You can better enjoy each story if you click on the title of a story in the bulletin where you'll be taken to the story on our website, displayed in easy-to-view full-page format.
Also a reminder about the special meeting to kick-off this year's Children Winter Clothing Appeal this Monday, 3 September 6 pm at Hong Kong Lucky Restaurant. Many hands are needed for to help collect and sort donations. (We have delivery into the mountain villages well-covered.) In recent years, donors have been very generous and more hands are needed for just a few hours each week during the campaign to sort the many items received. Please come on Monday to learn how you can help. And if you're coming to Chiang Mai from overseas soon, please consider bringing children's winter clothing with you to donate.
August was a very busy month for our club. As always, our CMIRC puts service to our community first. There are stories in this Bulletin detailing what has been accomplished, but I’d like to give the reader a small taste of what we have done in August.
Service in August:
Under the leadership of our new Service Projects Committee Chair, Rtn. William Churchill, we are developing an improved system of project reporting and assessment. All of our projects reported that they been very busy this month.
A group of club members and prospective members visited our project partners at the Mae Tao Clinic in Mae Sot, Tak Province. While there, we learned a great deal about what will be needed in the coming years to serve the refugee population on both sides of the Thai-Burmese border. The health and education needs are great and available funding sources are dwindling. So, in all probability CMIRC will take the lead for the development of a Rotary International Foundation Global Grant Application. The CMIRC Board has already approved our club-level matching funds for the project. Project Champion PP. Jerry Nelson is developing the international contacts needed and is narrowing down the specific focus of the project to be proposed.
The Burma Children Medical Fund B.K. Kee Patent House team, led by Rtn. Gary Herman, sponsored a wonderful Mother’s Day Celebration for the families temporarily living at the house while their children are being treated for their serious medical conditions at the specialty clinics available here in Chiang Mai.
Cold weather will be in mountains near Chiang Mai soon, so our Children’s Winter Clothing Appeal, under the leadership of Rtn. Geoff Perry, is busy planning the logistics to collect and transport truckloads of donated clothing into the mountains again this year. Our first shipments will be on their way no later than early November. (delivery to a village last year, shown at left)
Finally, the CMIRC-Kru Payu Children’s Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Project, in cooperation with the Safe Child Thailand U.K.-based foundation and the Rotary Club of Patong Beach, held certificate ceremonies for almost two-hundred, 4th-graders who had completed 15 hours of survival swimming and water safety instruction in Chiang Mai and Patong Beach, Phuket Province. These programs are entirely free for the children with all funding provided by the CMIRC (P John Schorr, Project Champion), Safe Child Thailand Foundation, and the Rotary Club of Patong Beach (Rtn. Larry Amsden, Project Champion).
As if all of the above were not enough, during the month of August, we have made great progress for the establishment of a CMIRC-sponsored Interact Club at the Chiang Mai International School, under the leadership of Rtn. Mike Gholson, and a CMIRC-sponsored Rotaract Club to be based at Payap University under the leadership of Rtn. William Churchill.
Other Club Activities during August:
Of course, all of our service requires the support of our larger Thai Rotary network. Our club tries to participate in the International, National, and District Meetings and Training Conferences. This month P John, CP Roger, PE Colin and prospective member Clarence (shown right with DG Roongranee and her husband Khun Artit Sangsiri) attended the District 3360 Training for Membership, Foundations, and Public Image in Phrae. These conferences provide a wonderful opportunity to learn what other Rotary clubs are doing and to learn what new ideas are being developed at all levels of Rotary International.
Our Fundraising Committee led by PP Shana Kongmun, ably assisted by Rtn. Nancy Lindley, is busy planning for a Burmese Culture Night at Pern’s Restaurant, the Citylife Garden Fair Booths we will have in their "second hand" sale area, and a major entertainment event in November (more on that later!).
Finally, we conducted a club membership satisfaction survey in July and August to learn what needs to be improved in our club and what our members value the most about CMIRC. We were not surprised to learn that opportunities for service and friendship were two of the most satisfying aspects of membership in CMIRC. We also learned that we need to make some improvements in our meeting space, especially the acoustics.
As the reader can see, we are doing a lot, especially if you consider that we only have 21 members! So, the message this week ends with an appeal to our readers. If you live in Chiang Mai or know someone who does, and you think they would be a good candidate for membership in our club, please let me know: Or, if you would like to make a financial or in-kind contribution to our club’s activities (we need household items and nice clothing to sell at the Citylife Garden Fair), please contact us as well.
At our general meeting on August 21st, our program speaker, Shayne Rochfort spoke to us about World Clean Up Day on September 15, Chiang Mai Clean City and what we can do to reduce, reuse and recycle and reduce the amount of plastic we put into the environment.
By getting involved, you will play an invaluable role in a great initiative that is set out to change the course of direction concerning the global and increasing plastic problem. With eight million tons of plastic trash ending up in the world’s oceans each year, change is immediately needed.
Some facts about plastic:
8.3 BILLION Metric Tons (9.1 BILLION US Tons) of plastic has been produced since plastic was introduced in the 1950s. The amount of plastic produced in a year is roughly the same as the entire weight of humanity.
Virtually every piece of plastic that was ever made still exists in some shape or form (with the exception of the small amount that has been incinerated).
91% of plastic waste isn’t recycled. And since most plastics don’t biodegrade in any meaningful sense, all that plastic waste could exist for hundreds or even thousands of years.
500 MILLION plastic straws are used EVERY DAY in America. That’s enough to circle the Earth twice.
Nearly TWO MILLION single-use plastic bags are distributed worldwide every minute.
100 BILLION plastic bags are used by Americans every year. Tied together, they would reach around the Earth’s equator 773 times!
ONE MILLION plastic bottles are bought EVERY MINUTE around the world — and that number will top half a TRILLION by 2021. Less than half of those bottles end up getting recycled.
8 MILLION METRIC TONS of plastic winds up in our oceans each year. That’s enough trash to cover every foot of coastline around the world with five full trash bags of plastic…compounding every year.
There is more microplastic in the ocean than there are stars in the Milky Way.
FACT #10
If plastic production isn’t curbed, plastic pollution will outweigh fish pound for pound by 2050.
So far, over 16 million people in 113 countries have joined in cleaning up illegally dumped waste. WorldCleanupDayinSeptember2018 will bethe biggest positive civic action the world has seen.
Understand what a challenge this is. This will be the biggest international clean-up the world has ever seen, and probably the biggest positive civic action movement ever. The plastic trash that remains in nature might prove to hold serious consequences for us humans as well as our beautiful nature and wildlife.
Plastic is already infiltrated in our tap water and in various elements of our food chain - such as honey, beer, fish and other seafood. When plastics such as fishing nets and other trash floats around in our oceans, many sea mammals, fish and birds are at high risk at getting tangled in, get cuts and bruises from it or even swallow bits of tiny plastic believing it is food. Worst case, these animals die from having plastics surrounding them in their natural habitat. We need to do something about plastic pollution - now - in order to stop this horrible development before it expands any further.
Save the date September 15, 2018 - and encourage friends, family, neighbors and colleagues to do the same. Everyone can participate. Dedicate just an hour or two on that day to picking up trash in your neighborhood.
The month of August saw the successful completion of survival swimming and water safety programs funded by CMIRC and Safe Child Thailand (SCT).
Ninety-eight fourth-graders at six Chiang Mai municipal schools received their certificates and Rotary International medals for successful completion of their 15-hours of lessons. The ceremony was attended by the deputy mayor of Chiang Mai, Khun Soontron Yamsiri and municipal school officials. The scene below shows the swim instructors to the left, CMIRC President John and the government officials in the center and CMIRC members to the right.
In Patong Beach, the program sponsored by the Safe Child Thailand Foundation and supported by the Rotary Club of Patong Beach held certificate ceremonies for ninety-five fourth grade students who successfully completed the program. The mayor of Patong Beach attended the ceremonies and the Phuket News English language newspaper provided prominent coverage. There is much enthusiasm for the continuation and expansion of the program under the sponsorship of the Rotary Club of Patong Beach.
Looking to the future in Chiang Mai, The Chiang Mai Municipality, CMIRC, Kru Payu Swim, and Bronco Kids Sport Club have all signed a Memorandum of Understanding, outlining the roles each organization will perform over the coming school year. This school year, we will be able to say that every graduate of the eleven Chiang Mai Municipal Schools will have had the opportunity to learn survival swimming. We are working to ensure that this will always be the case in the future!
Finally, our partner, the Rotary Club of Lampang is preparing another round of pilot programs and, also, exploratory work is underway in both the rural community of Phrao and the Isaan province of Phetchabun to expand the Safe Child Thailand funded pilot programs there. We will soon be teaching survival swimming and water safety to as many as 600 students per year. Quite an accomplishment for a country where drowning is the leading cause of death for children under the age of 15!
During the month of August, like July, relatively few patients stayed at the Burma Children Medical Fund B. K. Kee Patient House in Chiang Mai (food garden shown left). Part of the reason is that many of the patients are finally undergoing their surgery at the hospital and returning home.
Among the long-term patients was a four-year old boy. At last, a large goiter has been surgically removed from the side of his neck and soon he and his mother will be able to return home. Another long-term patient who has been at the house on-and-off for the past year because of the need for multiple medical procedures, is a wonderful young lady of age fifteen (pictured, right, with her mother) who suffered a crushed right leg in a fire. She underwent her final treatment recently. Last Sunday we had only one patient at the house, a young man with damage to his larynx that makes it difficult to breathe and impossible to talk.
At the end of the month we arranged with our helper Mit for several small but needed repairs including replacing shelves in the storage room that were water damaged when the roof failed three years ago. Repair of the that roof was the first project CMIRC undertook at the patient house.
In addition to our normal activities of providing fresh fruit, treats, toiletries and English-language conversation to residents, we had a very special event during the month of August. Thailand celebrates Mother's Day on August 12, the birthday of the Queen, so we turned that Sunday visit into a special day for the residents. In addition to our regular team of Mike Lake, Roger Lindley and me, we were joined by Rotarians Jerry Nelson, Maliwan Nelson, Linda Pfotenhauer, John Schorr and wife Phijitra in providing a special meal of Kentucky Fried Chicken, french fries, som tum papaya salad with birthday cake for dessert.
A great success might be an understatement when describing the August tour of Mae Tao Clinic and neighboring community-based organizations. It was great!
We have found a marvelous van and driver who we intend to hire for future events and tours. The van is spacious and comfortable. More importantly the driver is professional, clean, polite, careful and sober! His rates are very reasonable. Should you need his services: Khun Sutin Srimoon, 089-756-8006
On Wednesday morning, after picking up our tour members at various locations, we traveled to Mae Sot where we met up with others who had come by their own transportation. Dinner was at Khaomao-Khaofang (pictured right), which is always a treat.
Thursday morning our tour started at the old campus of Mae Tao Clinic. In addition to seeing the facility and the prosthesis lab, we received a comprehensive briefing from Saw Tar Win, Deputy Director for Burma Based Operations. Next, we were off to one of my favorites places, The Mae Tao Clinic Children’s Development Center. Newly-appointed vice principal Saw Than Than Lay gave us a great briefing. (We learned was his first time for visitors; great job)!
After a great lunch, we visited the new campus of the Mae Tao clinic. After a walk through of the facility, we met to discuss clinic needs, funding ideas and the like. Dr. Cynthia (fifth from left, between John and Jerry) joined us -- what an honor!
On Friday, most of the group visited the Rim Moi market, right on the border of Thailand and Myanmar, while I had more detailed meetings with Mae Tao Clinic staff. In the afternoon we visited the Suwanimit Foundation where we received information from the foundation, the CPPCR and Safe Child Thailand. The cooperation between the organizations is heartwarming. Really great people!
Friday evening, we enjoyed great service and excellent food at The Passport Restaurant. This Hospitality and Catering Training Centre prepares young migrant workers for a career in that business. Tom, one of our tour members even gave them some help with their espresso making techniques and machine!
Our next trip will be 20 November through 24 November. The tour of the Clinic itself will be on American Thanksgiving Day, and I can’t think of no better way honor that day. We’ll even see if we can find a special “Thanksgiving Dinner” that day.) Mark your calendars! Details to follow.
Basic education and literacy is one of Rotary’s six areas of focus. We know that basic education and literacy are essential for reducing poverty, improving health, encouraging community and economic development, and promoting peace.
Consider these facts:
If all women completed primary education, there would be 66% fewer maternal deaths.
A child born to a mother who can read is 50% more likely to survive past the age of five.
If all students in low-income countries left school with basic reading skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty, which would be equivalent to a 12% cut in world poverty.
The world is making good progress in this area. According to a 2014 United Nations Millennium Development Goals progress report, literacy rates among adults and youths are on the rise and the gender gap in literacy is narrowing. But pressing global needs remain: 58 million children worldwide are out of school. Even after four years of primary schooling, as many as 250 million children cannot read and write. 781 million adults are illiterate.
As our club members know, our club has chosen to focus on the area of children’s safety, health and education. What are some of the things our club is doing to improve education and literacy?
Our fundraising efforts last Rotary Year supported Mae Tao Clinic’s Child Development Center, especially their program to provide Graduate Education Diplomas (GED) to qualified students studying both in Mae Sot and Chiang Mai. Both of the students we funded in Chiang Mai passed their GED exams. Having a GED permits stateless persons the ability to obtain a higher education here in Thailand and overseas.
Our Rotary Club used the income from the 2nd Quarter 2017-2018 Raffle to sponsor board and school supplies for one year at the Warm Heart Foundation (25,000 Baht) for a Lahu teenager, Saa (pictured at right). More about Saa at:
Our club has engaged in improving English language skills at both BEAM Foundation and at the BCMF B.K. Kee Patient House here in Chiang Mai.
Our club’s English Cultural Language Club will engage with the local municipal schools’ students and teachers in improving English language skills by learning about each others cultures in a non-classroom environment.
There are almost unlimited challenges out there for improving literacy and education within the community. As a club we are limited by our resources of both people and finances. Please consider supporting us either by joining CMIRC if you're not already a member, donating clothing or household items for our upcoming sales tables at the November 17th Citylife Garden Fair and Winter Clothing Appeal and, of course, financial donations are always welcome. We can handle international financial donations easily.
On 6 August 2018, I had an opportunity to sit and chat with Nel de Betue, our great friend from ‘down under’ who brings us Trekker Teddies for the children we serve. Nel is responsible for distribution of the completed dolls, but there is much more to the story.
The project was started by Shelly Piper in 2013 as a fundraiser. People would come to Shelly’s shop, see the Trekker Teddies and often make donations and also offer to contribute their time and talent knitting. The project has evolved.
Now most of the Trekker Teddies are made in the Sylvan Glades Retirement Village. Six or seven ladies do the knitting. They have modern children and grandchildren. The Trekker Teddy program gives them an opportunity to be involved helping disadvantaged children, giving them a sense of real purpose. As one lady put it, “we have evolved in an international charity project”.
Anne Hoogeboom is the current knitting organizer. She supplies patterns and wool to the knitting team. CMIRC is so happy to be involved in a project that helps retired folks in Australia and to needy children here. Can you imagine the joy when a photograph like the one above, taken of a children receiving a Trekker Teddy, makes its way back to the creator?
Since we have been involved, CMIRC has given Trekker Teddies to children in Chiang Mai (BMCF B.K.Kee House) and Mae Hong Song (Toys for Thialand). They have also been distributed by Mae Tao Clinic and by Burma Children’s Medical Fund in both Thailand and Burma. While these dolls are really intended for young children, occasionally we happen upon an older child watching the young ones with a sad expression. Sometimes they have never or seldom had a toy of their own and are delighted to receive one even at the ripe old age of 15.
If you are coming to Thailand from Australia, especially Melbourne, perhaps you would be willing to help transport some of these wonderful toys? Contact me for details.
CMIRC is participating with the Sun Lakes Rotary Club, District 5495, Arizona USA on a Rotary Foundation Global “Humanitarian” Water Grant to provide homes on the Navajo Nation with inside running tap water. The Navajo Nation is in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah with over 200,000 Native Americans living on 25,000 square miles of land with about 40 percent without inside tap water and/or a toilet, and 44 percent of the children are in poverty. It is estimated that the average American home consumes 100 gallons of water per day while the average Navajo home consumes seven (7) gallons per day. Or putting it another way, today's toilet uses 3.5 to 5 gallons per flush. So, two (2) flushes per day can exceed a day use of water. And what about: Laundry? Bathing? Cooking? Having a glass of water?
Many presently have their water delivered into above ground 50 gallon holding barrels in their yards via a water truck and then into their home by small containers. The goal is to install underground cisterns which pump running water into 25 or more selected homes at a cost of $4,500 US per home which includes installation. The homes are located within a 70-mile radius of Thoreau, New Mexico which is close to Gallup, New Mexico.
Once the funding goal of U.S. $112,500 or more has been reached, the Sun Lakes Rotary Club will work with DigDeep which supplies the total water system and on-site installation at each home along with the help of Rotarians. The water system consists of a 1,200 gallon in ground cistern, electric pump, sink, solar panel, battery, filter, heater and gray water leach field.
For video information on this Navajo Water situation:
If a Rotary club is interested in participating, contact Past District Governor, Gary Whiting
Editor's note: Our club's contribution to this Global Grant is in honor of CMIRC Rotarian Bill Kip, who will soon be returning to Sun Lake, AZ after suffering a health crisis here in Chiang Mai.
As Rotarians (not just a member of a Rotary Club) we are all faced with setting of priorities in our lives. What we do in our individual lives can and does impact the lives of others. As Rotarians we should want to help improve the lives of others through the priorities we set for ourselves and for our Rotary Clubs. Maybe somethings to think about in the quotes below?
“Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.” - Stephen R. Covey
“Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions.” - Dallin H. Oaks
“Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set, and you with it.” - Marcus Aurelius, The Emperor's Handbook
“Perpetual devotion to what a man calls his business, is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things.” - Robert Louis Stevenson
“Just because you can't act everywhere doesn't mean you don't act anywhere." – Madeleine Albright
“Make room for the real important stuff.” - Tigger (pictured above left)
On July 31st, our club had our “Fifth Tuesday of the Month” social event at The Duke’s at Maya Mall. A number of club members attended and we had several guests who expressed interest in our club and Rotary.
On August 1st, there was a pre-induction meeting with prospective member Nick Dale at My Secret Café in Town. The Membership Committee, temporarily chaired by President John, recommended Nick for membership in CMIRC.
On August 5th, club members made their weekly Sunday visit to the BCMF B.K. Kee Patient House with the usual conversation, fun, eating of fruit etc.
On August 7th, we had a regular meeting of the club. The program was presented by Don Linder on his experiences as the screenwriter for the film “The Last Executioner”. Our club’s ADG was in attendance as well as her club President from the Rotary Club of Thin Thai Ngam.
On August 8th, there was a meeting of the Children’s Water Safety and Drown Proofing Committee with Khru Payu Swim Team at Bronco Kids Sports Complex. The meeting was to finalize plans for the program by the Rotary Club of Patong Beach. Also plans laid for visiting international certification visitors from Australia who will be evaluating Khru Payu instructors to receive international water safety instructor certification.
On August 12th, our visitors to BCMF B.K. Kee Patient House provided KFC (spicy and regular) plus Maliwan’s famous som tom for Mother’s Day celebration at the House. Yes, KFC is considered a treat here in Thailand, as evidenced by the happy faces at the patient house.
On August 16th -18th, members of the club and friends of the club visited Mae Sot, the Mae Tao Clinic, the Child Development Center and the Suwannimit Foundation. Included in the trip was a briefing from Dr. Cynthia Maung on current activities at the clinic. Also, had a sight seeing excursion in Mae Sot with great fellowship.
On August 19th, club members visited the BCMF B.K. Kee Patient House.
On August 21st, the club had a regular meeting with Shayne Rochfort presenting the program on “World Clean Up Day on September 15”.
On August 25th and 26th, some of our club members attended the D3360 Membership, Public Information and Foundation conference in Phrae. (at left, P. John and PE. Colin accept an award for 100% club participation in Rotary International Foundation's "Every Rotarian Every Year" program)
On August 26th, club members visited the BCMF B.K. Kee Patient House.
On August 27th, President John and daughter visited the Warm Heart Foundation.
On August 28th, there was a monthly CMIRC Board meeting.
On August 29th, there was a certificate presentation at Wat Ku Kham for 90 plus students who completed the Children’s Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Program. Also there was a signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Municipal Government, Kru Payu Swim, Bronco Kids Sports Club and CMIRC for continuing the program in the eleven municipal schools.
On August 31st, the final Friday of the month, some club members gathered at Fern Forest Cafe for a friendly "Let's Talk Rotary" lunch.
For a complete and up to date list of events, check our online calendar.
Here are just a few of the important dates for members of Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC). These are opportunities to meet some of us and to meet other Rotarians from around the world!
Every Sunday at 9:30 am, regular visit by club members to BCMF B. K. Kee Patient House. Interested? Contact Rotarian Gary Herman.
03 September 2018 – CMIRC Winter Clothing Appeal Kick Off Meeting, Hong Kong Lucky, 6:00 p.m. Contact Rotarian Geoff Perry.
04 September 2018 - CMIRC Club Assembly, 7 pm Hong Kong Lucky Restaurant for all club members.
12 – 14 September 2018 – Visit Mae Tao Clinic, Mae Sot. Contact Jerry Nelson for details.
18 September 2018 - Regular CMIRC Meeting, 7 pm Hong Kong Lucky Restaurant with program by Paul Carter on the Thai Forward Air Guides during the Second Indochina War.
28 September 2018 - "Let's Talk Rotary" informal lunch for all members and prospective member at Suan Paak Restaurant, near Central Airport Plaza mall, 11:30 a.m.
02 October 2018 – District Governor’s Official Visit to CMIRC.
30 October 2018 - Social Night "Best of Burma" at Pern's Restaurant, 7 pm.
09 November 2018 – Fundraising Event at Old Chiang Mai.
17 November 2018 – Citylife Garden Fair.
21 – 24 November - Tour of Mae Tao Clinic, Mae Sot. Contact Jerry Nelson for details.
30 November - 2 December 2018 - Rotary Zone 6B & 7A Meeting, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
09 December 2018 - The Global Pro Bono Run Jog or Walk – Contact Wendy Morrish for details.
09 December 2018 - Rotary Intercity Meeting, Uttaradit.
01 – 03 March 2019 - Multi-PETS, Hatyai.
23 - 24 March 2019 - District 3360 Conference, Chiang Rai.
01 – 05 June 2019 - Rotary International Convention, Hamburg Germany (
23 June 2019 - District Governor’s Salute, Phitsanulok.
06 – 10 June 2020 - Rotary International Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
12 – 16 June 2021 - Rotary International Convention, Taipei, Taiwan.
04 – 08 June 2022 - Rotary International Convention, Houston, Texas, USA.
Rotary is not free; we give our hearts, we give our time and to some extent we give our money. Most of our heart, most of our time and most of our money goes to support our children’s projects. Yet we have operational expenses such as our website with its powerful tools such as this bulletin. We ask that you consider our sponsors for your needs.
Pern's Restaurant, a Mediterranean restaurant on Huey Kaew Road, near Central Kad Suan Kaew mall, across from the Shell Petrol station will host our next Social Night on October 30, "Best of Burma". Brian Pern and his friendly staff (including the legendary Micky) create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for diners to enjoy steaks, seafood, chicken, pasta and vegetarian offerings. There are nightly specials and half-price house wine on Wednesdays. Most Wednesday and Sunday evenings you can enjoy smooth jazz while dining. First time diners receive a free glass of house wine when they reserve through Pern's website. Book here.
Lanna Lawyers is a Thai law firm with a heart for pro-bono work, especially when it concerns the marginalized people of South East Asia. Their Expat Division can serve the needs of resident expats with native English speaking law partners.
Fashion King is reputed to be the best tailor in Chiang Mai. The owners Frank and Vanita are the sponsors of the famous Chiang Mai fundraising event called Bollywood Night. They do much to help the poor and the needy.
Hong Kong Lucky is a unique Hong Kong Chinese dining experience. The food is wonderful, and they host our Rotary meetings at their location in the Old City.
Our sponsors donate money that supports our operational expenses, freeing funds for the projects we love. Please give them your support.