Posted by President Dylan Low & CMIRC Liason William Churchill on Aug 01, 2019
July saw limited activities for the Club as the members began to prepare for midterm exams and vacation.
The Club is currently drafting its bylaws as required by Rotary International. The expected completion date and submission to its sponsor Club is by the end of August.
The Club attended the official opening of the Payap University Center for Social Impact (CSI) on July 26th (pictured, right). The Club made contact with the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) and other organizations at the opening event, and is looking into the possibility of a service project collaboration with one of the organizations and the CSI.
The Club is composed of university students age 18 to 30 and is considered a feeder Club for future Rotary members. As the sponsoring Rotary Club, CMIRC, primarily through its Liaison, monitors the activities of the Rotaract Club and may mentor members and provides general guidance and approval of activities as its continuing sponsor. Thus, contact and requests of the Rotaract Club is directed through the CMIRC Liaison. CMIRC and the District Rotaract representatives assist the Rotaract Club with training expenses to supplement the Club’s own fundraising revenues. The Club is poised to engage in future service to the local communities.