ONSITE VISIT THIS WEEK August 22nd meeting--Caldwell Veterans Memorial Hall We will not be meeting at Kaley this Wednesday! This Wednesday, August 22nd, we will meet at our Caldwell Veterans Memorial Hall, 1101 Cleveland Blvd., and veteran Terry Harrell will show us the renovations and tell us about the services that will be provided for our area Veterans within this great facility. The visit will begin at noon and lunch will be provided. Thank you Bob Haunschild for arranging this meal! |
THANK YOU ROTARY RODEO WEEK VOLUNTEERS!.....and boy oh boy are we tuckered out! Special thanks to all our fellow and gal members and family members who volunteered during those hot, hot five nights, especially the core crew who worked every night, all night long: Jeff Hunsicker, Aaron Buck, Cecilia Flores, Marisela Pesina and especially Mike Dittenber who organized our booth. Yes there were others who showed up every day or almost every day like Barry Fujishin, Bob Haunschild, Tammy and Sadie Dittenber, Abby Rice and our Rotary Youth Exchange Student Marti Gallo! Thanks also to Leora and Sam Summers, Julie Roberts, Wendy McClain, Milon McDaniel, Bob Jenkins, Laura and Ann Anderson, Chuck McHugh, Tyson Berg, Arlene and Greg Evans, Shellye and Scott Wilson, John Blaisdell, Aaron Lamb, Mark Flitton, Rachel Buck, Denny Smith, Jerry Bauman, Brian Baughman, Jasmine Pesina, and Nina Puga and CHA staff! If I missed you, please let me know by clicking on my email address: We had a lot of fun working together to create funds for our community projects and got to know each other a little better in the process! Thank you all! |
MEET NEW 2018-19 CALDWELL ROTARY OFFICERS2017-18 Caldwell Rotary Club President Brian Baughman (far right) installed new officers for Rotary's 2018-19 year on July 18th. The new officers from left to right are as follows: Cecilia Flores was Secretary), Aaron Buck (President Elect) and Jeff Hunsicker (President). Unavailable for the photo was Julie Roberts (Treasurer). |
CALDWELL ROTARY CELEBRATES 2017-2018L to R: Barry Fujishin (Rotarian of the Year), Brian Baughman (2017-18 Club President), and Chuck McHugh (Outstanding Service Award). During the final meeting of Rotary’s 2017-18 Rotary year, members were recognized for their efforts and their eccentricities, with awards from “Rotarian of the Year” (Barry Fujishin) to “Your Wife Attended More Than You Did” (Greg Evans) to “Let Me Tell You a Story” (Marisela Pesina) to “Mozart” (Jeff Hunsicker) for his faithful excellent rendition of “My Country Tis of Thee” on the piano, and many more! It was a blast with President Brian Baughman at the helm this past year. Every meeting began with current events including news of “the good, the bad and the ugly!” Barry Fujishin was awarded the “Rotarian of the Year” award. He epitomized Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self” not only for club events, but also for his generous heart in his own community of Homedale. Barry was our Program Chairman, making sure all members secured their programs for our 50 meetings this past year and helping find meetings when things fell through. He volunteered for all events, from distributing dictionaries and 2nd grade books to our 1,400 students in each the third and second grade in 18 area elementary schools to helping in our rodeo booth, at our fishing derby and being our scholarship chairman and many and any other events and projects of our club. In Homedale, he and his wife Martha make breakfast every Saturday in the summer for kids in their community. He is a stellar dedicated man and we thank him for the role model he is for our members. Chuck McHugh, who has been a past “Rotarian of the Year” was awarded an “Outstanding Service Award.” Chuck organizes our Dictionary project, organizing purchases, school schedules for delivery to those 18 elementary schools receiving them, and organizes volunteers to help distribute them to those 1,400 students who received them. He also volunteers for every project the club is involved in. He sets up and takes down for our meetings and is the chairman for out Vocational Scholarship. Chuck is also the head of our Caldwell Rotary Foundation, which is currently organizing our “Freedom Brew Fest” to be held on September 8th down at our new Indian Creek Plaza, an event that will benefit the Caldwell Veterans Hall and other club community projects. These are just two of many Caldwell Rotarians who do so many things to give back to the community that has supported them and we are proud of all of them. |
CALDWELL ROTARY SCHOLARS HONOREDPhoto L to R: Scholarship Chair/Barry Fujishin, Technical-Trade Scholarship/Joseph Ineck, Academic Scholarship/Macee Carpenter, Academic Scholarship/Ivan Escobedo, Club President/Brian Baughman Caldwell Rotary Scholarship recipients were recognized during our May 9th regular Rotary meeting. Joseph Ineck of Marsing High School was awarded our Caldwell Rotary Club Technical/Trade Scholarship. He is the son of Jason and Kelly Ineck. He plans to attend TVCC to earn his certification in welding and mechanics. Congratulations to all our worthy recipients and their parents! Macee Carpenter of Notus High School was awarded a $1,000.00 Caldwell Rotary Academic Scholarship. She is the daughter of Scott and Jennifer Carpenter. She plans to attend the College of Idaho and to become an elementary school teacher. Ivan Escobedo was awarded a $1,000.00 Caldwell Rotary Club Academic Scholarship. He is the son of Alfredo and Horalia Escobedo. He plans to attend Idaho State University and to major in chemistry and biology and to then apply to medical school and hopes to become a family physician. |
Caldwell Rotary CFEO Golf Team Wins Award!Rotary Golf Team: Leora Summers, Andy McCluskey, Tom Church, Chuck McHugh and John Blaisdell! This was won due to number 1 of our Rotary 4 Way Test! Is it the Truth? I think the others must have all cheated! That's our story and we are sticking to it! |
Reminder--RYLA Applications Available to Members' FamiliesRYLA "Rotary Youth Leadership Award" Camp offered to youth related to club members! RYLA is a "Rotary Youth Leadership Award" camp that our club is offering the opportunity to youth related to our club members first. Our club's board has voted to sponsor 3 of our youth to be able attend RYLA. The cost is $375 for each sponsored camper and our club will pay for 3 youth to attend. RYLA is open to incoming high school juniors to outgoing high school seniors. Applications will be accepted until May 20th or when the camp is full. The dates for RYLA camp are July 26-29th. It is held at the College of Southern Idaho in Twin Falls. To find out more about RYLA and to find the online application for Idaho RYLA, go to |
Need RSVP for May 2nd Onsite VisitBob Jenkins has arranged an onsite tour on May 2nd of our upcoming Indian Creek Plaza and surrounding area. I will be ordering sack lunches from West Valley and need your headcount for this event. We will meet at noon at the Destination Caldwell office at 106 S. Kimball Avenue and have lunch before beginning the tour. Click on my email: and reply back whether or YAY or NAY if you plan to attend and if you plan to bring a guest. I need your information ASAP so I can alert the WVMC kitchen so we have enough lunches for all attendees! This should be a fun event for all. Bob owns the 212 South Kimball building and will tell us what is going on with that and other buildings that line the upcoming Plaza! |
Meet New Member Shellye Wilson!President Brian Baughman (left) with newly installed member Shellye Wilson (center) and Rotarian Jerry Bauman, her sponsor. Shellye Wilson, registrar for the Caldwell YMCA, was proudly inducted into Caldwell Rotary Club on April 16th during the regular noon meeting at the Kaley Center. Shellye's classification is Non-Profit-YMCA. Jerry Bauman was the sponsor who invited her to join our club. Shellye lives in Caldwell with her husband Scott. She and Scott have three children. She is a welcome addition to our club. |
APRIL 25th Program Announcement Rotarian Bob Haunschild has invited Denison Smith, chairman of Longevity Health Foundation, a new start-up foundation devoted to lowering health care costs through research and education, to present a program during our April 25th regular Rotary lunch meeting. Smith is a former assistant attorney general for the state of Idaho, staffer for Senator James McClure, and trustee of the Reason Foundation. He has over three decades of experience in investment banking, including as the former regional vice president of the Pioneer Fund of Boston, the fourth oldest mutual fund in the United States. So mark your calendar and come for some fellowship and fun with your fellow (and gal) Rotarians! |
Need Your District Raffle Money and Tickets ASAP!Please return your sold ticket stubs, unsold tickets and money from you District 5400 Raffle Ticket sales ASAP. Checks to: Caldwell Rotary Club. Remember to put your name as the seller of the ticket on the bottom of all your sold tickets to be able to also win the trip! If you also purchase the ticket that wins and sold it to yourself, you get to double down on that trip. Bring them to our Rotary meeting and give them to Leora. |
MEET NEW MEMBER AARON LAMB!Aaron Lamb was inducted into Caldwell Rotary Club on April 4th. He recently moved to Idaho and is a sales executive at Camping World of Caldwell. Currently he lives in Boise with his wife Nikki and they have 8 children. Aaron wanted to join Rotary because he was once on a foreign exchange when he was younger which was sponsored by a Rotary club and he was now at a point in time when he wanted to "give back" for that great experience and make a difference. We are proud to welcome him as a new member into our club. |
COME HELP PRESENT CHECK TO CALDWELL VETS!On Thursday evening, November 16th, at 7:00pm at the Sunrise Family Café (2601 Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell) our Rotary Club will be making a check presentation for $2,000.00 to our Caldwell Veterans Council during their regular dinner meeting. It would be great if a number of us would show up to help present the check to them. This donation was made possible from the proceeds from our Caldwell Rotary Foundation's Brew Fest held earlier this September. Please be there by 7:00pm if you are able to attend so we can make our presentation on the front end of their meeting. We will leave immediately following the presentation so they may continue with the rest of their business. |
DICTIONARY SCHEDULE this week!If you can help please show up this coming Tuesday to deliver dictionaries to the 3rd graders at the following schools. 9:30AM: Tuesday, November 14, West Canyon Elementary, 19548 Ustick Road, Caldwell. 1:00PM: Tuesday, November 14, Van Buren Elementary, 3115 Marble Front Road, Caldwell. |
DICTIONARY DELIVERIES--Tues, Nov 7th!Help is wanted to deliver dictionaries this Tuesday, November 7th, at 9:50AM at Lakeview Elementary, 12843 Cirrus Drive (off Lake Ave., off Hwy 55)! Please come if you are able to help. Thanks from Chuck McHugh! |
JOINT MEETING with Kiwanis--NOV 16! No Rotary on Wednesday, November 15th! Instead, we will be having a Joint Meeting with Kiwanis the next day, Thursday, November 16th. This will be a pre-Thanksgiving meeting to celebrate together rather than having a meeting for either one of our clubs during the actual Thanksgiving week. So Please Come and let's have a good "Rotary Showing!" If you haven't already RSVP'ed, we do need a headcount! Please click on my email address: to reply to me with a "Yay" or "Nay" if you haven't already. Let's show Kiwanis up and get a really good attendance from Rotarians during their meeting!!!! |
NOV 8th Program--Caldwell Fine Arts!Wendy McClain will present Alison Moulton, Executive Director for Caldwell Fine Arts, to be our speaker for our Wednesday, November 8th program. Alison will give us a preview of what to expect during this year's Fine Arts series. Come see what fine programs will be coming to our community and be a part of supporting them! |
2nd GRADE BOOK DELIVERIES BEGIN!Milon and Joyce McDaniel have already been hard at work purchasing the needed books, visiting with the 2nd grade teaches of the 18 elementary schools involved, and rounding us up for some of the deliveries up to date. The next delivery date will be Monday, October 9th at Desert Springs (18178 Santa Anna Ave, Nampa) at noon. They could sure use some help from members of our club. If you haven't tried this before, it is really fun to pass the books out to the 2nd graders. They are so excited. If you are able to do so, please click on this email address to let Milon know: or text or call him at: (208) 899-7066. |
LAW AND ORDER MONTH-Program Oct 11th!Last week's program was awesome! Caldwell Police Offlicer Lt. Joey Hoadley brought Officers Jerry George and Pete Troyer from the K-9 program and these two officers demonstrated how these drug-sniffing dogs did their job. The officers planted marijuana in a few places and Officer Jerry George (above) showed the members how his K-9 buddy sniffed it out. This week during our October 11th program, Police Chaplain Geoff Williams will present us with a program about how he fits into the functioning of our Caldwell Police Department. Come hear more about how our Caldwell Police Department functions as a whole. See you there! |
ROTARY BOARD MEETING SCHEDULEThis month's Rotary Board Meeting will be held at noon at the Sunrise Family Café in Caldwell. Future board meetings will be on the first Tuesday of the month at noon at the Sunrise Family Café restaurant. Members are always invited to attend if they wish to see the workings of our club and you can also earn an attendance make-up by attending! |
STILL NEED HEADCOUNT for Hope House & Fujishin Cellars Onsite Visit!On Wednesday, September 13th, we will not be having our regular noon meeting at Kaley, so don't come or you may starve to death! In its place we will be having an onsite visit. We will meet at HOPE HOUSE at 4:30pm for a tour of the facility and to learn of the services it provides for the kids and families of our area to be followed from 6:30-7:30pm with a wine tasting and cheese party at Fujishin Family Cellars Tasting Room on the way home. You may invite spouses, friends or folks you think might be a potential Rotarian, but I need your head count! Please RSVP with a "Yes" with your number attending or send your regrets. If you are not listed in the below RSVP lists below, I need to hear from you. To RSVP please click on this email address: Attending RSVPs so far includes the following people: 2-Brian Baughman 1-Patrick Baumgart 2-Aaron Buck 1-Mike Dittenber 1-Barry Fujishin 1-Gina Lujack (maybe 1 more) 2-Chuck McHugh 2-Dick Roberge 1-Julie Robets REGRETS Wendy McClain Tyson Berg Jeff Hunsicker Bob Jenkins Directions to Hope House: Take Karcher Road/Hwy 30? to go to Marsing Cross Marsing Bridge to town. Turn left at the Dollar Store onto the Old Bruneau Highway Go 4 miles to the old Job Corp Center Enter gate that says, "A Home to Come To" Meet at first Building on your right! |
SEP 6th Program: Jan Boles, C of I Archivist!Jan Boles, C of I Archivist to talk!Jan Boles, C of I Archivist, will be our speaker this coming Wednesday, September 6th. He will enlighten us about the Plowshares Project-Nukes in Owyhee County. This should be a very interesting program, so please come hear this presentation and find out more about this issue. Jan visited our club as a guest of Barry Fujishin this past meeting to meet some of our group. |
Aug 30th Program: BILL CROOKHAM-The Crookham CompanyBill Crookham of The Crookham Company will be our speaker this week. He will talk about the history of The Crookham Company, the company that was begun by his father, George Crookham Sr, and George's brother, Frank, who was a longtime member of our club. The Crookham Company has been a long time employer and business in our community for many many years. They have been wonderful community partners supporting youth through soccer and other projects. Come hear Bill talk about the company. He is a very enjoyable person to listen to, so please attend! |
Rotary Youth Exchange Student Emilia Arrives!She's here! And she's staying with Mike and Tammy Dittenber and will be attending Middleton High School this school year. Her name is Emilia and she is from Chile. Wendy McCain is her Rotary Youth Exchange Counselor and Mike is our Rotary Youth Exchange Officer for our club and he and Tammy are her first "host family." She has already been put to work helping at the Rotary concession booth at the Caldwell Night Rodeo! She will be on the Middleton girl's soccer team. If anyone in the club would be interested in being her second "host family," contact Mike. Middleton is an open district, so you don't need to live in the Middleton School District. Hosting is a fun and exciting experience. You benefit and learn a lot from the student you host. It widens your world. Mike will sometime bring her to Rotary to meet all of us. |
This Week's Program: Dan Puga of "In Time Tech"
Fun at the Rodeo!A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL WHO WORKED IN OUR BOOTH AT THE RODEO! The new streamlined menu sure made it less congested and easier to get our product out. Sometimes it was fast and furious and then there were the times when you could breathe. We had good help. Thank you all for your help, especially to those who worked tirelessly every night. |
Scott Gipson, Caxton CEO speaks on Aug 9th!Scott Gipson, CEO of Caxton Printing, will be the guest speaker for this week's August 8th's noon meeting at Kaley on the corner of S. 10th/Logan in Caldwell. This family business has been in Caldwell for many, many years and I believe that Scott is the 3rd generation of family running this business. He is always interesting and fun to listen to, so come hear about one of our community's most long term businesses and about the life of this prominent CEO. Scott is a neighbor and friend to many. |
Upcoming Rodeo and Changes-Help Needed!It's that time again! The Caldwell Night Rodeo is coming and our Rotary booth will be up and running as usual with some changes! The process will be streamlined due to a new streamlined menu to reduce some of the worker and preparation congestion that we have had in our booth in the past. This will make getting our products out much more efficient and take less workers in our booth at once. This event comes once a year and is our biggest club fundraiser so if President Brian calls you, if you are able, please rise to the occasion and help. The Rodeo runs from Monday (slack night) August 14-Saturday, August 15th. One big change is the way that we will enter the Rodeo as volunteers. We no longer enter at the concession gate to the right of the main gate. We are asked to enter at the main gate, but we will need a "Concession" ticket which we will want you to pick up if possible from Brian Baughman prior to your work date. If you were unable to pick one up prior, let Brian Baughman know and we will make arrangements for someone to meet you at the gate to give you one. If you are able to help and have not yet signed up, you can call Brian at (208) 631-1120 or email him at: |
Rotary District Gov Terry Jones came to visit!Rotary District Governor for 2017-18, Terry Jones of Emmett, came to visit our club's noon meeting on August 2nd. He calls himself, "Terry from the Dairy," thus the displayed Holstein cowbell and cow centerpiece display in front of him and club president Brian Baughman. Terry is a farmer and rancher in Emmett. One point he made in his discussion with the board prior to the regular luncheon was that Rotary needs to change with the times and clubs must learn to adapt to the needs of the upcoming members rather than members adapting to the mold of our clubs these days in order to grow. Many other ideas were discussed during that meeting that will be considered regarding the types of memberships possible. He also discussed how a new "coat of paint" can spruce up an old project and infuse new energy into it. It was a pleasure to meet him and introduce our District 5400 2017-18 Terry Jones to our club. |
Paul Harris Fellow upgrades for Summers and McClainDuring a recent Rotary noon meeting President Brian Baughman recognized recipient Leora Summers with a Paul Harris Fellow+2 and Wendy McClain with a Paul Harris Fellow+1, meaning that Leora has earned 3,000 recognition points and Wendy has earned 2,000 recognition points for contributions and points donated from others to the Rotary Foundation's Annual Funds. Rotary Foundation's Annual Funds is Rotary's vehicle that funds our matching grants and is the working arm of our International club that funds worldwide projects centering around the health, education and livelihood of our world neighbors in need and projects in our own back yard. Caldwell Rotary Club has been the recipient of matching funds for both our 2nd Grade Book program and our Dictionary program for 3rd graders. So we do benefit locally through our donations an through the donation of others to The Rotary Foundation. This foundation does serve us in our own communities, so if you currently do not contribute, it would be greatly appreciated that you consider this as a member to help make our community and world a better place for all. After all, Rotary's model is "Service Above Self!" |
Chris Batt Installs New Club Officers!During our June 28th club meeting, President Chris Batt installed Cecelia Flores as Secretary and Brian Baughman as President for the 2017-18 Rotary Year. Brian Baughman had been serving in Chris's place for last part of May and June since Chris moved to the Nampa office as manager for Idaho Independent Bank there. We enjoyed having Chris back during this meeting to perform his last duties as club president for the 2016-17 Rotary year! Good Luck in you new position Chris and congratulations Cecilia and Brian! |
Chuck Randolph is speaker for July 19th!Chuck Randolph will be our guest speaker on July 19th. He will speak about the Caldwell Foundation for Education Organization and its role in helping students and education in Caldwell Schools. Come welcome him and see what that golf tournament for CFEO is all about. |
Quiet Rotarian and Rotarian of the Year Awards During the June 28th meeting Barry Fujishin was awarded "The Quiet Rotarian" award (top photo). He has shown the "Spirit of Rotary" since the day he joined, volunteering whenever needed, be it the dictionary or 2nd grade book distribution, the rodeo concession booth, the fishing derby and he took over the academic scholarship evaluations and selection which is a difficult and time consuming job. He jumped right in with both feet when he joined not that long ago. Congratulations and thank you Barry for your serving spirit! Leora Summers was awarded the "Rotarian of the Year." She has been on the board and the secretary of our club for many years and has served in many ways during her 20 years in Rotary. She will now enjoy sitting with our members during our lunch meetings watching Cecilia Flores sit up front as club secretary with President Brian Baughman. |
NO REGULAR MEETING--CHA Onsite Visit on May 17th!Rotary's onsite visit to Caldwell Housing Authority is Wed, May 17, Noon. Lunch included. The physical address for Caldwell Housing Authority is 22730 Farmway Road.
Three Scholarships Awarded! During our May 19th Rotary Meeting our scholarship winners were announced. President Chris Batt (center) introduced Beau Maimer (left in top photo) and Elizabeth Biggins (right) to our group and presented them with their awards. Beau is a senior at Vallivue High School and is planning to attend the University of Utah. He is interested in Pre-law or Journalism. His parents are Paul and Heidi Maimer. Elizabeth Biggins is a senior at Parma High School. She plans to go to the College of Southern Idaho in Twin Falls. She plans to become a Veterinarian Technician. Her parents are Thomas Biggns Jr. and Beki Van Zelf. Grant Stockett (lower photo), a senior at Parma High School. He is the son of Jared and Lori Stockett. He will be attending Idaho State University to begin working on his interest, Nuclear Engineering. There were so many good candidates to choose from and we thank Chuck McHugh, Barry Fujishin and Leora Summers for their efforts to select recipients for these scholarships. Congratulations goes out to these promising young people and Caldwell Rotary Club can be proud that they helped them begin this process. |
Tim Rosandick Receives Paul Harris Fellow Award |
RSVP Reminder for ONSITE VISIT on April 19 at UI IncubatorIf you haven't already, I need your RSVP. I sent out a separate e-mail this morning. I listed all the yes and regrets there. Check your email to see if you RSVP'ed. If you haven't, please let me know whether or not you plan to attend. Reply with a "0" if you are not coming (example: Leora-0). If you are, please reply with your name and the number of folks including yourself that you will be bringing (example: Leora-3). Our onsite visit is to the U of I Business and Technology Incubator, this Wednesday, April 19th, at 4:00pm. The Incubator is located at 1904 E. Chicago Street in Caldwell. It is a place of industry where folks from around utilize their services to create products for their small businesses. I am not sure what all is being "cooked" up at this time, but Jim Toomey told us that there are a lot of interesting ventures going on in there. You are encouraged to bring a potential Rotarian or friend or significant other to enjoy the tour. Thanks for your help getting this headcount for Jim Toomey and the onsite visit at the UI Incubator. |
COME TO ROTARY-The Meals are Amazing..... |
Barry Fujishin Receives his PHF Award |
Program this week--Caldwell Veterans' Memorial Hall UpdateJohn Muirhead, vice-chairman from the Caldwell Veterans' Council will be our program this week. He will describe the renovations that the CVC is making at the Carnegie Library building at 1101 Cleveland Blvd. When renovations are complete, the building will house classrooms, offices and meeting rooms to assist Treasure Valley veterans from all branches. Please come hear him speak.
READ-Onsite Visit at Summit Seed after Lunch at KayleyThis August 5th, we will meet at Kaley as usual to eat and then we will caravan over to Summit Seed (5 minute drive) for our first onsite visit of the year at Su Barclay's business for a walk through of the seed coating process that goes on at Summit Seed.
Members have asked for more "onsite" visits and we will start off with this one. If you have a business that you would like to share with the members with an "onsite visit," let us know.
The address for Summit Seed is 710 N. 11th. When you drive north on South 10th from Kaley, turn right on N. 11th Street (at Pizza Hut). It is at the end of 11th. Come to lunch at Kayley and let Stu share his business with you afterward. Thanks Stu!
July 29 Program-Gates of HopeTyson Berg has invited Joel Ryman, Director at Gates of Hope, a local organization that has ties to refugees in Kenya and helps them get integrated in the Treasure Valley will be our speaker on July 29th. Come!
Meet New Member Wendy McClain!Meet Newest Member Wendy McClain!Wendy McClain was inducted into membership in our club on July 1st. Her sponsor was Leora Summers. She is the Director of Marketing and Community Relations at West Valley Medical Center. Her classification is Public Relations. Wendy's mother and father came to witness her initiation. Her dad is a Rotarian in a Boise club and now with Wendy joining our club, she has become a 3rd generation Rotarian in her family. Wendy lives in Middleton with her husband, Jim, and their two teenagers, a daughter and a son. Wendy is involved in Destination Caldwell and the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce. She has interest in Musical Theater, Caldwell Fine Arts and she likes to travel. She is already on our newly formed Program Committee along with Bob Carpenter, Jim Thomssen and Tim Rosandick. Way to go Wendy! Please introduce yourselves to her and welcome her to our club.
Your 2015-16 Caldwell Rotary Club OfficersYour elected club officers for the 2015-16 Rotary year are:
Immediate Past President-Michael Hensel
President-Mike Dittenber
President Elect-Chris Batt
Vice President-Eric Boyum
Co-Treasurers-Chris Batt and Michael Hensel (Treasurer in Training)
Secretary-Leora Summers
Program Committee: Wendy McClain, Jim Thomssen, Bob Carpenter, Tim Rosandick
The Program Committee will begin organizing programs of interest after they get organized. Until then we will follow the July through September schedule of member assignments, unless the committee get organized sooner.
Tell any one of these members if you have a special interest in hearing a particular topic or if you have a speaker and topic of general interest for them to put in their line-up.
Patrick Baumgart-Rotarian of the Year!Patrick Baumgart is Rotarian of the Year!Patrick Baumgart was honored at the July 1st meeting as our club's "Rotarian of the Year" for the 2014-15 Rotary Year. Patrick is always there when available. His mantra is "Just Say Yes" and he is the epitome of that. He has been involved in every activity that Rotary is a part of. We congratulate him and thank him for all he has done for our club. He models the attitude that we should all strive for. Thank you Patrick! Continue the good work you do.
Laurie Henberg Says Hello!I just received this note from Laurie Henberg and wanted to pass it on to all of you! She and Marv went on a river cruise in Europe, and are still on it
Laurie Henberg Update!Hey Leora! We're in Budapest where it is bloody hot, but the ship has good A/C. The trip has been wonderful so far, with excellent food, accommodations and service. Budapest is a stunning city, this morning we took a bus tour and saw some of the highlights, but you could spend days here. We have two more nights in port, then go up to Vienna.
Last night the crew had a special dinner for the 4th, and we sang the national anthem with lots of little flags decorating the ship. Then the crew put on a humorous show, with funny little skits.
How are you doing..I bet Caldwell is hot too. Tell Rotary hello for me! Laurie
New Rotary Begins July 1Mike Dittenber Becomes New President!New Rotary year begins July 1 with Mike Dittenber at the helm.Come and welcome Mike as your new president beginning on this Wednesday and hear his inaugural program, introducing himself as our new president and maybe hearing some of his plans for this next year.
Let's give him a hearty welcome at the helm!
June 24th Program-End of Year Awards & MoreEveryone that comes to Rotary this week will receive something to celebrate the end of our Rotary 2014-15 calendar year. Michael Hensel will give the program and give awards. Come see who will be your officers for the next year and thank the officers of this year. Mike Dittenber will become our new president officially on the first meeting in July which begins our new Rotary year. Come enjoy lunch and receive your prize for attending!
June 17 Program--Idaho Youth ChalleNGe AcademyTim Rosandick has organized a speaker for the June 17th program. The program is about the Idaho Youth ChalleNGe Academy (IDYCA), a program for 16 to 18 year old teens that are at risk of dropping out or have already dropped out of high school. This program was established under authority of both federal and state law. It is a division of the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program. (I thought "ChalleNGe" had a typo in it with the capital "NG" in the middle, but now I get it! "National Guard!") Check it out and socialize with your Rotary friends!
June 10 Program-Canyon county Community ClinicRotarian Bruce Krosch invited Tom Bowman, executive director of the Canyon County Community Clinic for our June 10th meeting.
Tom will speak to the club about the clinic and the services it provides. This should be an informative program. Put it on your calendar.
Opera Elect Fundraiser at The Bird Stop, June 19th!For a fun evening in downtown Caldwell, go see Opera Elect! on June 19th @ 7:30pm at The Bird Stop. Opera Elect will be singing, and The Birdstop will be providing dessert/drinks. Awesome auction items! Ranging from local art to a brand new Kindle! Tickets- $20 (includes dessert/ drink ticket). Buy/reserve tickets by calling The Bird Stop at (208) 989-1140.
Laurie Henberg's Last Meeting This WeekThe day has come when we say goodbye to special lady, Laurie Henberg. This is her last Caldwell meeting that she will be attending.She and Marv will be taking off into the sunset as he has retired as president of the College of Idaho. Very soon their new journey begins.Come say goodbye and wish her well. |
ATTENTION! July-August-Sept Program Assignments!
July 1 Mike Dittenber: goals
8 Chris Batt 15 Tyson Berg 22 Jonathan Yoshizaki 29 Juneal Kerrick Aug 5 Stu Barclay 12 Wayne Johnson 19 Brian Baughman 26 Doug Reinke Sept 2 Dave Beck 9 Mark Flitton 16 Bruce Krosch 23 Patrick Baumgart 30 Jerry Bauman |
June 3 Program--Commissioner Tom Dale--Canyon County PerspectiveBob Carpenter has invited Commissioner Tom Dale to be our speaker this Wednesday. Commissioner Dale will give his perspective on Canyon County. This should be an interesting program. Come hear what's happening in our area.
Program--Canyon County Commissioner Tom Dale To SpeakBob Carpenter invited Commissioner Tom Dale to be our speaker this Wednesday.Commissioner Dale will give his perspective on Canyon County.This should be an informative and interesting program.Come, enjoy and get informed!
Caldwell Youth Baseball Association-Needs ContributionsDear All,
There are a few kids who are unable to afford their uniforms in the Caldwell Youth Baseball Association (CYBA) and I am asking for contributions to help them buy them. If you are able to donate, any amount is appreciated. It all adds up when put together with other contributions. The CYBA will also be having car washes to help purchase these uniforms. If you are able, please click on my e-mail link as follows: or call me at (208) 740-7398.
Checks are to be written to: CYBA, and in the memo area, put "All Star Teams-Rotary Club." The tax ID number is: 32-042331.The donations may be given to me or mailed to CYBA, P.O. Box 1388, Caldwell, ID 83606.
May 27 Program-Bryan Taylor, Canyon County Prosecutor This week's speaker on Wednesday, May 27th is Bryan Taylor Canyon County prosecutor (presented by Patti Syme). It is always a pleasure to hear Bryan.
May 13th Program-Mountaineering in IdahoOn May 13, 2015 Greg Pence will introduce our program speaker, Brad Brooks, who will give a presentation of mountaineering in Idaho and the White Clouds. Brooks has extensive experience in mountaineering and rock climbing. He will talk about his expeditions and bring examples of the equipment that he uses. Come hear this great program.
May 6th Program--Idaho Youth Ranch Building ProjectLaurie Henberg invited Steve Woodworth, CEO of the Idaho Youth Ranch, to tell us about the recently announced a major building project for the Idaho Youth Ranch in the Caldwell area. Come join your fellow Rotarians for this informative meeting. |
Laurie Henberg Becomes Paul Harris Fellow +1Laurie Henberg received her Paul Harris Fellow (+1) during our Caldwell Rotary Foundation's "Western Spring Wing Ding" fundraiser. Husband Marv Henberg donated $1,000 in her name to The Rotary Foundation/Annual Funds to honor Laurie for his admiration of her dedication to our community through Caldwell Rotary Club. Marv and Laurie will be moving to their home in Sun River, Oregon, upon Marv's retirement at the end of the C of I's school year. I don't know what we will do without them. Congratulations Laurie, and thank you Marv for your generosity to Rotary's mission.
April 22 Program-Air National Guard's Future ProposalRebecca Hupp from the Idaho Air National Guard will be our speaker this Wednesday. She will report on the Air National Guard at Gowen Field, and the future proposal to change the mission of the 124th Wing. Come hear all about it and join your fellow Rotarians for lunch! |
April 15th Program-What's New at the Caldwell LibraryJerry Bauman will present someone from the Caldwell Public Library to let us know what's new with programming at the library. Libraries are changing these days to keep up with the times. Our library does have some new features. We will hear about the changes from the librarians so come hear what's going on at the Caldwell Public Library.
Guys and Ties--April 29th Program On April 29th Joe Grover, founder of the "Guys and Ties" program at Wilson Elementary will be our speaker. Come hear about this great program that empowers 5th grade boys to become gentlemen and encourages them to succeed through a series of formal monthly luncheons with motivational speakers.
If you have a donation of white dress shirts, ties, and belts, bring them to this meeting. The sizes needed are for boys who are 10 years old, so not grown man sizes for shirts or belts. The shirts do not need to be new and can have either short or long sleeves. The ties can be rejects from your closets.
We will present the donation to Joe Grover for his Guys and Ties program during his April 29th presentation. This is a surprise, so if you know Joe or people from that program, do not say anything about this.
April 8 Program-C of I Service Project in South AfricaFellow Rotarian Scott Johnson will be introducing a member of the Enactus club ( a club of business majors) from the College of Idaho who participated in a project to help set up a computer literacy program for underserved children in South Africa. This student will describe the experiences in setting up that program. Please come hear about this project from the other side of our world through the eyes of someone who was actually there.
April 1 Program-Rotary Project in MexicoBob Vernon invited Rotarians Les and Barb Jensen, who participated in a Rotary project in Mexico, to be our speakers this Wednesday. They will describe their experience. I am curious to hear what they have been doing there. Come hear what it is about.
RYLA Applications Due April 15th
Academic and Technical Trade Scholarship Applications Due April 15th Caldwell Rotary Club has three $1,000 scholarship applications available online, two academic scholarships and one technical-trade scholarship.
Academic scholarships are for students continuing their education for a four year academic degree that will result in a Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Arts degree in an Idaho school. You may begin your study at a junior college, but must enter a four year institution to finish the academic degree.
The Technical-Trade Scholarship application is for students continuing in a trade school (anywhere in the U.S.) or two year associate program, like dental hygienist, mechanics, some nursing programs, cosmetology, barber, or many other trades that do not require a 4 year college degree.
You can find the applications online by going to: Scroll down the left side bar to the Home Page Download File box. Click on the scholarship you choose to apply for, print it, fill it out completely, include all required materials requested, and mail it by April 15th to: Caldwell Rotary Club, P.O. Box 24, Caldwell, ID 83606.
March 25 Program-Growth of Dairy Industry in ValleyChuck McHugh will introduce Bernie Tunison (United Dairymen) who will speak to the topic of the growth of the dairy industry in our valley.
It should be a really "moo-ving" talk! So come!!!
March 18th Program-Big Brothers Big Sisters of IdahoDuring our Mar 18th regular Rotary meeting, Sam Murray will be our speaker. He is a recruiting specialist for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Idaho. He will talk about the organization and its mission, and opportunities for volunteer participation.
Put Rotary into your schedule. We hope to see you there.
We Need Silent Auction Items for April Fundraiser by April 15th! During our Spring Wing Ding fundraiser, we will have a silent auction. Please make up a "Theme Basket" of goodies or donate something fun for the auction. You can even look in your basement or garage for something "auction worthy." Remember, "one man's junk is another man's treasure!" Or you can purchase items to donate to the silent auction. If you need an idea, you could go with the western theme, but anything will work and will be appreciated.
You can bring your donation to Rotary and we will store them at the Valli Information building. We want to get everything in order prior to the event, as we only have an hour to get the party put together on that date.
If you are unable to donate something to the auction or cannot attend the event, you can donate your dollars to help make this fundraiser a success. Checks to: Caldwell Rotary Foundation!
Rotary's "Western Spring Wing Ding" Fundraiser Our Caldwell Rotary Foundation will be sponsoring a "Western Spring Wing Ding" fundraiser on April 18th at Simplot Dining Hall on the College of Idaho campus.
The party will begin at 6:30 p.m. with socializing and time to look at our silent auction items. Dinner will begin at 7:00 p.m. We will be honoring the College of Idaho during this party. Dancing will follow. Tickets are $35 per person (It is a fundraiser). More details later on how to purchase tickets later.
If you are unable to attend, we would gladly accept your donation to: "Caldwell Rotary Foundation." Our Caldwell Rotary Foundation is a 501c3 organization. It is through our Caldwell Rotary Foundation that we are able to provide our Dictionary Program, where we give 1,400 dictionaries to 3rd grade students in Canyon and Owyhee Counties. Please help make this fundraiser successful and invite your friends. This is a community event.
March 4 Program-Firearms from Revolution to Civil WarOn March 4th, Greg Evans will present speakers Gregory Kershul and Private Jonathan Wood. Kershul and Wood will present tactics and muzzle-loading firearms of the U.S. from the Revolution through the Civil War. This should be exciting! Come see this unusual program!
DAVID JOHNSON CHRISTMAS EVE DAY BLOOD DRIVE Caldwell Rotary Club's "David Johnson Memorial Blood Drive" will be held on December 24th at the Church of Christ on the corner of South 10th Avenue and Ustick in Caldwell. Appointments begin at 9 a.m. and end at 2 p.m.
We need one more volunteer to help with the Blood Drive from 1 pm-3 pm to be able to help with shut down and clean-up. To volunteer for that last position, call Jerry Bauman at (208) 794-1227 or email him at:
To make an appointment time, call Carole Munn at (208) 459-1423. If no one answers, leave a message and Carole will call you back to confirm your appointment. To reduce "double booking" of appointments, please do not sign up online or through texting. Have your employees and family members call to sign up! This year's goal is 90 pints.
This annual Christmas Eve blood drive was begun in 1985 to memorialize past Caldwell Rotary Club member, David Johnson, who died on Christmas Eve in 1984. Johnson, who was 40 years old at the time, was severely injured at his business, ACE Supply Inc. He was unhooking a scraper from his vintage John Deere tractor, which he had been using to scrape snow from parking lots at the College of Idaho. It was a Sunday afternoon, and he was alone, and by the time he was found, he had lost a large amount of blood.
On that night, Caldwell Rotarians lined the halls of Caldwell Memorial Hospital, now known as West Valley Medical Center, to donate blood in Johnson's name to help save his life. Unfortunately Johnson died and ever since then, Caldwell Rotary Club has joined with the Red Cross to have this annual blood drawing, not only to honor David Johnson, but also to bring attention to the increased need for blood during the holiday season.
Give the "gift of life" for a bowl of that great West Valley Medical Center's famous stew! Call ASAP to make an appointment to donate blood during the "David Johnson Memorial Blood Drive" this Christmas Eve day.
THANK YOU ROTARIAN "RINGERS"! Thank you Rotarians for ringing the bell this last Saturday, November 29th. The weather worked for us this year. It was fairly warm and mild.
If anyone didn't get a chance to contribute and still wants to, write your check to "The Salvation Army" and you can mail it to "Caldwell Rotary Club, P.O. Box 24, Caldwell, ID 83606", and we will deliver it to the Salvation Army so Rotary will get the credit for our "Ringing Day".
Thank you Ringers! Mike & Sadie Dittenber, Jerry Bauman & Todd Kern family, Gina Lujack, Dick Roberge, Chuck McHugh, Tim Rosandick, Vaugh Wagoner's family, Michael & Paige Hensel, Greg Evans, Jim Thomssen, Doug & Debbie Reinke, Milon & Joyce McDaniel and grandkids, Bob Jenkins & family, Leora & Sam Summers, and Carl Anderson.
DEC 10th Music Program-Need RSVP and Hosts for Students Director Gini Rosandick, member Tim's wife, will be bringing her string players to help us kick off our holiday season with some great music at our December 10th meeting. Gini is a well-respected string teacher in the Northwest and has received many accolades.
We will be hosting the musicians as our guests for lunch. I need 13 members to host a guest meal ($9.75) for one of our musicians.
To host a musician lunch, please reply to Leora at:
I hope to have 13 commitments before the meeting, and if not, I will ask individuals at the meeting.
You are also invited to bring a guest to enjoy the music with you. I will need a headcount from everyone if you intend to come with or without a guest.
I need to make sure we have enough chow for everyone, so please send me an e-mail with your headcount by Friday. I may have to send out an extra e-mail, as I want to hear from each and every one of you one way or another. Thanks for your reply! Leora
DEC 3rd SPEAKER-C of I President, Marv HenbergThis Wednesday, Dec 03, 2014, Laurie Henberg will introduce C of I President, Marv Henberg, as our speaker. Marv is doing his farewell tour, describing the state of the College of Idaho. The College of Idaho has evolved in many ways since Marv has taken the helm, academically and athletically. Come hear where the college stands today upon the heels of Marv and Laurie's departure at the end of this school year in May 2015.
PATRICK QUINN'S BOOK ORDER INFORMATIONIf you attended last week's program, our speaker, Pat Quinn, discussed his recently published book, "Canyon County Celebration". His book had not yet arrived for sale, so if you are interested in purchasing the historical account of Canyon County, you can order your copy by calling Pat at (208) 870-5975 or sending him an e-mail at:
2nd GRADE BOOK PROJECT UPDATE & THANKS! As of this last Thursday, we have completed about half of our deliveries of chapter books to second graders in our area. We will resume after the new year. Every year, Milon and Joyce McDaniel, go to the Scholastic Book sales to get the best deal on purchasing these books. Then in the fall, they go to every second grade in our 18 chosen schools in Canyon and Owyhee counties, and visit each teacher whose students will be receiving these books. The teacher then goes through the variety of books, and selects a book for each individual student in his/her classroom according to their interests, and puts their name on them for our club member volunteers to come back to hand them out to those students at a later date.
The kids are so excited to receive their very own book to keep. One of the 2nd grade teachers told us this last Thursday, when we delivered books, that sometimes this is the very first book that some of these children have ever owned, and this meant so much to them. It is very rewarding to hand out these books as a Rotarian. When Milon starts the deliveries again after the new year, sign up if you have never had the opportunity to do this yet. It is so much fun.
We thank those who volunteered for this half of the delivery cycle: Leora Summers, Laurie Henberg, Jerry Bauman, ,Chuck McHugh, Mike Dittenber, Tyson Berg, Jeff Hunsicker, Eric Boyum, Brent Church, Greg Evans, and Joyce and Milon. Special thanks to Milon and Joyce for organizing this and being there for every delivery.
DICTIONARY PROJECT UPDATE! The delivery of the dictionaries to 1,400 students in our area third grade is all but completed with only Greenleaf to go. Many thanks to our Rotary volunteers and their family members that helped deliver these books. Deliveries were made to 18 schools in both Canyon and Owyhee counties. The school districts covered by our club included Caldwell, Vallivue, Homedale, Marsing, Greenleaf, Parma, and Notus.
Those helping with deliveries were Chuck McHugh, Jon Yoshizaki, Laurie Henberg, Patrick Baumgart, Dave Beck, Tyson Berg, Eric Boyum, Brent Church, Mike Dittenber, Greg Evans, Chantele Hensel, Jeff Hunsicker, Shane Bauges, Wayne Johnson, Milon and Joyce McDaniel, Dick Roberge, and Jerry Bauman.
A big thanks goes to Patrick Baumgart, who put the Rotary stickers in most of the dictionaries, and helped Chuck McHugh load most of them into the car on delivery days. We also thank Bob Jenkins who provided us with the storage place until delivery.
11/26 PROGRAM-AUTHOR PATRICK QUINNDick Roberge has invited author, Patrick Quinn, who has written a history of our county, titled Canyon County Celebration, to be our speaker on November 26th. Patrick will talk about the process of research and writing the book, and will have copies for sale. Patrick's hard-cover book features 216 full-color pages that detail the county’s history, including information on local native cultures through present day. Topics include the Oregon Trail, the Union Pacific Railroad, important landmarks, businesses and the College of Idaho. This should be an interesting program. Please attend if you are in town. |
C of I's CENTER OF EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING Jennifer Riddle, Director of the Center of Experiential Learning, at the College of Idaho, spoke to us this last week about that program. The CEL helps students with internship placements, studies abroad, and other aspects of career preparation. The experiences abroad help the students learn to adapt to new situations and boosts their confidence outside their main area of study. They are immersed in other cultures for studies in their majors and minors.
At the CEL, there is an "Interactive Job Board" at "Coyote Connection Live", where employers list jobs available in their companies, and students can connect with them.
Students at the College of Idaho get a true "fine arts" education, as they are required to achieve 3 minor academic areas along with their major. This helps the student be able to list their skills in more than one area, and helps them be open to employment not necessarily in their main field of study. Sometimes the job market doesn't cooperate within the field they studied, and the student has a broader scope of skills to draw from and their opportunities are not as limited. The C of I is unique in this academic requirement of students.
NOV 19 PROGRAM-C of I Center for Experiencial LearningOur speaker this Wednesday, November 19th, will be Jennifer Riddle.
She has recently joined the staff at the College of Idaho as the Director of the Center of Experiential Learning.
The CEL helps students with internship placements, studies abroad, and other aspects of career preparation.
Come find out what experiences are available to students at the College of Idaho, and how this program gives them a "leg up" in the job market.
ROTARY'S SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING-November 29th If you haven't had the chance to sign up to help and you are in town, please look for times available in the e-mail that I have sent out to all of you. I will update the available slots every few days to see how far we can fill the places and times for Saturday, November 29th from 10 a.m. through 4 p.m.
This is the most difficult date to fill, as it is during the weekend of Thanksgiving. I will fill places completely before adding new places, and what we cannot fill, I will have the Salvation Army put their people in those places.
This is the date when we contribute individually to the Salvation Army during our ringing day. If you are unable to ring the bell and would like help Rotary get credit for the contributions on that day, please write your check to "The Salvation Army" and give it to Leora, or mail it to our club address: Caldwell Rotary Club, P.O. Box 24, Caldwell, ID 83606, and it will be put in the pot on that day for you.
We have a friendly competition with the other clubs during the ringing season to see who can raise the most money on their ringing day. Whether we win or not, the community wins through our efforts.
ANDREW FUJIMOTO PROGRAM UPDATE Andrew Fujimoto, CEO of AmeriBen IEC Group, spoke to us this last week about integrity and ethical values in business. His company specializes in effective human resource management and the resulting impact on the bottom line.
There was a lot of lively discussion after Andy had us fill out a 13 question survey on whether or not we individually thought the posed situations were ethical or not. There was a lot of diversity in the choices within our group. From this, the topic of "situational" ethics, came up. We definitely had "food for thought".
The three basic concepts that came from this are as follows:
1. Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless.
2.Knowledge without integrity is dangerous.
3. Integrity is standing up for what is right even if the cost is great.
Rotary's "4 Way Test" is a great tool to help maintain integrity and ethical values in business.
NOV 12 PROGRAM-Andrew Fujimoto, Management & HR ConsultantAndrew Fujimoto, CEO of AmeriBen IEC Group, will be our speaker this week.
His company specializes in effective human resource management and the resulting impact on the bottom line.
This should be an interesting and informative program, so mark your calendars, and come to lunch this Wednesday to hear him speak.
2nd GRADE BOOK DELIVERY NEEDS VOLUNTEERSMilon McDaniel has set the following dates/times/places for 2nd grade book deliveries.
If you are able to volunteer to help at any of these times, contact Milon, E-mail: Home phone: (208) 454-0358 or Cell Phone: (208) 899-7066
Nov. 4/Tues, 3:30 p.m., Homedale
Nov. 5/Wed, 10 a.m., Marsing
Nov. 6/Thurs, 9:15 a.m., Van Buren
Nov. 6/Thurs, Noon, Wilder
If you have never done this, it is a great way to see the enthusiasm of the kids that receive the books,and that Caldwell Rotary Club does "make an impact" on the youth of our area. Over 1,400 kids receive these books!
NOV 5 PROGRAM-District Governor Rick PhillipsFrom right to left: Rotary District Governor Rick Phillips, his wife Kerry, Caldwell Rotary President Michael Hensel, and District Governor Elect Jim Hogge.
DG Rick Phillips made his "Governor's Visit" to our club on Wednesday, November 5th. He presented a program titled, "Rotary is Like a Tree". He depicted how individual Rotarians, like our member, Milon McDaniel, contribute to the strength of our club, our district, and Rotary International.
There are many individual members that quietly work behind the scenes, like Milon. We appreciate all our members. Every one has different interests and talents. It takes a team to make a difference, and each and every one of us, makes up a part of that team in our own special way.
THE JIM BLACKER SERVICE-Nov 3, 2014 The service for our friend and fellow Rotarian, Jim Blacker, will be Monday, November 2, 2014 at the LDS Stake House on Kimball Avenue, at 11:00 AM. There will be family visitation at the Stake Center on Sunday evening from 6:30-8:30 p.m. and on Monday morning from 9:30-10:30 a.m. just prior to the service.
Jim was 69 years old at the time of his passing. He had been a faithful member of our club for 38 years, 10 months. He was a Paul Harris Fellow+1. Jim had served as our pianist for a number of years and is a past sergeant-of-arms for our club. He sponsored Mike Dittenber as a new member to our club, after he came to know Mike when he served on the board for Caldwell Housing Authority, where Mike works.
During his Rotary years, Jim had participated in the blood bank, bell ringing, and the rodeo booth. He was a friend to all and will always be remembered for his humor during our meetings. We miss him already. Prayers to his wife Sheri, and his family and friends.
ROTARY C of I TAILGATE-Thanks Chris & IIB!We thank Chris Batt and IIB for the "Rotary Tailgate Party" provided by Chris and his bank before the last C of I football game. Those attending were Mike & Chantele Hensel, Tim & Gini Rosandick, Jerry Bauman & friends, Gina Lujack, Patrick & Tracey Baumgart, Laurie Henberg and her sister, and Bob Carpenter. Attendance make-ups will be given to those who attended. If anyone else attended and was not listed, let me know ASAP at A good time was had by all. Thanks Chris!
NOVEMBER BOARD MEETING-Thursday, November 6The November Board Meeting will be held Thursday, November 6, 2014, at Stewarts Bar & Grill at noon. Any member may attend these meetings.
POLITICAL ANALYSIS-A Great Program Our program this last Wednesday given by Jasper LiCalzi, C of I professor and political analyst, was not only timely and informative, but highly interactive and entertaining. He analyzed the trend of why "young people" do not tend to vote, as being influenced by their feeling that the issues discussed do not pertain to them, along with the way information is being delivered, not being done in venues they tend to use. They don't tend to watch traditional TV, but rather Net Flicks, and they have turned away from facebook to other alternative forms of social media.
Also discussed were the individual state races, and his thoughts as to who may have the best chance to win and why. It was a great meeting. Study your candidates and chose according to who would best serve the state and county where you live. Go vote on Tuesday, November 4th!
JIM BLACKER Our friend and fellow Rotarian, Jim Blacker, passed away on October 26th. He was 69 years old. He had been a very active member of our club for 38 years, 10 months. He was a Paul Harris Fellow +1. Jim had served as our pianist for a number of years and is a past sergeant-of-arms for our club. He faithfully participated in bell ringing and the rodeo booth. He was a friend to all and will always be remembered for his humor during our meetings. Jim was a "calm in the storm" kind of guy.
It is so hard to lose someone so unexpectedly as there is no time to let people know how much we appreciate them. You can let his wife, Sheri, know that Jim was appreciated by sending a card (3014 Manchester, Caldwell, ID 83605), calling on her sometime, and/or going to his service (TBA). He was a stellar human being.
Jim was Caldwell's city council president, and a member of the city council since 2002. He owned Blacker Appliance and Furniture (later Ashley's) for many years. After he left the business, he became very active in his community.
Watch the paper for the time and place of his service. Services are pending at Dakan's Funeral Chapel.
AQUARIUM OF BOISE UPDATE Nathan Hall updated us on the progress of the "Aquarium of Boise" during our October 22nd meeting. After a history of past legal and financial problems, things are settling down and the aquarium has a new board of directors and things are moving forward.
This last year over 120,000 visitors and 20,000 school children form Idaho, Oregon, and California passed through its doors. The Aquarium relies on community partners for funding. It is forward focused on education, which is the heart of its vision, along with conservation.
One of the favorite and most exciting pieces of equipment is their "live diver submarine" which is a submersible computer run video camera. This can be run as a "virtual field" trip to schools where students can "live chat" while observing and learning while they watch the sharks and other fish in that exhibit. Distant schools can take advantage these interactive outreach programs.
Another fun educational program is the "shark egg in the classroom", where the aquarium setsa classroom up with a shark egg tank, and the class takes care and observes it for 3 months, and when the shark hatches, then the aquarium takes it back into their exhibit. Very Cool!
The Aquarium is open 7 days a week from 10 a.m. through 6 p.m. and is located at 64 North Cole Road, near the corner of Franklin and Cole.
DICTIONARY UPDATE Jonathan Yoshizaki is our fearless leader, organizing the distributing of our dictionaries to our area third graders this year. Our Rotary volunteers have delivered about half of them so far. As far as I know the following have helped deliver and will receive attendance "make-ups" for their efforts: Jonathan Yoshisaki, Dick Roberge, Laurie Henberg, Milon & Joyce McDaniel, Chuck McHugh, Jerry Bauman, and Chantele Hensel. Thank you for all your help. If you would like to be included in this great activity, contact Jonathan at: or let him or Chuck McHugh at a Rotary meeting.
Every year our club provides dictionaries to about 1,400 third graders in Canyon and Owyhee County schools. If you have never helped with this project, you are missing out on seeing the delight of these students when they get these dictionaries. These are not the regular "run of the mill" dictionaries of the past. They have atlases, planet information, the U.S. Constitution,information about all the past U.S. presidents, information about all the states and countries, sign language,metric measure, the longest word in the world, and many other useful bits of information. They are a whole education in a book! One interesting fact about these dictionaries, is that the word "candy" is missing. One of the students discovered this one year, so not everything is in there!
OCTOBER 29th PROGRAM-Jasper LiCalzi- C of I Political Analyst Jasper LiCalzi (presented by Laurie Henberg) is a professor of political economy at the College of Idaho. He has been our speaker over the years during the election season, and also is featured in the local media. Please join us to hear his thoughts on the Nov 4 election. |
CANYON COUNTY SUNRISE ROTARY FUNDRAISER-Texas Roadhouse! Canyon County Sunrise Rotary Club has invited us to their fundraiser on November 7, 2014. It is a luncheon anytime between 11:30 a.m. through 1:30 p.m. at Nampa's Texas Roadhouse, 1830 Caldwell Blvd., Nampa (near WINCO).
Tickets are $10. You can purchase tickets ahead of time by emailing or at the door when you arrive. There will be no program, just a great lunch with friends. So go and bring your friends and help out another club at the same time. Everybody wins on this one!
DOWNTOWN CALDWELL ORGANIZATION-Update John McGee, chairman for the Downtown Caldwell Organization (DCO), talked about that committee's function and the progress of effort for downtown Caldwell at our October 15th meeting. This committee along with Rotary with Bob Carpenter raising funds from our club members, other community organizations, businesses, and interested parties brought Roger Brooks to town after raising $65,000 to hire Brooks to study our community to help the community "brand" itself to spur economic growth. The mission of the DCO is to develop recommendations to spur economic development in downtown Caldwell. There are 8 people on the committee and they meet once a week. Fellow Rotarians Chris Batt and Bob Carpenter are on this committee.
The King's property has been cleared, filled in, and packed down to prepare for the possibility of the creation of a permanent public plaza project. According to Roger Brooks, a plaza is the key for community "place-making" and identity. A plaza has the ability to become the "heart and soul" of the community and can be successful, if it is heavily programmed with activities year round. There are thoughts of having an ice skating rink in the winter and an area for programs and activities year round. This is where the "Branding" comes in to help with marketing efforts to create that type of activity. There were 1,440 responses to the community survey to help determine our community's thoughts and interests. Brooks was impressed that the effort to bring him here was "grass roots" from individuals and businesses, and not by a chamber or city. The next step is to create the initial plaza design by the end of the month.The time is right to get this thing off the ground.
NEW CONTRIBUTION REQUEST PROCEDURE We now have a new procedure for contribution requests. Anyone wanting funds for a project must now fill our our new "Caldwell Rotary Funding Request Form". We have many requests and we need to be able to view all of them at the same time to prioritize a list for spending our annual budgeted contribution fund.
Our Rotary booth at the Caldwell Night Rodeo is our biggest fundraiser, and this is where our funds for contributions comes from. Up to this point, we have been spending our funds to annually support the following Rotary programs: partially funding to send our incoming president to the International Convention, vocational and academic scholarships, the second grade "First Book Project", sending students to RYLA, and our Caldwell Rotary Optimist Football Team.
After these have been funded, we have given contributions to outside entities after reviewing their requests. There had been no formal way to evaluate incoming requests and it was suggested that we create an application for funding to field these requests to better serve our community within the vision and goals of Rotary.
To find the application, go to . Then scroll down the menu on the right side of the Home Page until you come to the "Home Page Downloads" section. Click on "Caldwell Rotary Funding Request Form" and the application will pop up. This year is a transitional year, so by next year this procedure and the deadline application date will be in full swing. This should help disperse our contribution budget in a more effective and fair way to support the visions of Rotary.
ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE IMPACT-STEVE BARNES Steve Barnes spoke to us on October 1st about how the Rotary Youth Exchange program had directed the course of his life. Steve is the director of the International Exchange and Special Programs at the College of Idaho. Steve was aware of Rotary as a child since his grandfather was a Rotarian. He once asked his grandmother what Grandpa did when he went to Rotary. She told him that's where all the old men go to eat and sing!
It was many years ago when he was a 17 year old high school student in Provo, Utah when he heard about the Rotary Youth Exchange program over the loud speaker at his school. Since he knew a little about Rotary because his grandfather was a Rotarian, he immediately went to get the application to sign up to go. He said the interviews for the program challenged him and it was so exciting when he was notified that he was accepted into the program. He went to Sweden for a year. After his experience there, he knew that he could adapt wherever life took him. He didn't know a word of the Swedish language when he arrived and he made it through the year and became a part of the family that he stayed with.
Since then, he earned a law degree, and has taught law classes in China for the past eight years. His experience through Rotary led him to try his China adventure where he met and married his wife.
Just this year, he was hired at the College of Idaho to direct their foreign exchange program. He said that he has come "full circle" by now being involved with the exchange program as a director since his own Rotary experience as a high school student, and he has a special spot in his heart for Rotary. He asked to be a program speaker to thank Rotary for making an impact on his life.
GREAT ONSITE VISIT at "THE BIRD STOP" We had a great meeting at "The Bird Stop" (702 Main Street, Caldwell) with owner Matt Kelly speaking about the evolution of his business from a place on the boulevard, to a small sandwich and coffee shop just the block behind this new location.
Twenty four people attended including two visiting Rotarians from Alaska, and Tammy Dittenber and Luise Lonergan.
This renovation makes for an awesome fun new place for locals and out of town folks to come for morning coffee and muffins, lunches, and dinner and music. Other amenities include a wine and beer bar. Matt brings in music for all ages to enjoy. Future plans for Matt, include a micro brew within the building. He is taking his business one step at a time.
His investment in making a great place for people to gather to visit, listen to music, and have a bite to eat, could really be a turning point for others within our community to consider taking a chance to invest in other opportunities downtown. Watch for his grand opening and bring your friends down here to begin enjoying what is beginning to happen in Caldwell.
THIS WEEK'S NEWS! Scott Garson/C of I Basketball, C of I Football, Rotary DayCome hear Scott Garson, C of I basketball coach, speak at Rotary this week. It is always good to hear from him. If you weren't at Rotary the last time he spoke, you missed a great program. Now after a good year under his belt, he will be talking about the team for this upcoming basketball year. Come and enjoy hearing about your hometown team. It should be a great program.
Also, how about that C of I football game this last Saturday? The newest team on the block won its first game (last game was in 1977). They played Pacific College and beat them in an exciting one point win of 35-34. Congratulations to C of I, Coach Mike Moroski (past speaker), and the team! What a great start and we are excited to see this team as it proceeds in its infancy this year. The first home game will be September 13th at Simplot Stadium at 1 p.m. Come support your newest football team!
Rotary Day, organized by President Michael Hensel, is this Wednesday, September 10th, at the Riverside Hotel at 6 p.m. Don't forget to go if you made a reservation. It should be a great night to share fun and information with other local Rotary clubs to see what we and other clubs are doing around the area.
GREG PENCE-NEW PAUL HARRIS FELLOWGreg Pence was presented with his Paul Harris Fellow award at our September 3rd meeting. Congratulations Greg!
Roger Brooks Forum at Langroise, C of IFor those Rotarians interested in hearing Roger Brooks speak, He will be speaking on Wednesday, September 3rd at 6:30 p.m. at the Langroise Center at the College of Idaho in Caldwell. Many fellow Rotarians have contributed to have Roger come to town to help find Caldwell's strengths so a plan can be developed to help revitalize our community. Come hear Roger speak and find out what it is all about.
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS HUNSICKER & PERALA Caldwell Rotary Club's president, Michael Hensel (center), inducted two new members on Wednesday, August 13, 2014. Wayne Johnson (far left) sponsored Jeff Hunsicker (next to Wayne) and Kate Fowler (far right) sponsored Ryan Perala (next to Kate). What a great day to receive two new members at once!
Jeff Hunsicker is a structural engineer, coming to us after moving from Colorado to Caldwell, when wife, Betsy, was hired to replace Julie Taylor as CEO at West Valley Medical Center. His classification is "Engineer-Structural Services". His former position before moving here was 'Platte Structural Services/Principal". He and his wife, Betsy, have two young children and now live in Caldwell. He enjoys fishing, hunting, biking, and skiing. So invite him to some of your favorite fishing holes and give him some hints for some good spots to hunt! Welcome Jeff!
Ryan Perala is employed at West Valley Medical Center and has the classification of "Manager-Patient Access Services", because that's what he does at WVMC. He and his wife, Vanessa, live in Meridian with their two small children. He enjoys fishing and tennis. Maybe he and Jeff can find some good fishing holes together. Wayne Johnson knows a great little store in town to help you find out about some of the great spots to fish and knows what they like to eat, so Wayne, help them out a little. Welcome to our club Ryan!
Both gentlemen joined just our club just in time to help with our concession booth at the Rodeo and asked what they could do to help! They are off to a good start on "Service Above Self", our international motto!
1st ANNUAL TREASURE VALLEY ROTARY DAYI encourage all of you to attend the "1st Annual Treasure Valley Rotary Day" sponsored by Best Bath Systems on September 10, 2014, at 6 p.m. at The Riverside Hotel in Boise, Idaho. Special guest speakers will share their personal experiences of "Service Above Self". Area clubs will present power points of their club's activities. This is a great opportunity for you to share Rotary with a prospective member.
The cost is $20 per person and this includes dinner and a no host bar. $10 of that GOES BACK TO OUR CLUB! If you are interested in going, Call Sharlene at (208) 639-6393 to RSVP and process credit card payments no later than August 25th.
This is a joint effort among clubs, and I encourage you to join me in attending this special event. It will be fun and informational and you will have the chance to meet other local area Rotarians in our own back yard.
The Caldwell Rotary Club website is your source of information regarding activities and weekly speakers. Simply go to and you can view the upcoming schedule of speakers; no need to log in or use a password.
Because of the ease of use and comprehensive information on the website, I no longer send out the weekly email with speaker and topic's all on the website. Give it a try!
MIKE DITTENBER-ROTARIAN OF THE YEAR Rotarian Mike Dittenber was named "Rotarian of the Year" for the 2013-14 Rotary year. Mike said "YES" when things needed to be done. Mike volunteered without being asked.
He brought his crew from Caldwell Housing Authority to install some ventilation in our Rotary concession booth at the rodeo. He had his architects draw up some suggestions for the booth's possible expansion and that is still in the works. He jumped through the hoops to become our exchange student's counselor this past year. He accepted a nomination to become Vice President when a spot was vacated even though he was a newer member of the club. He volunteered to overhaul our club's outdated bylaws. He is a mover and a shaker and an inspiration!
Thank you Mike!
May we all follow your example of "Service Above Self".
BOB NICHOLES-RIP Former Caldwell Rotarian Preston R. "Bob" Nicholes passed away on June 23, 2014. He was a member of our Rotary club for 64 years before moving to Boise. He was our club's president during the 1959-60 Rotary year. He was a Paul Harris Fellow+3.
Bob was an amazing entrepreneur who loved the challenge of making things happen. He grew up in little Huston, Idaho as a mercantile owner's son to become a successful owner of multiple gas stations through his "Bob Nichole Oil Company", better known as the BONICO dynasty.
Bob exemplified "Service Above Self" having also been a past president of the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of the Caldwell Zoning Board, Vice President of the Oil Heat Institute, Chairman and Life Member of the Caldwell Salvation Army and Co-chairman of Advanced Gifts for the United Fund. He was involved in C of I fundraising campaigns as well as a benefactor to both the C of I and the Caldwell YMCA.
His passion though was flying. He flew in WWII in the Army Air Corps where he was a 2nd Lieutenant and later served as an instructor for the B-25's. He used his flying skills in his beloved Beechcraft Bonanza any time he got a chance, and occasionally flew critically ill children to larger metropolitan areas during the '50's and '60's.
Bob's family suggested that donations may be made in Bob's name to Caldwell Rotary Foundation, P.O. Box 24, Caldwell, ID 83606.
Fly high friend! Salute! Job well done!
MILON McDANIEL RECEIVES "MITT" AWARDOur fellow Rotarian Milon McDaniel was honored by Advocates Against Family Violence with a "MITT" (Men In the Top Tier) Award. This award honored 8 men from different service clubs and organizations from around our area. Our club submitted Milon's name and he was honored during a special celebration of these men. Milon has made a difference in the lives of children and families through his work as a past principal of Canyon Springs Alternative School in Caldwell where he worked with "at risk" students, which included single mothers and others, that needed an alternative school environment to be able to succeed and graduate with a standard high school diploma. He was awarded a "Volunteer of the Year" from The American Red Cross for his service during Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters. He started our Rotary Club's "First Book" program for 2nd graders which reaches about 1,400 2nd graders in 18 elementary schools in our area and it has been ongoing now for several years. In the past, he has been awarded a personal "Friend of Education" award and had accepted a "Friend of Education" award for our club's efforts in literacy in our schools. According to Kim Ivacek, Director and fellow Rotarian, Milon hits a "home run" for families in our community and country.
2014-15 SCHOLARSHIP WINNERSFrom left to right: President Patrick Baumgart, Kilee Lopez, Devin Krasowski, Kynna Bertagnolli, Frank Gigray, Whitney Devore, and Kyle Bratton.
Caldwell Rotary Club's C of I Rotary Scholarships were awarded to Kilee Lopez from Vallivue High School and Devin Krasowski from Notus High School. Kilee plans to study psychology. Devin plans to study chemistry and then go on to BSU to finish up in civil engineering.
The club's two academic scholarships went to Kynna Bertagnolli from Notus High School and to Frank Gigray from Caldwell High School. Kynna plans to attend BSU and to major in chemistry with a forensic emphasis. Frank plans to attend the C of I and to major in chemistry and biology.
The club's two technical trade scholars are Whitney DeVore from Middleton High School and Kyle Bratton from Notus High School. Whitney plans to attend Blinn College in Bryan, Texas to become a nurse. Kyle plans to attend TVCC to study medical sonography-eco cartography.
Each student is receiving a $500 scholarship to the school to which they have been accepted from Caldwell Rotary Club.
WELCOME NEW MEMBER DAVE MORRISDave Morris was inducted into our club on Wednesday, March 19th, during our regular Rotary meeting by president Patrick Baumgart. Dave is the Executive Director of Caldwell's Treasure Valley YMCA. He replaced Scott Curtis when Scott moved into a different position in the YMCA. Dave's classification is "Non Profit-Executive Director". He comes to us from a position at the YMCA in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He moved to Caldwell this last fall with his wife and two children and is currently living in his predecessor's home. He has a son in the seventh grade and a daughter in the 4th grade. He likes our friendly community in Caldwell and is working long hours at the Y these days. He has admitted to being a harmonica player and that someday he will play for us. Please make him feel welcome. We are honored to have you as a new member and we will hold you to that pledge to play the harmonica for us someday! Congratulations Dave!
WELCOME NEW MEMBER JON YOSHIZAKI Jon Yoshizaki was inducted into our club on February 12th. Laurie Henberg was his sponsor. His classification is "Banking-Commercial". Currently he is employed at US Bank in Caldwell. He is the "Relationship Manager" of that bank.
Jon was born and raised in Hawaii. He came to the mainland to attend the College of Idaho and graduated with a B.A. in 2006 (when the college was called "Albertsons College of Idaho"). After graduation he was hired on by US Bank and worked for a time in Boise and Meridian before coming to the Caldwell branch. Currently Jon lives in Boise.
We welcome him to our club. Patrick already has him signed up to work at our upcoming "Irish Jig" fundraiser to help at the door as people arrive. Introduce yourselves to him as he comes to our meetings and make him feel welcome. Congratulations Jon and we are proud to have you as a new member.
2nd GRADE BOOK DISTRIBUTION COMPLETED! Hip hip hooray! That's what Joyce and Milon say! What a job it is to take care of and complete! Milon and Joyce select and order the books, contact all the second grade teachers from 18 different schools, meet with them for them to select books for each of their students and put their names on them.
Then Milon organizes times for our club to distribute the books to each classroom. Then Joyce and he go to every classroom with whatever volunteers he can wrangle up from our club to help get the job done. He thanks all of you who volunteered and helped with this project.
Over 1,300 students received a new "chapter" book from Caldwell Rotary Club. At the same time they are introduced to Rotary and the good works of Rotary.
Many thanks to Milon and Joyce. They give us the easy part after the hard work is done.
ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE RETREAT-MCCALL Our Rotary Youth Exchange student, Byron Chavez, went to the Rotary Youth conference in McCall that was held the first weekend of the McCall Winter Carnival. He joined all the "inbounds" to Idaho from other countries, like himself, and next year's "outbounds" to other countries from Idaho. The "inbounds" shared powerpoints of the country from which they came to the RYE "outbounds".
They spent their days skiing, snowboarding, swimming, and participating in a float in the Mardi Gras parade. The picture is of them in the parade displaying their countries from whence they came and the countries to which our "outbounds" will go. They had a great weekend of bonding with all the other students and Rotary folks in charge of the program. This was a great opportunity for Rotary to shine! We are making a difference in the world through our youth!
Currently, Byron is attending Caldwell High School, and lives with his second host family, Evie and Jim Griswold and their 3 children. He will complete his year with a 3rd host family beginning in March. Mike Dittenber is his Rotary Youth Exchange Counselor and Leora Summers is his Rotary Youth Exchange Officer. Byron will attend the District 5400 meeting in Sun Valley in May with all the other exchange "inbounds" before returning home to Chile.
MARY JO MCCARY REMEMBERED-A PAUL HARRIS FELLOW Mary Jo McCary passed away peacefully on Monday, January 27th, just 11 days after her husband and fellow Rotarian, Joe McCary, on January 16th, 2014. She waited until her Joe left before she left herself. They were an extraordinary couple.
During Milon's presidency in 2011-12, Joe honored Mary Jo with a Paul Harris Fellow. It was important for him to complete this honor for her and to have her receive it before the club. Mary Jo was very proud and happy to have had the honor during that meeting that year.
We can all honor our family members in this way, as Joe did with Mary Jo. Many of us already have, and those of us who already have a Paul Harris Fellow of our own and who haven't honored a family member yet, but would like to, contact Leora and she will set it in motion for you. What a wonderful way to honor someone special and benefit the world at the same time through the good works of Rotary.
REMEMBERING JOE MCCARY Fellow Rotarian, Joe McCary, passed away at the age of 86 on Thursday, January 16th at his home. Joe had been a member of our club for 38 years. He was president of our club during the 2003-2004 term. Joe was a Paul Harris Fellow +1 and honored his wife, Mary Jo, a couple of years ago with a Paul Harris Fellow.
Joe was very active in our club in the past, ringing the bell, working at our Rodeo booth, and helping with the blood bank. This bell ringing season, his granddaughter, Amanda Schmitt, called and said she wanted to ring the bell for Joe, as she knew how much it meant to him to be able to do that when he was able to be active. She rang the bell with Chuck McHugh.
His service will be at 11:00 a.m. , Monday, January 20th, at the United Methodist Church, 824 East Logan, in Caldwell. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in his name to Caldwell Rotary Foundation.
WELCOME NEW MEMBER KATE FOWLER Kate Fowler was initiated into our club on January 15, 2014. Julie Taylor sponsored her before she left for Alaska. Kate has the classification of "Hospital Administration-CFO". Though she lives in Boise with her husband, Will, and one year old daughter, Adella, she works at West Valley Medical Center and feels a part of the Caldwell community.
She comes from a home where she remembers her dad being in Rotary and seeing the 4 Way Test in his office, since she was 10 years old. She was born at Mountain Home Air Force Base, and moved around a lot with her family. She graduated from Boise High School and attended the College of Idaho. She moved back to Idaho 4 years ago.
She is excited to be a member of our club and wants to be involved in the club's activities. That can definitely be arranged! Welcome Kate!
ROTARY'S DAVE JOHNSON MEMORIAL BLOOD DRIVE On Christmas Eve, the Caldwell Rotary Club partnered with the Red Cross for the 29th year to help facilitate the donation of blood. Over 94 donors came through the door with 89 successful pints donated to help meet the goal of 90 pints this year.
Carol Munn, Jerry Bauman, and many other long time volunteers worked hard to transform the Church of Christ in Caldwell and make sure each donor was taken care of. As always, the community support was excellent and we look forward to next year.
THE SALVATION ARMY WINS AGAIN Once again our Rotarians came through and "rang the bell" for the Salvation Army. The ongoing competition between service clubs really helps give a boost to the coffers for Caldwell's Salvation Army. An e-mail was sent out earlier recognizing our volunteer Rotarians for that day.
We really thank all who donated their time and money to make this a success for the Salvation Army. Joe McCary's grand daughter, Amanda Schmidt, rang for him, knowing how much Rotary and this fundraiser means to Joe who was unable to help this season. Special thanks to Amanda.
The final numbers are in with the Caldwell Elks bringing in the most with $6,847.00. Rotary topped their last years earnings bringing in $4,856.00. Kiwanis and Lions were both under $1,000.00. Good Job Rotary!
NEW PHOTO ALBUMS POSTED-How to View Them Recently we had our Salvation Army Bell Ringing and our David Johnson Memorial Blood Drive. These are the two new photo albums of all the pictures taken at these two events. You may be in some of the pictures, and we'd also like you to see all your friends that helped too. So here is how you get to them to view them. There are many pictures taken at our events that we would like to share with all of you. But you need to know how to see them, so I am writing some directions for you.
That's it! Now check it out!
Rotary TV Ads
This week begins our month long campaign featuring Rotary TV spots!
Starting Tuesday, the ads will appear in prime time on KBOI/CBS (Boise), KSAW/ABC (Twin Falls) and KIFI/ABC (Pocatello/Idaho Falls). Our goal is to get viewers to visit our new site at Remember, our audience is prospective members and perhaps visiting Rotarians. Our goal is to increase District membership by 3.5% by June 30, 2015.
You can find the link to on our District website. Once there, check the tab for "Find a Club" and take a look at the link to your club's website, to make sure it's correct.
If you have questions or comments, please contact me.
John D. Biggs D5400 Public Relations/Communication Boise Metro Rotary 208-369-0244 |
10-2-13 Curt Bowen, Semilla NuevaCurt Bowen, of Semilla Nueva updated us on the progress and success they are seeing in providing sustainable agriculture in Guatemala. Our club participated in a Global grant campaign for the organization.
In many countries around the world including Guatemala, burning and tilling have been considered prerequisites to farming systems. Every year between harvests farmers will burn all the excess crop residue on their field and then turn the soil over with large plows before seeding. These practices are regarded as an annual ‘cleaning’ of the field, and seen as the easiest way to get rid of pests, weeds, and begin the season with a fresh start.
However, these common practices of slash and burn and excessive tillage are some of the most deleterious to long-term farm health and environmental sustainability. Burning causes substantial waste of precious nutrient resources and organic matter, particularly nitrogen. As the natural fertility and health decrease in soils, yields go down and evoke the necessity for more and more costly fertilizers. Tilling every year causes a breakdown of soil structure which produces hardpans in the soil – hard, thick, nonporous layers of soil that lower water retention and nutrient release. Furthermore, tilling exposes organically-rich topsoil to the surface which then oxidizes into CO2 and contributes significantly to climate change.
Quinn Spencer - Rotary Exchange ProgramRotary Youth Exchange student Quinn Spencer gave a program this month about his exchange in Chile last year. We sponsored him to go there while we had Annika Neidig here in Caldwell. Quinn presented president Patrick Baumgart two Rotary flags that he picked up in Chile when he visited their clubs. Pictured with Quinn, is Byron Chavez, our Rotary Youth Exchange student from Chile, who is doing his exchange this year in Caldwell with Quinn's family as his first "host" family.
Welcome Byron Chavez-Rotary Youth ExchangeWe welcomed our new Rotary Youth Exchange student, Byron Chavez from Chile, at the airport with Quinn Spencer, who we sent to Chile from Caldwell last year, and a small group of people from our club and the youth exchange program. Byron is staying with Quinn's family, Anne and Eric Spencer, for his first three months of the program and is attending Caldwell High School as a junior this year. He recently tried out for and made the swim team at our local YMCA.
1st Annual Rotary Weight Loss Challenge EndsRotary Weight Loss Challenge Ends
....and the "Biggest Loser" is Chris Batt! Congratulations of your success. Chris lost 35.3 lbs. during the contest giving him a 15.25% weight loss. The closest runner up was Brian Baughman with a loss of 27.2 lbs. giving him a 12.89% weight loss.
CALDWELL NIGHT RODEO AND "THE POWER OF PINK"Rotarian volunteers are needed for both events. Please contact Michael Hensel via e-mail ( to arrange to volunteer. The Caldwell Night Rodeo will be held on Tues, August 12th through Sat, August 17th. There will be two shifts each night that need volunteers. Michael will be contacting members to fill the empty slots if there are still openings prior to the Rodeo. Volunteer with you spouses if you are able, or a friend. Help us fill those slots so Michael won't have to call. During the "Power of Pink" walk (cancer awareness), we hope to open our booth to provide beverages to hydrate the walkers. We need volunteers to man that booth at the Rodeo grounds on Saturday, August 10th, during the day. Again, contact Michael Hensel via e-mail ( to find out the times needed for volunteers for this event. |
DONATE YOUR BOOKS FOR THE IDAHO YOUTH RANCHBring your old books, hard bound or paperback, that you no longer want, to our Wednesday club meetings in May. We will collect as many as possible and donate them to the Idaho Youth Ranch for their book sales that help support their organization which helps "at risk" kids. It is an easy way to make a difference in the lives of some of our youth, and you can clean out your old libraries at the same time!
RELY FOR LIFE-BRIAN BAUGHMANBrian Baughman is heading up our commitment to the "Relay for Life" fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Funds will support research and local efforts to assist cancer patients in our area. Idaho Independent Bank and The Hartwell Corporation will be joining us in our walk to support this cause. We will be joining many other local businesses and organizations to support this cause. The event will be held on July 19 and 20th, from 6 p.m.-8 a.m., at Caldwell High School's track. Folks can sign up for times with Brian Baughman to walk the track during the event. The funds are raised by walkers getting pledges from folks for them to walk. Caldwell Rotary Club is having a "One Lap Challenge" to members to participate for one lap during between 6-8 p.m. on July 19th. We will have a little tailgate party on the track for those who take up on the challenge. You can even be pushed in a wheelchair for your lap if you desire to participate, but can't do the walk. You can challenge during our club meetings, like "I challenge Chris Batt $25 to to walk a lap", but be ready to be challenged back and be ready to "Walk the Talk". You can even pay double not to walk! If you have any other good ideas to help raise the funds, let Brian know. We will give full details at a later date as things get closer to the event. We hope that you will all challenge each other to help make this fundraiser successful. It is a great way to support a good cause and have fun at the same time with your fellow members and community. |
SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGINGWe rang the bell for the Salvation Army on Saturday, December 15th. We thank all of you who rang and a special thanks to Patti Syme taking pictures and for delivering and retrieving "ringing bags" and kettles from the downtown Walgreens' parking lot. We thank ringers Jerry Bauman, Laurie Henberg, Gina Jujack, Bob Carpenter, Bruce & Rhoda Krosch, Chuck McHugh, Patrick Baumgart, Michael Hensel, Julie Taylor, Brent Church, Sammy (McCary) and family, Bob Jenkins and family, Tim & Gini Rosandick, Vaughn Wagoner & Family, Eric Boyum, Greg Evans, Vickie Holbrook, Dick Roberge and Shauna & Rick Hoge. Attendance "make-ups" will be given to all. We picked up around $4,025 which was more than the combined efforts of Kiwanis and the Exchange Clubs. However, the whole tally is not in yet and the Elks have run away with it for the past few years. A final total will be given the first of January. Comradery and fun was had by all while serving our community and again it's all about "winning" for the Salvation Army that takes care of so many. Thank all of you who helped! You will be blessed!
ROTARY'S "ADOPT-A-BEAR" CALDWELL POLICE PROGRAMAt a recent Rotary meeting, Caldwell Rotary Club President, Wayne Johnson, presented Caldwell Police Officer, Devon Riley, 200 cuddley “Rotary Bears” to give to children involved in auto accidents and domestic violence disturbance calls to help soothe them during these trying times during their lives. These bears were funded by Rotarians Wayne Johnson, Stu Barclay, Greg Evans, Laurie Henberg, Michael Hensel, Bob Jenkins, Chuck McHugh, Doug Reinke, Don Suggs, and Jim Blacker! Your generousity will do much good. Thank you for your kindness and good hearts. |
SEPTEMBERFEST-A Big Hit!It was a beautiful day for a party! About 48 people attended. The brauts were a big hit, the appetizers and desserts were plentiful, and the corn was "Amaizing" (Crookham's new variety this year)! This was our first social event for this Rotary year and we plan to have others. It was so nice to enjoy each other in a relaxed setting. Bruce and Rhoda Krosch added to the festivities by dressing for the occasion. Our German exchange student, Annika, even baked a cheese cake, using one of her home recipes from Germany. Some substitutions were made for ingredients she couldn't find here, and all in all, it was delicious. What a fun way to introduce her to our group again and for her to get to know us a little better. Brian Baughman brought another German exchange student from Boise to meet Annika. Potential members, Tim Rosandick and his wife Ginny, and Scott Johnson attended and got a chance to get to know our group a little better. We will be having other social events throughout this Rotary year for more opportunities to socialize and to have a little more comradery beyond our regular noon club meetings. |
RYLA CHANGED MY LIFE by Katrina Inch!We sent Katrina Inch to RYLA this summer. She writes the following to us: I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the opportunity to attend RYLA. This camp has changed me. I have learned lessons and have had experiences that have changed my view of the world and have given me the confidence to always be myself. I have become a new version of myself, a stronger, more conficent , more natural me. RYLA has given me the opportunity and exposure to experience these changes. The way RYLA was set up, gave every student a "safe zone" and a place to let go of society's stereotypes, rules, and norms, and really immerse ourselves in a culture where everyone could be themselves. For me, I was able to reflect on the life I was living, and change for the better, the characteristics and actions that I knew were wrong. I overcame my fear of really expressing myself and my inner feelings to other people. I got the confidence to share my stories and experiences to other Rotarians because I knew them and felt so comfortable around them (to be completely honest, more comfortable than I have ever been with friends from school). Overall, I will be walking out of this camp, a new person, a leader ready to help and lead my life, my community, my friends and family, in the best way possible. I know now that I can make any change and difference in the world because "I-am-powerful". So thank you Caldwell Rotary for this experience. You sponsored the right person because I will carry this experience throughout my whole life, and I will make a change in the world. Thank you. Sincerely, Katrina Inch
RYLA OPENS NEW WORLD by Bergen Finch!Bergen Finch writes the following about her experience: RYLA was something that has helped me grow so much as a person. It broke down my walls and watched others as they struggled to do the same. Some may say watching others struggle is hard, and it is, but it's something that makes you greatful for what you do have in your life. I am so greatful that you gave me the chance to better myself at RYLA. This year, I want to thank you for the sponsorship and being a part of Rotary. Before this camp, I had never hear of it. Learning about the program and who is in it or associated with it, is so awesome. Anyone who is a "Rylarian" is truley an amazing person. I had an excellent time here and found myself feeling silly for crying and being upset which is what happens here. Your eyes are opened up to a whole new world. Even people you thought you knew here, wind up being someone you really never did. Everyone here is so welcoming and generous that it makes you want to be a better person. I just want to say thank you again afor giving me this extraordinary opportunity to be a part of RYLA. Yours truly, Bergin Finch
We were honored to have District Governor, Bret Vaterlaus, and Assistant District Governor, Frank Lara, at our September 12th meeting. District Governor Vaterlaus introduced us to this year’s Rotary theme of “Peace Through Service” with stories from folks he encountered at international meetings. He found that we, here in the United States, a country with many basics that we take for granted, seem to define “peace” as “lack of conflict”. People from countries without basics described peace as having water, food, and shelter. So one way that Rotary can help promote peace is to help provide means and ways for these people to be able to have these basics and to help teach them how to sustain these things through our service to them through our international projects. When Rotary addresses these needs, this does promote “peace through service” in a very real way.
One very poignant story was from one conference he attended where the question was posed to the Rotarians, “how hard would it be to implement peace through service” through projects in their districts. One Rotarian said it would be easy, that he would just tell his members what they would need to do and they would just do it. Then a very different perspective came from another Rotarian who told the group that it would be the most difficult thing that his district would be asked to do. His district took in Israel and all the districts around it. They couldn’t even find a place to safely meet. However, the one thing that did seem to be possible in his area, was an event, where everyone was able to bring their Rotaract and Interact youth together for a joint meeting. The kids were able to have an event, where the parents could not. Maybe, through the next generation, change can come about.
Whoever thought that an organization that began so long ago with only four members, whose first project was to provide public toilets in their area, would make such an impact in our world today, with projects like the worldwide eradication of polio and those that teach ways to help people help themselves with programs that build shelters, provide food and clean water, and further projects that help start up small businesses, giving people a means to support their families and countries? Viva la Rotary!
MEET NEW MEMBER Lt. BRENT CHURCHBrent Church, new administrator and pastor of Caldwell’s Salvation Army, became our newest Rotary member at our meeting on September 12th. Brent was formally proposed by Patti Syme, and was inducted with member, Tyson Berg, assisting with the honors. Brent comes to us from the Portland area. He recently moved here with his wife, Kristy. His classification is: Charitable-Salvation Army. Brent is off to a great start! He worked at our concession booth at the CNR rodeo and gave the prayer at our meeting prior to being officially inducted. Brett offered his photography skills to help us whenever we might need them. He plans to be a very active member. Please introduce yourselves to him and welcome him into our club, which is now his club too. |