We've just been treading water here, to use an analogy from our Children's Water Safety & Drowning Prevention Program. Waiting for the country to open up to foreign visitors, both tourists and long-time seasonal visitors. The foreign residents who left in February-March to escape the "smoky season" are gradually trickling back in as their visas expire and they can apply for new ones in their current countries of of residence -- different visas that are acceptable for entry, along with the proper insurance and test results. But the economic toll in tourist-dependent Chiang Mai has been great and continues to grow as more businesses throw in the towel. It will be a long time before tourists return.
However, we've been able to congratulate ourselves that Covid-19 hasn't been in the area. That is until this weekend. A Thai "karaoke hostess" returned to Chiang Mai after working in Burma for a month. She didn't want to be bothered with the mandatory two-week quarantine, so she crossed into Thailand illegally, along with at least two friends who have been admitted to hospitals in Chiang Rai. Prior to hospitalization for Covid-19, the Chiang Mai resident visited the largest mall in northern Thailand, several times for meals, shopping and a movie. The Central Festival Mall Christmas tree is pictured above. Now massive contact tracing, testing, facility shut-downs and cleaning efforts are underway. Remember, Thailand has had just sixty deaths from Covid-19 and fewer than 4000 cases. This is a Big Deal.
Sadly, it looks as if the Thai government may not open the country to "normal" foreign visitors until they can prove vaccination. This means that the club's fundraising efforts will be hamstrung well into 2021. While this is bad news, our projects continue. Pour yourself your favorite beverage and enjoy the bulletin, below. You can better view each story by clicking on the story's title where you'll be taken to the story on our website, displayed in a full-page, easy-to-view format.
During our regular meetings of the club, we have become accustomed to the standard opening line from our treasurer: “We are solvent’' At present, this continues to be the case, but our treasurer did some forecasting on where we are, financial commitments on the books and projections of potential fundraising revenue. Even with significant spending adjustments (downward), the present bottom line forecast is that we will not be solvent by the end of this Rotary Year.
The primary challenge, as I see it, it is the inability to conduct the type of fundraising events we had in a pre-COVID-19 Chiang Mai compared to the COVID-19 world with a number of expats outside of the country and the concerns of those here with having large social types of gatherings. It doesn't seem likely that expats will be able to enter Thailand in normal numbers until a vaccine is a reality.
One guestimate is that any fundraiser (large or small) will probably raise only about 50% of the amount we raised in a pre-COVID-19 Chiang Mai. We typically have done one large and two smaller fundraisers per year. Our big fundraiser the last several years has been our “Duck Dive/Race” with our competing yellow plastic ducks. Due to the yellow duck now being used as a political protest symbol the yellow duck competition as such is a “non-starter”. Maybe other species of plastic bath toy, of another color, can be found to replace the yellow ducks. Here is an explanation of how the rubber duck became a symbol of the pro-democracy protest (pictured, right).
In our ZOOM meetings with other clubs in the USA we have attempted to highlight the many good things our club has done and continues to do in Northern Thailand. That we can teach water survival skills to a Thai child for about 23 USD per student, that we can put needed prescription glasses on a student for 18 USD and that 300 USD can provide each worthy student with a GED test and high school equivalent diploma that gives them credentials to apply for a college or university. We hope that maybe other Rotary Clubs or individuals may provide assistance in supporting our efforts for this Rotary Year’s challenges.
We indeed "live in interesting times” and this Rotary Year will be a very challenging year for our club.
As the year 2020 gradually closes out, we are happy to share some news to warm your hearts. In this edition, we proudly share success stories from our past students who participated in our GED program. We hope that as you read this, you will find a reason to remain hopeful of better days ahead and to continue your great work of supporting our mission.
About Our GED Program: Since 2010, BEAM Education Foundation has been implementing the GED (General Education Development) course, an American-based and internationally recognized non-formal high school diploma course. This course allows a student without a formal education background to receive an official high school diploma which is required for accessing tertiary education. A one-year program, the GED course aims to prepare our students to pass their examinations and to apply for college and university. Migrant students from many different ethnic groups in Myanmar come to BEAM Education Foundation to study together with the hopes of achieving recognized high school certificates and applying to international programs at universities. There are four test subjects taught in this course: Reasoning through Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, and Science.
GED Testimonials: Testimonial 1
Our first testimonial this month focuses on our alumni, Moht, (pictured right, in her first year at Rangsit University). In her submission, Moht shares her reason for pursuing the GED, some challenges she faced, and how she overcame them, among others. She is currently pursuing her bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Development at Rangsit University here in Thailand, with a partial scholarship awarded by the university.
BEAM: Why did you decide to take the GED program?
Moht: I always dreamed of studying abroad and I knew that the GED certificate could help me achieve my dream. My parents encouraged me to study international programs, too. That was why I took the GED program.
BEAM: What did you like about the GED program?
Moht: I loved to learn about U.S. history and its government systems.
BEAM: What were some of the challenges you faced as you pursued the GED program?
Moht: My challenge was English. My English was not good enough to learn everything in the GED program.
BEAM: Did you overcome the challenges mentioned above? If yes, how did you overcome them?
Moht: I tried to practice my speaking skills every day with my friends. I watched some English subtitle movies and listened to English songs. Now, I feel like my English is better than before.
BEAM: How were you involved in any community development during the GED journey or after graduating from the GED program?
Moht: I participated in the Youth Conference by BEAM and the JUMP! Foundation. I learned a lot from that conference like leadership skills or how to solve global issues. I was also involved in making masks and hand gel for people during the COVID-19 pandemic. I really enjoyed it!
BEAM: Share with us how you plan to serve your community, country, and the world.
Moht: International Relations and Development trains students to think theoretically and practically. I want to be a social worker who can contribute and make changes in my community or at the international level, especially in education. I want to improve the educational system of my country and also the economic and political systems.
Two of our alumni from the BEAM Class of 2016/2017 were recently recognized for their outstanding leadership and academic performance at Thammasat University in Bangkok!
Saw Dah Boe was awarded the GSSE Leader Award and academic performance award (GPA 3.5 above) and Naw Hsu Yadanar Oo was awarded for her excellent academic performance (GPA 3.5 above) and dedication to extracurricular activities! Take a look at their pictures below! (Left, Saw Dah Boe receives his GSSE (Global Studies & Social Entrepreneurship) Leader Award. Right, Naw Hsu Yadanar Oo receives her award for excellent academic performance (GPA 3.5 above) and dedication to extracurricular activities.)
A Call to Action:
Why don’t you take a minute to connect with us on social media for more stories about our current and past students and ongoing projects? We would love to keep you updated on the impact of your support of our work.
Thank you for taking the time to read the testimonials. We hope that the last month of this year will be better than the past ones. May you have good health, safety, peace, and joy beyond measure, in all things.
Editor's Note: Sarah is the Higher Education Program Associate at BEAM Education Foundation.
The Chiang Mai International Rotary Club has wrapped up its annual Winter Clothing & School Supplies Appeal. Despite our initial concerns, the response proved to be HUGE! Residents of Chiang Mai once again showed great empathy and generosity, and they came together to help children, youth, and families in desperate need of warmth.
As you may have noticed, this year we began the delivery of donations earlier. As temperatures plunged as low as 4°C on Doi Inthanon, the highest elevation of Thailand, our tireless Rotarian Dylan had already been on the road to distribute warm clothes, toys, blankets, and school supplies. Villagers received your generous donations with excitement and appreciation. On one occasion, our team was blessed by the local shaman. It was very moving to see the happy smiles on people’s faces.
The Interact Clubs at Chiang Mai International School (CMIS) and Unity Concord International School (UCIS), along with Lanna International School (LIST) and Satit CMU School joined our charitable initiative for the final two weeks. CMIS students even designed their own promotional flyers. See below for what a great job they did. We will deliver student donations in December and report back to you, Dear Reader, in the next Bulletin.
For the record, CMIRC has so far distributed donations to the Baan Mae U Khonoi School in Khun Yuam, Mae Hong Son; the mostly Shan and Lahu Ban Huai Muang School in Wiang Pa Pao, Chiang Rai; the Ban Pui School in Hot District; the Ban Pha Lai Learning Centre in Chiang Dao where Akha, Lisu, Karen, Lahu, and Palaung hill tribe students go; two Karen hill tribe communities on Doi Inthanon; the ethnic Karen Ban Huai Khao Lip Catholic School in Mae Wang, and the Ban Khun Tae School in Chom Thong. What’s more, we delivered sixteen cans of high-quality baby formula to Nikki’s Place Agape Home, a renowned institution caring for orphans and children living with HIV/AIDS. Thank you to the donor who placed this premium baby formula in our collection box at Rim Ping Kad Farang.
We want to thank all the donors for making this year's donation drive possible. You are amazing! Your contributions have brought warmth and joy to many vulnerable children and families living in incredibly harsh conditions. Check out the CMIRC Facebook for video and photos of Rotarian Dylan's donation trips.
Please note that there is still a continuous need for school supplies. Therefore, we would like to appeal to our community to help raise funds to provide necessary stationery for low-budget schools and learning centers in Northern Thailand. To find out more information on how to donate money for this specific cause, please visit our website.
November was a slow month for our CMIRC School Vision Screening Project due to school exams and then the Chiang Mai Municipal Schools fall break. This has allowed our Rotary and friends of Rotary vision screening team to rest up after screening 459 children resulting in twelve reading glasses delivered on site, and sixty-eight prescriptions for glasses which were all delivered and fitted by the 1st week of November (see photos, below).
It’s a good thing our team is now rested since we will complete screenings for six more municipal schools between December 2 and December 14. In all during the month of December, we will screen over 400-3rd and 5th graders in addition to children with vision problems identified in other grades by their teachers.
As reported last month, we have identified a child with serious vision problems (Nong Nichaporn or Oy) at Wat Suan Dok School and we made arrangements with her dad, mom and school staff for her to be examined by a pediatric ophthalmologist at the Wat Suan Dok CMU University Medical School hospital. She has now been examined twice and is waiting for a final prescription of specialized glasses.
By mid-December, we will have screened all the 3rd and 5th grade children at all eleven municipal schools where the poorest families send their children. It now seems certain that with the Wat Suan Dok School included we will have screened over 800 students by the end of this year this year!!
The CMIRC School Vision Screening Program at the eleven municipal schools is being made possible by the very generous donation from the Rotary Club of Spokane#21; their gift to the children of Chiang Mai will cover almost all program costs with the exception of the children’s frames and prescriptions for children who were referred by teachers from outside our targeted 3rd and 5th grade classes. The program at Wat Suan Dok School was funded by the Rotary Club of Chiang Mai Wattana. One thousand, high quality New Balance children’s frames have been donated by Eyewear Designs Limited of Bethpage, NY, USA. We now have a new donor to the program: The Thai Thaim Foundation has just donated 10,000 Baht.
Dear Readers, in spite of the generosity of our donors, we are still going to be behind on our budget this year, due to the unexpected numbers of referrals from teachers in grades other than 3 and 5. During this first year, we are trying to help all the children who are referred. In future years we will not have this backlog of need. The cost of a prescription including the optician’s fees is about 550 Baht (US$18), the glasses are provided for free to the children. If you wish to learn how you can help, please contact Project Champion John Schorr at johnkschorr@gmail.com or tel.: 66 (0)8 5030 2143
Rotarian Nick and I made two visits to the Burma Children Medical Fund's B.K. Kee Patient House during the month of November. Our first visit was especially joyful as a young female patient who we had seen in nearly a year returned with her father (pictured, left). She came for a follow up appointment and was able to return home shortly afterwards.
Our most recent visit was spent on holiday arts and crafts. The patients and caregivers enjoyed painting and coloring some traditional Christmas images. We plan on using some of their works for decorating the house for our annual Christmas Party.
Our annual Christmas Party is scheduled for December 20th, beginning at 11:00 and end at 1:00. I will send out an email shortly with details on what we need in terms of presents for the patients and caregivers. If you plan on attending this year if you could please email current Project Champion Bill Pierce at depeche41@aol.com .
If any Rotarians are interested in joining us on our every other Sunday visits, please reach out. (See above email address) We are required to wear face coverings during the entire visit. We leave the Shell station at 11:00 (on Huay Kaew Rd.) and usually complete our visit around 12:30.
November has been a very slow month for our survival swim and water safety program; at the beginning of the month we completed our survival swim and water safety classes for 4th-graders from the Wat Sri Ping Muang and Wat Chiang Yuen Schools. At mid-November the Chiang Mai Municipal Schools began their fall break, so we will not start our programs again for the seven remaining schools until early in the month of December. We have an indoor heated pool, so even if outside temperatures fall, we can still offer our classes.
In Phrao, working with our Warm Heart Foundation partners, we will finish our survival swim and water safety instruction for the last of the seven schools we have on this year’s schedule during the month of December, weather/temperatures permitting. We will move this last class to March, if temperatures drop in our outdoor pool.
Finally, due to Covid-19 our CMIRC fundraising efforts have been greatly reduced. This will challenge our ability to continue our Chiang Mai – based component of CMIRC’s Children’s Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Program in the future. Instruction at each school costs CMIRC approximately 20,000 Baht (US$660) and we fund eleven schools. That’s 220,000 Baht (US$ 7,260) for the year. We provide 15 hours of instruction, all equipment, instructional costs, and the pool for over 300 children each year, so the average cost per child is approximately 700 Baht (US$23) per child.
This month we’d like to thank the Thai Thaim Foundation of Park Rapids, Minnesota, USA for its renewed support and Rotarian Bob Ashley for his continued support, and of course all the generous donors and supporters of the Chiang Mai International Rotary Club Children’s Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Program.
We started this program in 2015 and we are still going strong and serving more children every year thanks to our wonderful sponsors and CMIRC volunteers! If you wish to help please contact Project Champion John Schorr at johnkschorr@gmail.com for more information.
We do not talk about this in our club due to the fact that so many of our members are retired and “classification quota” does not apply to retired members. However, as Rotarians, it is something to be aware of. Our strategic plan had an inadvertent reference to a limitation of no more 10% of membership could be honorary members. This was intended to be in reference to classification of members not the distribution of membership between active and honorary members. This did initiate some discussion with the District and research in RI publications on what the 10% referred to and led to Board discussions about honorary memberships.
Why does Rotary have classifications? What are classifications supposed to represent? Who and what factors determine what classifications a club may have? Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions that arise regarding classifications, taken from the most authoritative, written sources available from Rotary International.
Why does Rotary have classifications?
Rotary uses a classification system to establish and maintain a vibrant cross-section or representation of the community's business, vocational, and professional interests among members and to develop a pool of resources and expertise to successfully implement service projects. This system is based on the founders' paradigm of choosing cross-representation of each business, profession, and institution within a community. A classification describes either the principal business or the professional service of the organization that the Rotarian works for or the Rotarian's own activity within the organization.
Does Rotary International maintain a list of classifications?
RI does not maintain a general list of classifications. Due to the ever-changing landscape of professional work and the unique commercial environments in which Rotary clubs are located, Rotary no longer keeps a standard list of classifications on file. Clubs are encouraged to create their own classification lists by using their local Yellow Pages, chambers of commerce, or other business directories. Classifications aren't rigid and can reflect the many different types of professions and positions that exist in industries. One example would be the classification of lawyer/barrister; this standard classification can be broken down into criminal law, tax law, or intellectual property law.
What are the occupational codes, and how do they differ from classifications?
Rotary International's occupational codes were created some years ago in the event that Rotary found reason to research the industries represented in its membership. These industries are also used when determining the makeup of RI committees. These broad industry titles should in no way be confused with classifications. Rotary International no longer tracks occupational codes.
Should a club deny membership to a transferring or former Rotary based on a classification limitation?
The classification of a transferring or former member of a club shall not preclude election to active membership even if the election results in club membership temporarily exceeding the classification limits.
What limitations, if any, exist on the election of a member to a classification that is already held by another member?
The club shall not elect a person to active membership from a classification if the club already has five or more members from that classification, unless the club has more than 50 members, in which case the club may elect a person to active membership in a classification so long as it will not result in the classification making up more than 10 percent of the club's active membership.
What classification does a retired person hold?
Retired persons inducted into active membership in a Rotary club shall use their former profession as their classification, but this will not be counted towards the club's limit of members in a single classification. Club classification rosters shall not include retired Rotarians.
Do Honorary Members hold classifications?
Honorary members do not hold classifications, but shall be entitled to attend all meetings and enjoy all the other privileges of the club.
How broadly are clubs encouraged to interpret classifications?
While adherence to the classification system is desirable, the Rotary International Board of Directors has agreed that each Rotary club should consider carefully the classification practice and broaden the interpretation of classifications where necessary to meet the modern business and professional environment.
What is a classification survey, and how can I find out what classifications are "open" in the club?
A systematically prepared list of classifications is the logical basis for club growth. RI does not maintain a general list of classifications. To identify relevant business and professional practices within a community, clubs are encouraged to conduct a thorough classification survey. Surveys act as a basis for developing and aggressively undertaking specific, ongoing plans for building and strengthening club membership in order to serve more effectively in all areas of activity. The classification committee of the club is responsible for developing and maintaining an up-to-date classification survey of the community in which the Rotary club is located. Clubs should maintain and use up-to-date classification surveys to develop and strengthen club membership by identifying and recruiting qualified members to classifications that are open. While the club's classification committee compiles the classification survey, it is the club's membership committee and board that reviews and determines the classification of all prospective members.
What should the classification survey and the membership of the club reflect?
A club should have in its membership a representative of every recognized business or professional activity in the community insofar as it is possible to obtain such representation in conformity with the principles laid down in the RI constitution, article 5 and the standard Rotary club constitution, article 6. Clubs are encouraged to review the demographics of an area to verify that all respective segments of the population are represented within its membership.
The work of Rotary begins in the community, and every community has its own unique needs and concerns. While we serve in countless ways, through The Rotary Foundation we’ve focused our efforts in six key areas to maximize our impact. These areas encompass some of the world’s most critical and widespread humanitarian needs, and we have a proven record of success in addressing them. One of them is Disease Prevention and Treatment.
Rotary's top priority is the eradication of polio, but our members take on far greater responsibilities to fight disease. We set up health camps and training facilities in undeveloped countries and in communities struggling with HIV/AIDS and malaria. We design and build the infrastructure for doctors, nurses, governments, and partners to reach the one in six people in the world who can't afford to pay for health care.
Disease prevention and treatment takes on many forms, from supporting studies, to helping immunize people, to improving drinking water and the sanitation infrastructure. The world relies on Rotary to tackle these global challenges, and to set an example for others to follow.
Here are some suggestions on how Rotary clubs, Districts and our service partners can address these needs both locally and internationally:
Support health education programs that explain how diseases are spread and promote ways to reduce the risk of transmission.
Help immunize people against infectious diseases.
Support continuing education and training for health workers through scholarships and public recognition.
Improve and expand access to low-cost and free health care in underserved areas.
Improve sanitation facilities by providing toilets and latrines that flush into a sewer or safe enclosure.
Promote good hygiene habits through education. Proper hand washing with soap and water can reduce diarrhea cases by up to 35 percent.
Develop or support programs that provide immunizations and antibiotics. Measles, malaria, pneumonia, AIDS, and diarrheal diseases are the leading causes of death in children under five.
Levels of Prevention:
Primary Prevention
Primary prevention aims to prevent disease or injury before it ever occurs. This is done by preventing exposures to hazards that cause disease or injury, altering unhealthy or unsafe behaviors that can lead to disease or injury, and increasing resistance to disease or injury should exposure occur. Examples include:
legislation and enforcement to ban or control the use of hazardous products (e.g. asbestos) or to mandate safe and healthy practices (e.g. use of seatbelts and bike helmets).
education about healthy and safe habits (e.g. eating well, exercising regularly, not smoking).
immunization against infectious diseases.
Secondary Prevention
Secondary prevention aims to reduce the impact of a disease or injury that has already occurred. This is done by detecting and treating disease or injury as soon as possible to halt or slow its progress, encouraging personal strategies to prevent reinjury or recurrence, and implementing programs to return people to their original health and function to prevent long-term problems. Examples include:
regular exams and screening tests to detect disease in its earliest stages (e.g. mammograms to detect breast cancer).
daily, low-dose aspirins and/or diet and exercise programs to prevent further heart attacks or strokes.
suitably modified work so injured or ill workers can return safely to their jobs.
Tertiary Prevention
Tertiary prevention aims to soften the impact of an ongoing illness or injury that has lasting effects. This is done by helping people manage long-term, often-complex health problems and injuries (e.g. chronic diseases, permanent impairments) in order to improve as much as possible their ability to function, their quality of life and their life expectancy. Examples include:
cardiac or stroke rehabilitation programs, chronic disease management programs (e.g. for diabetes, arthritis, depression, etc.).
support groups that allow members to share strategies for living well.
vocational rehabilitation programs to retrain workers for new jobs when they have recovered as much as possible.
The regular every other Sunday morning visits by club members to the patients and their families at Burma Children Medical Fund's B.K. Kee Patient House here in Chiang Mai where members socialize, play games, bring food and engage in craft projects with the patients and their families.
The regular pick-up of clothes and other items deposited in our Winter Clothing appeal boxes at the local Rimping and Makro stores and the delivery of these donations to the villages in the high-altitude villages in northern Thailand.
On the first and third Fridays of the month, club members attended theChiang Mai Expats Club breakfasts to promote CMIRC and swap "Change for Children" owl banks.
CMIRC's School Vision Screening Project delivered glasses to the schools visited in October but took a break from screenings due to school exams and holidays in November. The screenings will resume in December with a roar!
Tuesday, November 3 at 7 pm, at our regular club meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel, the program was presented by presented by Ying Charm Hom of the Shan Women's Action Network (SWAN) on "The Work and Mission of of the Shan Women's Action Network in Northern Thailand and the Shan State."
Monday, November 9 our monthly 9at9 ZOOM meeting at 9 PM to stay in contact with club members who are presently isolated in overseas, unable to return to Thailand.
Friday, November 13 the D3360 Awards Ceremony at Tulou Restaurant (below) where our club was recognized by Immediate Past District Governor Kamolsak for accomplishments during RY 2019-2020.
Monday, November 16 the ZOOM meeting at 9 m with the Grand Monadnock Rotary Club (New Hampshire, USA) where we talked about our clubs and how we might possibly work together.
Tuesday, November 17 at 7 PM our CMIRC regular club meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel where Dr. Michael Schafer of The Warm Heart Foundation spoke on the topic "The Environmental Projects of the Warm Heart Foundation".
Wednesday, November 18 at 7:30 PM the ZOOM meeting with the Rotary Club of Oviedo (Florida, USA) where they learned about our club and we discussed potential ways to cooperate together.
Monday, November 23 and Tuesday, November 24 club members conducted "mock interviews" with students at Chiang Mai International School to help with English-language proficiency.
Tuesday, November 24 at 1:00 PM, we had our monthly Board Meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel.
The needed protection measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have caused the cancellation of many events. Others are being conducted online and others have been postponed. Below is a list of events and their status, as we currently understand them. Please remember the situation is extremely fluid and things change daily. Some of our scheduled speakers may be willing to participate in online meetings. The latest news for CMIRC events is at: https://cmirotary.org/events/calendar
Here are just a few of the important dates for members of Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC). These are opportunities to meet some of us and to meet other Rotarians from around the world!
Every other Sunday visits by club members to Burma Children Medical Fund's (BCMF) B. K. Kee Patient House to socialize, play games, do crafts with the patients and their families. Interested? Contact Rotarian Bill Pierce.
Deliveries to remote schools of Children's Winter Clothing are winding down in early December. Have a truck? Want to make deliveries or ride along to help navigate? Contact PE Dylan.
CMIRC School Vision Screening Programs will resume on December. 2 Interested in helping? Contact IPP John.
1 December 2020 CMIRC Club Annual Meeting, 7 pm. at Royal Peninsula Hotel. Open to members only. Gather at 5:45 pm for an optional dinner.
5 December 2020 Ken Brooken's Birthday
9 December 2020 CMIRC "9 at 9" 9 pm Thai time. A ZOOM social meeting for members in and out of Thailand. Contact IPP John.
15 December 2020 CMIRC District Governor's Annual Visit, 7 pm. at Royal Peninsula Hotel. Gather at 5:45 pm for an optional dinner.
22 December 2020 CMIRC Board Meeting at Royal Peninsula Hotel, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Contact CP. Roger
5 January 2021 CMIRC Regular Club meeting, 7 pm. Regular club meeting at Royal Peninsula Hotel. PDG Chamnan Chanruang to discuss "The Current Political Situation in Thailand". Gather at 5:45 pm for an optional dinner.
9 January 2021 Rotary Pancake Breakfast 8 - 11 am CMIRC Fundraiser at River Market Restaurant.
Rotary is not free; we give our hearts, we give our time and to some extent we give our money. Most of our heart, most of our time and most of our money goes to support our children’s projects. Yet we have operational expenses, for example, our website with its powerful tools such as this bulletin. We ask that you consider our sponsors for your needs.
The Lila Thai Massage Ex-Inmate Employment and Skill Development Center was established in 2014 by "Naowarat Thanasrisutharat" to help and support women being released from prison. The ladies receive a massage training course from certified massage instructors (ex-inmates who work for Lila Thai Massage); these programs are endorsed by and meet the requirements of the Chiang Mai Public Health Department. This project reduces the women conviction rates in Chiang Mai and helps to solve the societal problems that perpetuate the situation, bringing about our long-cherished dream for a better community. The quality of massage at Lila Thai Massage is consistently superb.
Royal Peninsula Hotel is an excellent international standard hotel located in the heart of Chiang Mai. They have 150 guest rooms with all amenities including free wi-fi. There is ample onsite, covered parking. The outdoor swimming pool and Jacuzzi are available to guests. There is both an indoor restaurant, featuring Thai cuisine and outdoor beer garden next to the swimming pool. The Royal Peninsula Hotel has two conference and banquet rooms, well decorated, with good acoustics. The staff at Royal Peninsula are very accommodating. The Chiang Mai International Rotary Club meets at the Royal Peninsula at 7:00 PM on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, with many members and guests gathering about an hour before the meeting in the hotel's restaurant for fellowship and an optional meal, ordering from the restaurant's menu of reasonably-priced Thai food.
Our sponsors donate money that supports our operational expenses, freeing funds for the projects we love. Please give them your support.