Happy New Year! You can better enjoy each story if you click on the title of a story in the bulletin where you'll be taken to the story on our website, displayed in easy-to-view full-page format. We've started to include the date each story was posted because they're archived on cmirotary.org and it's helpful to know the date when the story was posted to the club's website.
I would like to begin this first message of the new year with Happy New Year wishes to all readers of this Bulletin! I would also like to reaffirm for 2019 our club’s resolve to improve the lives of children in Northern Thailand through our club projects focusing on Child Safety, Health, and Education. If you would like to help us by joining the club or by making a donation, please see the information at the end of this article.
What happened in December:
I will begin with the biggest news: we were surprised to learn this month that our regular meeting place, Hong Kong Lucky Restaurant, is closing at its current location. After February 28, they will be operating from the Hong Kong Lucky Restaurant at the Top North Hotelin the Old City just a few steps from Thapae Gate. Happily, we were invited to move with them and the CMIRC Board has accepted their offer. So, our March 5th regular CMIRC meeting will be at the Hong Kong Lucky Restaurant in the Top North Hotel. One big plus in this move is that our club regular and committee meetings will now be accessible for people with mobility issues. All of the space we will use is located on the first floor and is wheel chair accessible. Also, there is ample parking and the location is easier for newcomers to find.
On December 4, we had our CMIRC Annual Meeting. This is the meeting when we elect our new officers and committee chairs for the 2019-2020 CMIRC Year which begins July 1, 2019. Our President Elect 2019-2020 is Colin Jarvis and our President-Designate for 2020-2021 is Clarence Shettlesworth. Other board-level officers for 2019-2020 are: Secretary, Jerry Nelson; Treasurer, Nancy Lindley; Sergeant-at-Arms, Nick Dale; Service Projects Committee Chair, Gary Herman; Membership Committee Chair, John Schorr; Foundations Chair, Clarence Shettlesworth; and Fundraising Chair, Shana Kongmun.
On December 23rd, President Designate, Clarence Shettlesworth and I attended the Rotary District 3360 Intercity Meeting in Uttaradit. It was a great opportunity to meet members of the 68 clubs in our district and to hear presentations from the District Governor, District Foundation Chair, District Membership Chair, and our colleagues Khun Chamnan and Khun Suparie from Rotary Club of Chiang Mai North. We are all looking forward to the next district-wide meeting, the District Conference in Chiang Rai, March 23-24. Speaking of meetings, members and guests may want to mark their calendars for the Chiang Mai Area Installation of 2019-2020 Rotary Club Officers. It will be on the 29th of June from 5 to 9pm at the Wattana Thai Payap School in Chiang Mai. Our club and the Rotary Club of Chiang Mai-Wattana are responsible for the planning of this event.
This month we had the pleasure of welcoming Andrew Myhill, formerly of South Africa and now a full-time resident of Hang Dong, to our club. Andrew brings a wealth of business management experience to our club and we look forward to putting his enthusiasm and experience to good use!
Finally, on a sad note, we learned this month that three of our CMIRC active members had to submit their resignations due to travel, family and business obligations. All expressed an interest in rejoining CMIRC as soon as possible and, of course we will be very happy to welcome them back. Linda Pfotenhauer, Wendy Morrish, and Bruce Lasky --we wish you all the best in the new year and hope to see you back with us soon.
How readers of our Bulletin can help:
As the reader of this Bulletin will see, CMIRC is doing a lot of great work in our Northern Thai community, especially if you consider that we only have 23 members! So, the message this month ends again with an appeal to our readers. If you live in Chiang Mai or know someone who does, and you think they would be a good candidate for membership in our club, please let me know: john@cmirotary.org.
If you wish to make a financial contribution to the CMIRC, please contact treasurer@cmirotary.org .
If you wish to make an in-kind contribution. We especially need children’s toys, sports equipment, and school supplies, please contact president@cmirotary.org or 09 4856 3011.
December was an amazing month when it came to CMIRC’s involvement with the Mae Tao Clinic (MTC). We had the opportunity to collaborate with BABSEACLE as they sponsored their Access to Justice Week. Rotarian William Churchill served as one of the judges during the mock trials. CMIRC and MTC both had tables at the Justice Health and Fitness fair where we met many wonderful people all very interested in raising awareness and community engagement in further strengthening greater access to justice, especially the for the migrant population. And, we co-sponsored a very successful An Evening of Love and Support for the Mae Tao Clinic on Friday, 7 December.
The event was a most excellent example of collaboration between organizations with very similar goals. The Mae Tao Clinic supports the migrants from Myanmar as well as people within that country. CMIRC’s focus isChild Safety, Health and Education. BABSEACLE is committed to creating greater access globally to justice through pro bono, rule of law and justice education initiatives.
At the dinner on Friday, 7 December, we enjoyed the company and the wisdom of Dr. Cynthia Maung, a wonderful buffet dinner and traditional dancers from both Burmese and Vietnamese students. (I'm enjoying a joke with Dr. Cynthia at the event, right.) We were also were treated to a demonstration of just how much our daily lives depend on the legal system.
The generosity of Rotarians and our sponsors made it possible for 24 students from BEAM (Bridging Education Access to Migrants Foundation) and 23 Vietnamese law students to attend this event. A special thank you to all who made this possible.
The BEAM students are shown below with Rotarian Gary Herman who led the campaign to raise funds so the students could attend the event. 119 people were in attendance and the Amora hotel was a marvelous host.
Dr. Cynthia and some of her team (right)came to Chiang Mai and participated in Access to Justice Week and the 10th Annual Justice Marathon Event sponsored by BABSEACLE. One of the participants was the Child Protection Officer from Mae Tao Clinic. I chose her photo for the avatar for this article (top left).
During the months of November and December, CMIRC’S three-prong fundraising campaign included An Evening of Love and Support for the Mae Tao Clinic and raised 147,500 THB. We also have pledges that will push the total to 160,000 THB sometime in January.
That's enough to fund G.E.D. scholarships for 4 students! At least one of the students will be female and at least one will be male. Selection for the scholarships is based on academic ability, and interviews. These students are currently in the PRE-G.E.D. class at MTC’s Child Development Center. They are bright, hardworking and hungry for an opportunity to give back to their community. There is nothing more sustainable than education, and it’s not too late to get involved. When the final selections are made, we’ll introduce them to you.These migrant students are not able to attend public school in Thailand, so obtaining a G.E.D. is their path to higher education.
The crowd-funding campaign will remain open. Additional donations will be forwarded to the Mae Tao Clinic for use within their Child Protection Department’s programs, including birth registration that helps to ensure that babies are not stateless, and the dry food program which in collaboration with other donors, helps to ensure that every child has at least one meal per day. Who would be more vulnerable to predators than a stateless child who is starving? Please help CMIRC help them!
December also saw Dr. Cynthia win the coveted United Nations Development Program Asia-Pacific UNDP N-Peace award given to honor her tireless work to build peace and empower women in a conflict zone. Several well written articles are available, you might particularly enjoy the one from the Irrawaddy News.
We at CMIRC are looking forward to an exciting year with all our projects designed to increase CHILD SAFETY, HEALTH and EDUCATION. The article MTC Tours and Opportunities mentions ways you may want to get involved! There are also opportunities within the club to get involved in the B.K.Kee House. See the article, Update & Thoughts on the B. K. Kee Patient House, below.
In writing this for Gary, who is on holiday, I would like to bring some personal perspective into our relationship with the Burma Children Medical Fund's (BCMF) B.K. Kee Patient House.
As some of you know, our relationship with the Mae Tao Clinic(MTC) in Mae Sot, Thailand began even before we were chartered as a Rotary club. Out of this association we became aware of BCMF, founded by Kanchana Thornton, who is Karen, and married to writer Phil Thornton. Phil authored the book Restless Souls: Rebels, Refugees, Medics and Misfits on the Thai-Burma Border.
BCMF was established in 2006 in response to the increasing number of children living along the Thai-Burma border who required complex medical treatment and surgery that is not available at local clinics or hospitals. Prior to BCMF being established, children who required surgery had their symptoms treated and lived either severely incapacitated lives or died prematurely as a result.
In addition to funding patients’ medical treatment and providing support services, BCMF also provides patients with food and accommodation for as long as they are undergoing treatment. Unfortunately, some patient conditions are not able to be treated in hospital facilities in Tak Province. These patients require transport to Chiang Mai for treatment at either the provincial Nakorn Ping hospital or, more typically, the Chiang Mai University hospital commonly called Suan Dok hospital. BCMF operates a safe house for the patients and their families in Chiang Mai, Thailand under the name B.K. Kee Patient House. At right, patients show Rotarian Mike Lake the location of their hometowns.
Typical conditions that require treatment in Chiang Mai and not available in Mae Sot/Tak are: cardiac disease or disorders, neurological conditions, obstetric/gynecological conditions, eye conditions and disorders, gastrointestinal conditions, blood disorders, urological conditions, orthopedic conditions, severe burns, congenital musculoskeletal deformities and abnormal growths/benign tumors.
Some of our club members make weekly Sunday morning visits to the patients and their families at B.K. Kee Patient House. Some of our regular visitors are Mike Lake, Gary Herman, Roger Lindley and visiting Rotarian Gordana Nardini from Croatia when she makes her regular annual winter visits to Chiang Mai.
Activities include but are not limited to: supplying basic toiletry items, fruit and vegetable donations, general English language dialogue, dealing with items in disrepair or would help with better operation of house, and some special event parties for the patients and their families. This month we celebrated the holiday season with a gift exchange and treats.
As the Project Champion for the CMIRC Mae Tao Clinic (MTC) Project, I have at least three areas of focus and I’d like to start the new year out by asking you to participate in one or more. They are increasing awareness of the clinic, obtaining Rotary Global Grants for the clinic, and raising money for the clinic.
Awareness: It has been my experience that people who just read about the Mae Tao Clinic often don’t get involved. However, people who go to the clinic are so impressed that they very often leave with a life long love for the organization and the people they work so hard to serve. The tentative schedule for the NEXT MTC tour is:
Wednesday 6 February – Travel to Mae Sot. (I will organize transport from Chiang Mai, assuming there are enough people, we will share the cost of a van). Room reservations can be made through me as well. I have an arrangement with the PP Residence, affording us rooms well below the advertised rate.
Wednesday 6 February – 6:00 p.m. We will meet in the parking lot of the PP Residence and go to dinner as a group. Typically, our first meal together is at Khao Mao Khao Fang.
Thursday 7 February 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We will tour the Mae Tao Clinic including the old campus, new campus and the Child Development Center. Briefings will be given.
Friday 8 February – We may stay in Mae Sot and visit supporting organizations and attend specific meetings with MTC staff. We may also choose to return to our homes on Friday.
Saturday 9 February – Travel back to our homes or next destinations.
Contact me for further details and to reserve you place on the tour. Many of the decisions are made, by the tour participants (August group pictured above; Dr. Cynthia is fifth from the left). Ask for what you want, and I’ll do all I can to satisfy your request.
I have the honor of making a presentation to the Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin on Tuesday 26 February 2019. We will discuss possible opportunities for our two clubs to work together on both the Mae Tao Clinic Project and the Children’s Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Project.
Rotary Global Grants: We are actively seeking potential international partners for one or more global grants in support of the Mae Tao Clinic. Child Protection Training and Teaching capacity building are currently the two most likely areas. Please contact me or our Foundations Chair, Clarence Shettlesworth for details.
Fundraising: There are ongoing opportunities to contribute financially to MTC through CMIRC. We are just finishing a campaign dedicated to providing G.E.D. Scholarships. (Above is a class of Pre-G.E.D. students at the MTC.) See the Mae Tao Update story, above. Monies raised in the next few months will go to the Child Protection Department. Ways to contribute include:
Contribute through our MTC-Child-Protection-Campaign crowd fundingsite. If you donate $100, then the Thai baht equivalent of $100 will go to Mae Tao Clinic. All related bank fees are paid for by myself as part of my personal commitment this extremely important cause.
Make a direct deposit into one of the CMIRC Bank Accounts. Contact treasurer@cmirotary.org for bank account details.
Hand me the cash!
We are working on establishing a 501(c) which will allow Americans to make a tax-deductible contribution. In the meantime, especially If your potential donation is large, please donate directly to Mae Tao Clinic and receive the tax deduction you deserve. As you will see, MTC also offers tax-deductible donation opportunities is several other countries.
December has been a busy month for the CMIRC Children’s Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Program. We have launched our Australian Aid expansion programs, renewed our Safe Child Thailand expansion programs in Lampang and Patong Beach, and launched initial efforts to establish programs in Petchabun and Sakhon Nakhon Provinces. Here in Chiang Mai we have completed the survival swimming and water safety course for the 9th and 10th municipal schools, leaving only one remaining school to be completed during this Rotary Year. A little more detail is provided below for each of these efforts.
Australian Direct Aid Program Grant
As mentioned in the December Bulletin, CMIRC has received a 361,400 baht grant from Australian Aid to expand our Children’s Water safety and Drowning Prevention Program. In December, project champion John Schorr visited our partner NGO in Phrao, the Warm Heart Foundation. We have developed a plan to begin our program there in February with 140, 4th grade students at the Ban Chaeng Khu Ruang School (ร.ร.บ้านแจ่งกู่เรือง).
John Schorr then traveled to Phuket to meet with the swim instructional staff at the British International School and with the administration at the Ban Ya Literacy Centre for Burmese immigrant children. Thanks to the generous offer of the excellent swim facilities at the British International School and the cooperation of their swim staff we will begin our Children’s Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Progam there in January with 68 Ban Ya Centre children.
Final arrangements are being made to do an exploratory visit to Petchabun Province to meet with school officials and local Rotary clubs to discuss the development of a pilot survival swim program in the province.
Sakhon Nakhon
John Schorr recently met with Past President Joe Evans and discussed initial plans for expansion of the Children’s Water Safety and Drowning Prevention to Sakhon Nakhon. A local bilingual contact (Khun Golf) has also been identified and he is making initial inquiries with local school authorities.
John Schorr met with the Rotary Club of Patong Beach on December 9 and learned the club plans to continue the program with the Ban Sai Nam Yen School this year, with approximately 100, 4th-graders. The program is now officially named: The Rotary Club of Patong Beach Larry Amsden Swim Safe Programme, and the new program chair is Johan Storck.
John Schorr has also reached out to President Garn at the Rotary Club of Lampang and learned that they too will be continuing their program, but have requested some additional financial support for a second pilot program, which we will supply.
Chiang Mai, CMIRC-Sponsored Program
This Rotary year we have already completed 10 of the 11 municipal school 4th grade classes and plan for the entire program to be finished before the end of March. We will once again have a certificate ceremony for all children completing the CMIRC-Kru Payu Children’s Water Safety & Drowning Prevention Program in May. This year we have taught our 1,000th 4th-grader survival swimming and water safety!
Rotary Zones are a collection of a number of Rotary Districts in a common geographical area. Rotary International defines the composition of the Zones and review zone membership to insure the zones have approximately equal number of members. At present, there are thirty-four Rotary Zones.
Each year, past, present, and incoming district and senior leaders attend Rotary Zone Institutes to share information, build connections, and exchange ideas about Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. The institutes usually meet for three to five days, and the program includes:
A report on our polio eradication efforts (above, right).
A five-year forecast presented by a director or other Board representative.
An open forum where participants can make recommendations to the Board.
Local and international speakers sharing information on relevant topics.
A chance to network, reconnect with friends, and find inspiration for continuing your service and leadership within your community.
During Council on Legislation years, Rotary institutes also include a session for Council representatives and alternates and a general session for discussing Council proposals.
Organizing the institute
An institute may assemble leaders from one zone, part of a zone, or several zones. The RI president designates one or more conveners to organize each institute and serve as his or her representative there. Past Rotary officers often participate as speakers, panelists, discussion leaders, and institute committee members.
This year the Zone Institute for Rotary Zones 6B, 7A and 10B (Thailand's zone) was held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The convener for the Institute was RI Director Rafael “Raffy” Garcia III from the Philippines and the Chair of the Organizing Committee was PDG Eva Kurniaty of Indonesia. Approximately 1200 Rotarians attended this year’s Institute in Yogyakarta, at the beautiful five-star Tentrem Hotel from 30 Nov - 2 Dec.
Part of the fun of a Rotary institute is to come a few days early or linger a few days to enjoy the lovely hotel and do additional sightseeing. At left, Nancy and I are pictured enjoying a horse carriage ride around the grounds of the UNESCO-listed Borobudur Buddhist temple -- the best way to see this historic wonder in the rain.
As part of the Institute, training seminars were held for District Governor Elects and for District Governor Nominees. In addition, they prepared for the upcoming Rotary International Assembly for DGE’s and DGN’s in January in San Diego, California.
In addition, District representatives to the tri-Annual 2019 Council on Legislation met at the Institute to review items to be submitted to the upcoming Council On Legislation. Our D3360 is represented by PDG Chamnan of Rotary Club of Chiang Mai - North, our sponsoring club.
The meeting opened with a colorful cultural performance and parade of flags of the countries of all participants. During the five Plenary Sessions activities included: Speech by RI President-Elect Mark Maloney, Shelter Box Disaster Relief, Council On Legislation Update, Zone membership update (right), Zone Public Image update, update on Polio, Open Q&A session with senior Rotary leadership, RI 5-Year Finance Forecast, Update on Dengue Fever Control, review of the Zone meeting and handover of Zone Institute Flag for the 2019 Institute meeting in Manila, The Philippines.
General break out sessions focused on: Sharing Best Practices & Key Challenges on Membership, Sharing Best Practices & Key Challenges on Service Projects and Sharing Best Practices & Key Challenges on Public Image.
Entertainment and social outings
The major off-site social event at this year’s Institute was dinner and cultural entertainment, both modern and traditional, on the grounds of the Prambanan Temple which is a UNESCO World Heritage Center.
Adherence to and promotion of the highest ethical standards in all occupations, including fair treatment of employers, employees, associates, competitors, and the public.
The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, not just those that are pursued by Rotarians.
The contribution of your vocational talents to solving the problems of society and meeting the needs of the community.
As a Rotarian, how can you put these ideals into action? Consider these suggestions:
Talk about your vocation in your club, and take time to learn about fellow members’ vocations. Use your professional skills to serve a community.
Practice your profession with integrity, and inspire others to behave ethically through your own words and actions.
Help a young person achieve his or her career aspirations.
Guide and encourage others in their professional development.
If you do any of these things, you are performing vocational service. And if vocational service motivates and energizes you, then you’re in the right place, because vocational service is the very essence of Rotary. It is what sets Rotary apart from other service organizations.
During the month of December, club members continued their weekly Sunday morning visits to the patients and their families staying at Burma Children Medical Fund's B.K. Kee Patient House. During the December 16th visit, we had a Christmas party, complete with presents for the patients and their family members. Their Christmas tree is shown left.
From 30 Nov - 2 Dec, members from our club and district participated in the Rotary Zone Institute in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
During the week of December 2nd, we had the final four cultural exchange sessions with the students at BEAM (Bridging Educational Access to Migrants) Foundation for the year. The students are working on PowerPoint presentations for an upcoming CMIRC meeting. Cultural exchange sessions will resume in the new year with emphasis on GED preparation.
On December 4th, there was the club's Annual General Meeting.
The club's Winter Clothing Appeal wrapped up with the final delivery to mountain villages in the Mae Chaem region of Chiang Mai province on December 7th (happy recipient family shown right). This project was a big success with many generous donations from the community, massive sorting efforts from club members and friends and the CMIS Interact Club. Special thanks to Peter Barlow for organizing and implementing the pick-ups from the collection boxes and distribution to the mountain villages.
Also on December 7 the club sponsored a fundraising dinner for the Mae Tao Clinicat The Amora Hotel with Dr. Cynthia Maung as the featured speaker and dancing performances by BEAM students.
On December 11th, there was a meeting of the Ad Hoc Administration Committee at My Secret Café in Town.
On December 18th, new member Andrew Myhill (shown left, with PE Colin Jarvis pinning his Rotary badge) was inducted at the regular meeting with the presentation by Steve Johnston on his career in radio and his present job at Happy Radio 98.5 FM.
On December 20th, there was a meeting of the Service Projects Committee.
On December 23th, the District 3360 Intercity meeting was held in Uttaradit.
On December 27th, the CMIRC Board meet after inspecting the new proposed location for CMIRC meetings at the Hong Kong Lucky restaurant at Top North Hotel in the Old City.
For a complete and up to date list of events, check our online calendar.
Here are just a few of the important dates for members of Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC). These are opportunities to meet some of us and to meet other Rotarians from around the world!
Every Sunday at 9:30 am, regular visit by club members to BCMF B. K. Kee Patient House. Interested? Contact Rotarian Gary Herman.
15 January 2019 - Regular CMIRC Meeting, 7 pm, Hong Kong Lucky Restaurant, program to be presented by Rebecca Weldon speaking on the topic "The Projects of the Mae Fah Luang Foundation, under Royal Patronage in Chiang Rai".
6 - 9 February 2019 - Tour of Mae Tao Clinic/Child Development Center, Mae Sot. Contact Jerry Nelson.
29 January 2019 - Social Night, 7 pm, Duke's Restaurant, Maya Mall.
23 February 2019 – CMIRC’s 5th Birthday Celebration.
01 – 03 March 2019 - Multi-PETS, Hatyai.
23 - 24 March 2019 - District 3360 Conference, Chiang Rai. Contact John Schorr.
24 March 2019 - Tour of Baan Saan Rak House in Mae Chan (tentative).
01 – 05 June 2019 - Rotary International Convention, Hamburg Germany (www.riconvention.org/en).
23 June 2019 - District Governor’s Salute, Phitsanulok.
29 June 2019 – Installation of Rotary Officers 2019-2020, Chiang Mai.
06 – 10 June 2020 - Rotary International Convention,Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
12 – 16 June 2021 - Rotary International Convention, Taipei, Taiwan.
04 – 08 June 2022 - Rotary International Convention, Houston, Texas, USA.
Rotary is not free; we give our hearts, we give our time and to some extent we give our money. Most of our heart, most of our time and most of our money goes to support our children’s projects. Yet we have operational expenses such as our website with its powerful tools such as this bulletin. We ask that you consider our sponsors for your needs.
Pern's Restaurant, a Mediterranean restaurant on Huey Kaew Road, near Central Kad Suan Kaew mall, across from the Shell Petrol station sold many tickets for our December 7th "Evening of Love & Support for Mae Tao Clinic". Brian Pern and his friendly staff (including the legendary Mickey) create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for diners to enjoy steaks, seafood, chicken, pasta and vegetarian offerings. There are nightly specials and half-price house wine on Wednesdays. Most Wednesday and Sunday evenings you can enjoy smooth jazz while dining. First time diners receive a free glass of house wine when they reserve through Pern's website. Book here.
Lanna Lawyersis an expat-focused professional general practice law firm in Chiang Mai.They provide detailed and focused legal advice and services to expats and Thai nationals.Specializations include: Family, Business/Corporate, Property/Real Estate, Wills and Estates, Civil, Contract and Criminal Law. Other services include immigration, notary services, translations and accounting.Lanna Lawyers prides itself on the ethical, high quality and standard of care. Lanna Lawyers is a leader in providing pro bono services to a significant number of clients who are both in need of legal assistance and do not have the financial means and ability to pay for them.
Fashion Kingis the best tailor in Chiang Mai. They have been in the same shop for over 12 years and receive the highest ratings from Trip Advisor and others.They feature authentic craftsmanship, superior materials and a great value!Their success is measured in customer satisfaction. The owners, Frank and Vanita will personally guide you through the entire process: design, material selection, fitting and delivery. CMIRC members -- this is the place to order a custom-made CMIRC dress-shirt or have a CMIRC emblem embroidered on your casual polo shirt. Frank and Vanita are the sponsors of the famous Chiang Mai fundraising event called “Bollywood Night”.They do a lot to give back to their community, helping the underprivileged in and around Chiang Mai.
Hong Kong Lucky is a unique Hong Kong Chinese dining experience. The food is wonderful. Their Flagship Restaurant is in the Old City very near the regional police station. They have not only a dining room but facilities for private parties, large and small. Our Rotary meetings are held here. Hong Kong Lucky can be found on the 4th floor of Maya Life Style Mall, providing an excellent choice for a meal during your shopping experience.Hong Kong Lucky is also inside the Top North Hotel, near Thapae Gate where you can enjoy great food in a garden setting.
Our sponsors donate money that supports our operational expenses, freeing funds for the projects we love. Please give them your support.