Rainy season has started, with brief, but heavy showers nearly every day and clear skies for weeks on end. So, too, Thailand has remained free of community-spread Covid-19 for weeks on end and the country is gradually, cautiously opening up. All Covid cases for more than a month have been among Thai people in government-mandated quarantine after returning from working or studying overseas.
As the economy opens, the need for food programs lessens, but Chiang Mai, dependent on tourism, remains hard-hit. We've changed the direction of our food programs to meet the continuing needs and will soon return to in-person club meetings.
Pour your favorite beverage and relax to read what we've been up to, below. You can better view each story by clicking on the story's title where you'll be taken to the story on our website, displayed in a full-page, easy-to-view format.
I would like to begin this month’s President’s Message (my last one) by thanking my colleagues on the Chiang Mai International Rotary Club(CMIRC) Board and my fellow CMIRC Rotarians for making my job as CMIRC President a real pleasure this Rotary Year. We accomplished a great deal and did our part in fulfilling our Club mission of improving Child Safety, Health, and Education in Northern Thailand. Sure, there was stress and tension at times, but our CMIRC Rotarians have always remembered that Service Above Self is the motto of Rotary!
Next, I would like to welcome our new leadership. As an indication of the strength of new membership in CMIRC, it is interesting to note that 4 of the 8 Board members (including the President, left in purple shirt, and President-elect) will be serving their first full year on the Board in RY 2020-2021. There are still three Charter Members on the Board, but CMIRC is now six years old and it is clear we are transitioning to a new generation of leadership. Here is the new CMIRC Board:
President: Clarence Shettlesworth
President-Elect: Dylan Thomason
Secretary: Nick Dale
Treasurer: Nancy Lindley
Service Projects Chair: Dylan Thomason
Youth Programs Director: William Churchill
Foundation Chair: Roger Lindley
Membership Chair: Viki Thomason
Immediate Past President: John Schorr
So, now a very brief recap of SOME of what we accomplished this year to improve the lives of children and families in Northern Thailand:
1. We responded to the Covid-19 crisis by creating a CMIRC Food Initiative. Working with community partners, we provided meals and food staple packs to at least a thousand newly unemployed and poor families in Chiang Mai and in surrounding mountain villages.
2. We worked with our Rotary District 3360 to provide medical equipment and sets of personal protective equipment (PPE) to local hospitals to help with the Covid-19 response.
3. We taught over 500 4th-graders in Chiang Mai, Phrao, and Ban Ya, Phuket survival swimming and water safety.
4. We delivered many, many truckloads of winter clothing to children in the freezing mountain villages here in Northern Thailand. We are also donating school supplies to those villages.
5. We raised nearly 250,000 Baht for the Mae Tao Clinic to be used in their Child Protection Program and their Child Development Center.
6. We provided tutoring and scholarships for the GED (High School Equivalency) program at BEAM Education Foundation. This program allows refugee children to gain the credentials needed to attend university.
7. We provided support, loving care and companionship for seriously ill children every Sunday at the Burma Children Medical Fund's B.K. Kee Patient House (a VERY low budget Ronald McDonald House for children and their families who need specialty care available in Chiang Mai).
8. We instituted a Child Development Screening Program for poor communities in Chiang Mai Province.
11. We worked with Red Lahu villages in Mae Hong Son Province to create the Avocado Garden Project, a sustainable, environmentally-friendly crop alternative for the villagers.
12. We helped a village in Roi Et Province ensure the availability of water year round with a surface water retention project.
13. We are partnering with the Rotary Club of Bangkok on a Rotary Global Grant: “Cultivating a Peace Culture in School.”
15. We sponsored Avis Rideout of Agape Home/Nikki’s Place for Rotary District 3450 The One International Humanitarian Award.
16. And, much, much more!
To do all of the above, we needed sponsors and donors. I would like to thank some of our generous sponsors who provided grants and awards to CMIRC in 2019-2020
2. We received grants in excess of 350,000 Baht from the U.S.-based Thai Thaim Foundation to administer the building of a surface water facility in Roi Et province and to begin a sustainable agriculture project in two Lahu villages in Mae Hong Song Province, the Avocado Garden Project.
3. The Swiss Lanna Society awarded the CMIRC Children's Water Safety & Drowning Prevention Program (CWSDPP) 100,000 Baht for the program in the Chiang Mai municipal schools.
5. Bharatbhushan Kwatra Foundation donated 200,000 Baht to provide food for local people affected by Covid-19.
6. The Road to a Better Life Foundation donated 100,000 Baht to provide food for local people and rural refugee populations affected by Covid-19.
Finally, I would like to brag a little bit. At the end of each year our Rotary District recognizes excellence and exceptional community service achievement in the 67 Rotary clubs in District 3360. Normally, this would be at a large District Awards Meeting, but this year due to Covid-19, it was all done via Zoom. We won 2019-2020 District 3360 Awards for Outstanding Overall Service to the Community (1st place for small clubs), Consistent Sustainable Service Project (Survival Swim Program) (1 of 4 awarded), and Increased Membership (2nd place for small clubs). We were also recognized for 100% EREY and Rotary Foundation giving and a high percentage membership in My Rotary.org
So, it has been an incredible year and I am proud to have been a part of it. For those who would like to view the recording of our Club Assembly, where I describe in some detail what we accomplished this year you can view a recording of our June 30 Club Assembly (about 65 minutes) at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7nmfh8n57m68a9g/GMT20200630-115715_CMIRC-Club_1920x1080.mp4?dl=0
Below is one of my favorite "formal" photos of the Club this year, taken at the visit of District Governor Kamolsak, his wife, Assistant District Governor Saran and many visiting Rotary friends.
Schools reopen today, July 1. So, we are working with school officials to schedule our programs for fourth graders at the eleven municipal schools in Chiang Mai, two municipal schools in Phrao, the Ban Ya Migrant Learning Centre in Phuket, and in Phetchabun Province. This year we are also going to conduct a program at the Child Development Migrant Learning Centre in Mae Sot, Tak Province.
We anticipate that there will be a “new normal” for swim instruction and pool use this year, so we are also waiting for guidance on how to conduct our lessons in the safest way possible. This may have budgetary implications for our program, so additional fundraising may be needed.
Once again this month we would like to recognize the people and organizations behind the success of our survival swim projects over the past five years. The logos you see below are the organizations that have recently supported our programs at the Chiang Mai Municipal Schools, municipal schools in Phrao, municipal schools in Phetchabun Province, the BanYa Migrant Learning Center in Phucket, and in partnership with the Warm Heart Foundation in Phrao.
We are also supported by the Thai Thaim Foundation of Park Rapids, Minnesota, USA and Rotarian Bob Ashley and of course all the generous donors to the Chiang Mai International Rotary Club.
We started this program in 2015 and we are still going strong and serving more children every year thanks to our wonderful sponsors and CMIRC volunteers!
During the month of June two care packages were delivered to the Burma Children Medical Fund's B. K. Kee Patient House. In addition to basic household supplies, materials delivered included items that can be used for children to continue to work on their education. This past Saturday some portable whiteboards, markers and erasers were delivered, as well as some language development workbooks for one of the older students.
In addition, CMIRC secretary Nick Dale, left, donated four papaya trees and two large bags of fertilizer. Once they grow to full size they will provide healthy snacks for the residents as well as some shade for the grounds.
This month the residents were able to play a game of bingo for some prizes that were dropped off earlier in the month. It’s wonderful to see staff take the lead and engage in activities with the patients and their families. They have also been active in tending to the gardens which have become nearly a full-time job.
CMIRC members are looking forward to when the restrictions on in-personvisits are lifted and we can return to our regular visits to the house.
For many, going to university is a process in their educational life; for others it’s a dream. Then there are students whose dream becomes reality through determination, hard work, luck and support. Such is the situation of our students at BEAM Foundation who are in the process of writing their GED exams and applying for university admission. Some students have been lucky not only to gain a university place but sponsorship (fantastic), others meanwhile finish writing, and wait for their result before applying to universities. In many cases this is a leap of faith as they do not have the finances to support themselves through university. Below are a couple of requests from two BEAM students. The burning question is how can Rotary and its members help; have you any ideas on how, where, who could they contact for support, guidance and sponsorship?
Letter One
From: Khin Maung Aye
I am Khin Maung Aye, known as NyiZaw. I would like to know that does Rotary Club still provide scholarships for Myanmar student to study in Thailand, Bachelor in Education. I have already received the university admission however I am still trying finding a full scholarship to study. Because I and my family could not afford my further education. Therefore, I would like know to about the scholarship information. Would like to hear from you more.
Thank you very much NyiZaw
Letter Two
I hope you are doing well and nice to know you.
I am a student from BEAM. My name is Myo Hlaing Htwe. My nickname is TG. Now, I am living in Chiang Mai. I want to study at Mae Fah Luang University in Chiang Rai. The rank of the university is second in Thailand.
Now, I am studying to take the GED (General Education Development) exam in Chiang Mai. I will finish my GED exam in July 2020. Luckily, the university accepts with a grade-12 certificate for the new students. Even though I have not finished my GED, I have a grade-12 certificate so I can apply.
I will study for a bachelor's degree in Business and Management major at that university. I do not apply yet, but I will apply to it in next week. On the other hand, I am a little bit worry to apply because if they accepted me, I have no money to go to study at there. However, I really wanted to study, so I will apply it first. I had talked with an alumni student from that university and he will help me to apply at Mae Fah Luang University. Then, he explains to me how much it cost for the first year and when the first class starts.
So, I need money. That is why I need a scholarship or loan can you help me. I have applied for some scholarships and loans such as Zomia, Child's Dream Foundation, and Prospect Burma, unfortunately, I was not successful. Can you help me to find a personal donor as well? If someone wants to donate me for the only first-year study of the university, it's fine. I will apply to those scholarships or loans after my first year of study at university. The total cost for the first-year study is over 100,000 Baht.
Total cost of first-year study Business and Management major at Mae Fah Laung University.
Tuition Fee = 71500
Food. = 27000
Application = 300
Dormitory = 8000
Damage Issue = 2000
Public Facility = 2400
Health Insurance = 2000
Health Check = 590
Bank account & student ID = 200
Visa = 2500 (3 months)
Visa Renewal = 1900
Uniform = 2000
Electric bill = 800
Total amount = 121,190 Baht
(Note* This is an estimated the basic need minimum amount for one year)
The first class will start on August 24, 2020.
I had done some volunteer work such as teaching to children at the Monastery (2019-2020 in Chiang Mai), Leadership program at FED Foundation (2018-2019 in Mae Sot), and Facilitator at Youth Conference at JUMP Foundation (2019 in Chiang Mai)
Thank you so much for your help. I will do my best at the university.
Myo Hlaing Htwe (TG)
Without doubt these appeals are a true reflection of their mission in getting a university education. I have not seen the final numbers of student who have passed as many will complete the writing of exams in early July. What I have seen so far is exciting; a thrill on their achievement. The next hurdle is a challenge.
So how can you help? Any ideas, contacts, thoughts, advice, and guidance are welcomed. The BEAM Education Foundation are supporting in whatever way they can but the more the merrier, in making dreams come true
The onset of COVID-19 in Thailand coincided with the March/April hot season holidays of most schools in Thailand. Although our youth programs are in temporary hiatus, there is a need for membership involvement. Our Unity Concord International School Interact Club was in dire need of an Advisor and new member Chili Humphrey stepped up and will become the new Advisor once Unity Concord resumes in-person classes on their campus. And since Mike Gholson has decided to return to the United States, we now are in need of a new Advisor for the Interact Club at Chiang Mai International School, which plans to return to campus on 5 August.
The Rotaract Club of Payap University (RCPYU) is scheduled to reconvene in August 2020 when the new school year starts. Their long break is due, in large part, to a change in their academic schedule. We have obtained the names of BEAM students enrolled at Payap and will contact them and inform them of RCPYU and Rotary, and encourage them to become members of RCPYU upon the restart of the PYU academic year. Since I have assumed the Board position of Youth Programs Director and plan to expand CMIRC's youth emphasis in the new Rotary year, there is an opportunity for a club member to assume the role of Advisor to the Rotaract club at Payap University.
The Teacher Advisors for the two Interact Clubs, at Chiang Mai International School (CMIS) and Unity Concord International School (UCIS) report that the clubs are subject to closed campuses and cannot meet or perform any services or activities until further notice.
The Rotary Foundation Trustees and Rotary International Board of Directors have added a new area of focus: supporting the environment.
More than $18 million in Foundation global grant funding has been allocated to environment-related projects over the past five years. Creating a distinct area of focus to support the environment will give Rotary members even more ways to bring about positive change in the world and increase our impact.
Supporting the environment becomes Rotary’s seventh area of focus, which are categories of service activities supported by global grants. It joins peace building and conflict prevention; disease prevention and treatment; water, sanitation, and hygiene; maternal and child health; basic education and literacy; and, community economic development.
Grant applications for projects will be accepted beginning on 1 July 2021. Gifts and commitments from Rotarians and others will be sought to provide global grant support for the new area of focus. More information about this new area of focus will be announced soon.
Background: I was the Mae Tao Clinic (MTC) Project Champion for the Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC) for the past six years. Recently, I joined The Rotary Club of District 5950 Ending Human Trafficking (RCD5950EHT) and CMIRC decided to change their relationship with Mae Tao Clinic. They will no longer organize tours.
Present Time: As a Mae Tao Clinic Volunteer, I am organizing future tours. They will be known as Mae Tao Clinic International Awareness Tours. The current concept is:
Tour dates will be established in conjunction with the MTC and their Child Development Center (CDC) staff.
Announcements will be written and distributed to several organizations for broadcast. (The list of organizations is evolving and will continue to do so).
Typical tour time will be two days travel and two or three nights in Mae Sot (depending on interest and availability).
Typical tour will include Mae Tao Clinic, Child Development Center (pictured right) and various NGOs/CBOs.
Tour size is restricted to 5 people, but that will change to 10 to 15 post COVID-19.
Transportation to and from Mae Sot will be the responsibility of the individuals going on tour.
If the numbers warrant, a van will be arranged from Chiang Mai and return.
Lodging will be arranged at a reduced rate at the Centara and at PP Residence.
Each person going on tour will be asked to sign an agreement regarding conduct and dress code.
Each tour member will be responsible for his/her own expenses and will be asked to donate a minimum of 1,000 THB to the MTC. Unless they specify differently, the money will be earmarked for the Child Protection Department/Child Development Center.
Going Forward: We anticipate the next tour will be in September 2020. We anticipate future tours will happen 3 to 6 times a year.
Mae Tao Clinic – Potential Opportunities to Help
When entering the Mae Tao Clinic website, the first thing I notice are the words “Without Your Help, We Can’t Help”. So how can you help?
Come on a tour and see for yourself the challenges and then pick a place to help! Next tour is tentatively scheduled for September. Please see the Announcement for Visitors
Know a young Doctor who is looking for the adventure of his/her life? Refer them to Mae Tao Clinic; we are looking for a clinical consultant!
There are ongoing conversations about a project to prevent children from being victims of human trafficking. Please contact me.
There are ongoing conversations about setting up a scholarship fund for children who are graduates of the Mae Tao Clinic Child Development Center. Please contact me.·jnelson.ragas@gmail.com
Donations are always welcome and can be tax-deductible.
I invite you to become more aware of human trafficking/modern slavery and, if you can, become involved in stopping these practices. While the efforts to combat slavery can be daunting, overwhelming, frustrating, and sometimes heartbreaking, it’s worth it. The reward will be a better world, a world safer for our children and grandchildren! Please take a serious look at The Rotary Action Group Against Slavery (RAGAS). Rotarians from all over the world are involved with this action group, but our numbers are still small. Join us!
The latest Trafficking in Persons Report from the United States Government was released on 16 June 2020. Projects to combat human trafficking fall into categories known as the “3Ps” of human trafficking (prosecution, protection, and prevention). In Thailand, excellent work is being done by Thai government authorities, and several NGOs in areas involving prosecution and protection.
In Thailand, the RAGAS focus will be prevention through the education of children, their teachers, and families. Our first project will be at the Thammarat school Wat Phrasing in Chiang Mai, where we will integrate awareness training into their 7th and 8th grade (Mattayom 1 & 2) English classes. Native English speakers in Chiang Mai are needed for this project. The start date will be in middle July. If you are interested, please contact me.
Matt Friedman of the Hong Kong-based Mekong Club has made very powerful speeches which are available on YouTube. He also has a new book called “Be The Hero: Be The Change” which is available on Kindle. I highly recommend them all!
One of my favorite quotes is from the famous American actress Lilly Tomlin who said “I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody”.
Feedback on this short article would be greatly appreciated. Who is interested in ending human trafficking/modern slavery? What can you do to help? How can we help you? I am reminded that I can’t do everything, but I can do something. Together we can, will and must make a difference!
Editor's note: Jerry Nelson is the RAGAS Coordinator for Thailand, Charter Member of the Rotary Club of Ending Trafficking and an Honorary Member of Chiang Mai International Rotary Club. Contact him at jnelson.ragas@gmail.com
July is the start of new Rotary officers' year of service. These officers are those serving at the club, district and Rotary International levels.
In preparation for the upcoming Rotary Year, District Governor Elects and District Governor Nominees have attended annual training sessions in the USA. Incoming District and club officers have attended District Training Assemblies (DTA’s) to learn about their roles, responsibilities and resources. Our club's is shown, right, after their English-language DTA. We've all been in Chiang Mai province, free of Covid-19 for over two months and able to gather. The Thai clubs in the district are from many provinces, some not as free of Covid-19 as long as Chiang Mai province, so their Thai-language DTA was conducted on-line.
Rotary International, District and club strategic plans and goals have been reviewed and revised as needed.
District chairpersons have been appointed and these Chairs have selected those Rotarians in their district they wish to serve on their committees.
Club chair persons have been selected and they have asked their club members to serve on their committees.
Clubs or groups of clubs will have organized installation events for their incoming officers and boards and to recognize outgoing officers and board members. In this unique year of Covid-19 pandemic, these events will probably not be the same as those before Covid-19.
Singing at Rotary Club meetings goes back to the very beginning. According to Past RI President Cliff Dochterman, in his The ABCs of Rotary, Harry Ruggles, the fifth man to join Paul Harris in forming the first Rotary club in Chicago, enjoyed singing.
Dochterman writes, “At an early meeting of the fledgling group, Harry jumped on a chair and urged everyone to join him in a song. Group singing soon became a traditional part of each Rotary meeting. The custom spread to many of the clubs in the United States and is still a popular fellowship activity in the Rotary meetings of such diverse countries as Australia, Japan, Nigeria, New Zealand and Canada. Some clubs sing a national song as the formal opening of the meeting. Social singing, however, is seldom found in the Rotary clubs in Europe, South America and Asia.”
But, is singing required for a club by Rotary International? No. Is prayer required for a club by Rotary International? No. Is playing of a national anthem or singing of national anthems required by Rotary International for a club? No.
Some clubs enjoy singing and have made it part of their tradition. At right, members of several Rotary clubs in Bath, England gathered to form a "flash mob" to raise public awareness about World Polio Day.
The individual club makes the choice of how their meetings are structured and if any ceremonial activities occur or do not occur. Some clubs choose to be very formal in how their meetings are structured and have dress requirements. Other clubs, especially those reaching out to expand membership, may choose less a formal meeting structure. Some clubs will sing. Some will not. Some clubs will levy fines and some will not. Some clubs will have a prayer and some will not. Some clubs will play the national anthem of the country in which they are based and some will not. Singing of national anthems may raise the question of which anthem for E-clubs who meet virtually globally and international clubs who draw their membership from many different countries.
Rotary International continues to emphasize the need for flexibility and adoption of change within Rotary districts and clubs in order to maintain the relevance of Rotary today and into our future.
The regular every Sunday morning visits by club members to the patients and their families at Burma Children Medical Fund's B.K. Kee Patient House here in Chiang Mai have been put on hold due to Covid-19. Rotarians Bill and Nick are dropping by their gate every other Sunday with basic essential supplies.
The weekly Monday, Tuesday and Friday English Language Cultural Club sessions at the BEAM Educational Foundation have halted due to the end of the academic year at BEAM and concerns about Covid-19. BEAM is tentatively scheduled to resume sessions in early September.
On the first and third Fridays of the month, club members normally attend theChiang Mai Expats Club breakfasts and their monthly meeting on the 4th Saturday of the month to promote CMIRC and swap "Change for Children" owl banks. CEC has suspended all meetings because of Covid-19.
Tuesday, Jun 2 at 7:00 PM Shayne Rochfort presented the regular program via ZOOM on the topic: “Some Thoughts on Road Fatality Statistics in Thailand” (right).
Friday, June 5, We had our English-language District Training Assembly at the Royal Peninsula Hotel.
Thursday, June 11 Rotarians Aree, John, Clarence and Roger met with the staff at Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development (RCID) to discuss a needs assessment in Northern Thailand related to a possible Global Grant for a Vocational Training Team from The Rotary Club of Melton Mowbray in UK (with the support of 85 Rotary Clubs in UK District 1070) to visit in RY 2021-2022.
Tuesday, June 16 at 7:00 PM Dr Lorel Mayberry presented the program via ZOOM on the topic “Mooditj and Education Scholarships for Hill Tribe Young People”.
Tuesday, June 23 at 1:00 PM, we had our monthly Board Meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel practicing proper small group social distancing and hygiene.
Friday, June 26 at 1:00 PM Rotarians gathered at Bronco Kids Sport Club to assemble 100 food boxes for delivery to Wat Ket Karam school (above, left).
Sunday, June 28 Rotarians met at 8:00 AM at Bronco Kids Sport Club to load and deliver 100 food boxes for delivery to needy families at Wat Ket Karam school(above, right).
Posted by Nancy Lindley & Viki Thomason on Jun 30, 2020
The needed protection measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have caused the cancellation of many events. Others are being conducted online and others have been postponed. Below is a list of events and their status, as we currently understand them. Please remember the situation is extremely fluid and things change daily. Some of our scheduled speakers may be willing to participate in online meetings. The latest news for CMIRC events is at: https://cmirotary.org/events/calendar
Here are just a few of the important dates for members of Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC). These are opportunities to meet some of us and to meet other Rotarians from around the world!
Every Sunday visits by club members to Burma Children Medical Fund's (BCMF) B. K. Kee Patient House are temporarily on hold. Interested for the future? Contact Rotarian Bill Pierce.
7 July 2020 CMIRC Regular Club meeting, 7 pm. Regular club meeting at Royal Peninsula Hotel. First in-person club meeting since mid-March! In-coming club President Clarence will review the Strategic Plan for 2020-2021. Gather at 5:45 pm for an optional dinner.
9 July 2020 CMIRC "9 at 9" 9 pm Thai time. A Zoom social meeting for everyone in and out of Thailand. Contact President Clarence.
Rotary is not free; we give our hearts, we give our time and to some extent we give our money. Most of our heart, most of our time and most of our money goes to support our children’s projects. Yet we have operational expenses, for example, our website with its powerful tools such as this bulletin. We ask that you consider our sponsors for your needs.
Pern's Restaurant, has re-branded (still called Pern's, at the same location) and is now selling a great selection of takeaway and delivery burgers, hot dogs, chili, Philly cheesesteaks, Aussie steaks, pasta and, of course, the Wednesday and Sunday specials and half price wine! Open Tuesday - Sunday, 11 am - 8 pm. Details here: www.pernsfood.com Tel: 0861117766
Fashion King is the best tailor in Chiang Mai. They have been in the same shop for over 12 years and receive the highest ratings from Trip Advisor and others. They feature authentic craftsmanship, superior materials and a great value! Their success is measured in customer satisfaction. The owners, Frank and Vanita will personally guide you through the entire process: design, material selection, fitting and delivery. CMIRC members -- this is the place to order a custom-made CMIRC dress-shirt or have a CMIRC emblem embroidered on your casual polo shirt. Frank and Vanita are the sponsors of the famous Chiang Mai fundraising event called “Bollywood Night”. They do a lot to give back to their community, helping the underprivileged in and around Chiang Mai.
The Lila Thai Massage Ex-Inmate Employment and Skill Development Center was established in 2014 by "Naowarat Thanasrisutharat" to help and support women being released from prison. The ladies receive a massage training course from certified massage instructors (ex-inmates who work for Lila Thai Massage); these programs are endorsed by and meet the requirements of the Chiang Mai Public Health Department. This project reduces the women conviction rates in Chiang Mai and helps to solve the societal problems that perpetuate the situation, bringing about our long-cherished dream for a better community. The quality of massage at Lila Thai Massage is consistently superb.
Royal Peninsula Hotel is an excellent international standard hotel located in the heart of Chiang Mai. They have 150 guest rooms with all amenities including free wi-fi. There is ample onsite, covered parking. The outdoor swimming pool and Jacuzzi are available to guests. There is both an indoor restaurant, featuring Thai cuisine and outdoor beer garden next to the swimming pool. The Royal Peninsula Hotel has two conference and banquet rooms, well decorated, with good acoustics. The staff at Royal Peninsula are very accommodating. The Chiang Mai International Rotary Club meets at the Royal Peninsula at 7:00 PM on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, with many members and guests gathering about an hour before the meeting in the hotel's restaurant for fellowship and an optional meal, ordering from the restaurant's menu of reasonably-priced Thai food.
Our sponsors donate money that supports our operational expenses, freeing funds for the projects we love. Please give them your support.