You can better enjoy each story if you click on the title of a story in the bulletin where you'll be taken to the story on our website, displayed in easy-to-view full-page format.
October began with one of the highlights of any Rotary club's year with the visit to the club by the District Governor Roongranee Sangsiri on Tuesday, October 2nd. Our Rotary District 3360 has 67 Chapters spread throughout the Northern region of Thailand and DG Roongranee and her husband Artit will visit them all during her year as District Governor.
The visit began with a meeting of the CMIRC Board with the D.G. Roongranee, Assistant District Governor Ratree, and our special friend, Charter President Pong of the R.C. of Chiang Mai – Wattana, who acted as interpreter. We had a lively meeting where our Board members outlined the projects we have initiated with a signature focus on Child Safety, Health, and Education. We also described the fundraising we have done and the financial contributions we have made to local causes, District 3360, and Rotary International. Finally, we described our plans for the coming year and the efforts we are making to expand our membership. D.G. Roongranee congratulated us on the good work we are doing.
After the meeting with Board, we enjoyed a 10 course Chinese family dinner. The Hong Kong Lucky chefs outdid themselves, everyone commented on what a delicious and varied meal it was. One of the great things about Rotary in District 3360 is the way our clubs work together. Past District Governor Chamnan and Past District Governor Suparie, both from our "mother club" of Rotary Club of Chiang Mai - North joined us for dinner and the meeting. We appreciate their continuing support for special events like this. All the club members and visitors, including the Interact officers and adviser are pictured above on this special night.
The highlights of the meeting were the presentations by DG Roongranee and an exceptional presentation about the meaning and importance of service by the president of the new CMIRC-sponsored Interact Club at the Chiang Mai International School. Very impressive group of young Interactors! We are very proud to be their sponsors!
Other Items:
Our Fundraising committee is now working overtime to make our “It’s Only Rock and Roll But (You’ll) Like It” Rolling Stones tribute band charity concert a great success. It's on Friday, November 9, doors open at 6:30pm at Old Chiang Mai Culture Center. Amazing raffle prizes, great Western, Thai, and Vegetarian food. Two hours of Rolling Stones music by the Bangkok-Based Midnight Ramblers. Dinner and concert 900 Baht pre-event, 1,000 Baht at the door. COME ROCK with US for CHILDREN!Tickets can be ordered at
Finally, as hard to believe as it is, CMIRC will be 5 years old this coming February. We plan to celebrate at our February 19, 2019 meeting. Mark that date in your calendar and join us as we review our accomplishments and discuss our plans for our next 5 years. Don’t worry, it will be more a BIRTHDAY PARTY than a strategic planning session. It will be fun!
How readers of our Bulletin can help:
As the reader of this Bulletin will see, CMIRC is doing a lot of great work in our Northern Thai community, especially if you consider that we only have 23 members! So, the message this month ends again with an appeal to our readers. If you live in Chiang Mai or know someone who does, and you think they would be a good candidate for membership in our club, please let me know:
If you wish to make a financial contribution to the CMIRC, please contact
If you wish to make an in-kind contribution. We need items to sell at the City Life Garden Fair, November 17, let us know if you have items and we will arrange pick up. We also need children’s winter clothing, look for our winter clothing donation boxes at Rim Ping Markets and many other locations in Chiang Mai. If you want to help, please contact or 09 4856 3011.
CMIRC's "I Know It's Only Rock & Roll" FUNdraising party is coming soon and we will need help on the evening of Friday, 9 November. People will be needed for the following roles:
If you haven't purchased tickets yet please do so from Nancy or John. Also, if you have friends who want tickets, get in touch with them now! We want to make sure this is a huge success!
Also, the CityLife Garden Fair is Saturday, 17 November and all hands will be needed on deck to run the booth where we sell good second-hand clothing (like the hat modeled by Rotarian Roger at last year's Garden Fair, right), appliances and household items. We have three tables and we will need people to take shifts during the day. We should start to set up around 8:30 or 9 (Fair starts at 10 am) and I see us winding down by 7 pm.
Please email me if you can help, we will need as many there as possible during the day. Let me know what time you can come and how long you can stay.
Finally - if you have items to donate for sale please either give them to John or bring them to the Fair.
CMIRC-Kru Payu Swim Children’s Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Program
October is a month when schools in Chiang Mai have vacations, so our school-based water safety program also had a break. Now, at the end of October we are ready to resume our program for 4th-grade students (9&10 year-olds). We have already completed courses for 8 of the 11 municipal schools this Rotary year and schools Number 9 (Wat Ta Sah Doi) and Number 10 (Wat Dok Ngern) have just started their 15-hour courses during the last week of October. Students at School 11, our last school for the year, will begin their water-safety course in January. So, by February, we will have completed our third full year of survival swim and water safety instruction at the eleven municipal schools in Chiang Mai. Beginning next year, we will be able to say that every graduate of a municipal school in Chiang Mai will have had the opportunity to learn survival swimming and water safety, about 90% of the students take and successfully complete the course.
Oz Swim Aquatics of Brisbane Australia Training and International Certification Visit
Our swim instructor teams in Chiang Mai, Phuket, and a visiting team from Siem Riep, Cambodia are all excited about the coming visit of Eve Fraser, Director of Oz Swim Aquatics. She will bring a team of three internationally recognized swim instructors to do additional training for swim teachers in our Chiang Mai and Safe Child Thailand programs. The members of the Oz Swim Aquatic Team are traveling at their own expense and providing instruction at no charge. They will be in Chiang Mai from November 11 to 17 and in Phuket from November 18 to 24. During their stay in Chiang Mai, they will be hosted at a special recognition dinner by the Australian Honorary Consul, Ron Elliott. CMIRC, Kru Payu Swim, Bronco Kids Sports Club, the British International School in Phuket, and the Rotary Club of Patong Beach will all also host events to thank the Oz Swim Aquatics team for their volunteer service. In addition, CMIRC will sponsor one of our lead instructors for the Australian Swim Coaches and Teachers Association International Certification, and our partners Safe Child Thailand will sponsor international certification for the three lead trainers guiding the program expansion to Patong Beach, Lampang, and Phetchabun.
CMIRC MTC TEAM: Did you know that the Mae Tao Clinic is the oldest current project of the Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC)? We started working with MTC in 2013, even before the club was chartered. Now the project is evolving, and we are looking for a few good Rotarians to join us. I don’t consider this band of supporters as a committee; rather we are a team. The current team members are: Jerry Nelson, Roger Lindley, Bruce Lasky and Clarence Shettlesworth. We would like to add 2 or 3 more CMIRC members. Each team member understands the project and contributes time and talent as he/she can. Things we have done, are doing and will do include:
a. Improve awareness of the MTC/CDC (Child Development Center). This is done largely by organizing and conducting tours of Mae Tao Clinic and their supporting Community Based Organizations. See NEXT TOUR 21-25 NOVEMBER 2018, below
b. Seek opportunities to support MTC/CDC through Rotary International Global Grants. See GLOBAL GRANT POSSIBILITIES below
c. Conduct fundraising on behalf of the Mae Tao Clinic. See the article: MTC/BABSEACLE COLLABORATION
The August tour was a great success both in terms of satisfaction and learning. The November tour will be amazing! We have found a great van company, with a driver that we will use for this and future tours. We only have 6 remaining seats on the van for this trip. CMIRC members will be given first choice, after that seats on a first-come first-serve basis. Sign up now! We are helping to organize an American Thanksgiving dinner the evening of Thursday 22 November at the Hospitality & Catering Training Center, Mae Sot. Their mission is to support underprivileged and marginalized youth.
From experience we know they will do a great job. (students and trainer shown at left with Jerry Nelson)
The tentative itinerary is:
21 November – Travel to Mae Sot. In addition to the van from Chiang Mai, people will be coming by separate transport from other locations. That evening, we will marshal at PP Residence and go to dinner as a group. We may go to Khaomao-Khaofang, which has a great atmosphere and excellent food.
22 November – Tour Mae Tao Clinic during the day. Meetings may be scheduled to discuss opportunities to support the clinic. That evening we will enjoy the American Thanksgiving dinner. As of this writing we have 28 people (including the CDC Pre G.E.D. students) signed up. The maximum capacity is about 40, so sign up now!
23 November - Tour other Community Based Organizations. Meetings may also be scheduled to discuss opportunities to support the clinic. That evening we will enjoy Loi Kratong, Mae Sot style. This promises to be very interesting!
24 November – Possible tour of Mae Sot markets and other points of interest. The van will return to Chiang Mai.
All activities are optional. By the time we arrive in Mae Sot we will have a firm schedule for touring and meeting with Mae Tao Clinic staff. At that point the people on the tour can decide on optional activities.
We do recommend that everyone stay at the PP Residence in Mae Sot. The facility is clean. The rooms come with air-conditioning, refrigerator, comfortable bed (one big bed or two twin beds), private bath with good hot shower. The cost is only 500 THB per night if reservations are made through us.
CMIRC does not pay for the tours. Individuals are responsible for their own expenses and they will vary from individual. The cost of the van will depend on the number of passengers. For example, if we have 8 the cost will be approximately 1,650 THB.
Contact Jerry Nelson to reserve your place.
GLOBAL GRANT POSSIBILITIES: We are in frequent contact with the Mae Tao Clinic staff and have an ongoing dialogue about selecting a project for a Global Grant. What we know so far is that it will involve the Child Protection Department. Once the project is tentatively decided upon, we will do a community assessment and begin to actively seek international partners. Once the grant is ready for submission we will need to have at least 3 members of the Mae Tao Clinic team involved in the grant process. For more information contact Jerry Nelson or Clarence Shettlesworth.
Posted by Bruce Lasky, Wendy Morrish & Jerry Nelson
One of the challenges facing the children of migrants is access to legal justice. Many undocumented and uneducated parents and their children have no access to the legal system. This is where BABSEACLE comes in. Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC) is fortunate to have both co-founders of BABSEACLE as our good active members.
BABSEACLE will conduct its 2nd annual Access to Justice week at the Amora Hotel in Chiang Mai 6 - 9 December 2018. There will be skills workshops and mock trials all designed to provide a practical learning experience in which students simulate a local court trial of a minor civil dispute or criminal offence. Details are available here. For more information please contact
On Both 6 & 7 December CMIRC will have a table at the Justice, Health and Fitness Fair which will be held simultaneously at the Amora Hotel in Chiang Mai. We look forward to meeting many who are who are keenly interested in justice.
On the evening of 7 December there will be a collaborative dinner and film event. All proceeds will go to support the Mae Tao Clinic’s Child Protection Department. The event will feature a buffet dinner and a screening of “The Isthmus Film”.
On 9 December BABSEACLE will sponsor the 10th Asia Justice Marathon and the Global Pro Bono Run Walk to help raise awareness and promote the positive work done by lawyers in helping to the disadvantaged find legal justice. (CMIRC member and BABSEACLE co-founder Wendy Morrish above after a successful marathon.)
On October 1, 2018 CMIRC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with BEAM (Bridging Educational Access to Migrants) to formally engage the English Language Cultural Exchange Club. Present at the ceremony were (shown from left, below) project chairperson Linda Pfotenhauer, Rotarian Roger Lindley, John Schorr (CMIRC president), the BEAM director, Phyo Aung (BEAM manager), and other BEAM staff.
Sessions with two groups of BEAM students then began on October 2, continuing with the stated goals of building and enhancing English language skills through a cultural exchange.
Approximately 30 BEAM students (2 groups) are engaged in these sessions. Each group meets twice a week, one-and-one-half hour sessions.
The sessions include all aspects of culture and activities and stem from BEAM’s stated preferences of a focus on note-taking, oral comprehension, class presentations and class debate.
Three Rotarians lead these sessions: Roger Lindley, Gary Herman, and Linda Pfotenhauer, each giving approximately 2 hours weekly at BEAM, in addition to considerable time with advance preparation and review of the students' compositions.
Since many of our long-term patients returned home due to successful treatment in August and September, there was little activity in October. Throughout the month we have had one six-month-old girl who has had surgeries for a back tumor and another 10-month-old receiving treatment for a brain tumor. The babies are accompanied by their mothers who have participated in our English language practice. Also taking part in our practice on October 21st was a worker from the Child's Dream Foundation, Miss Dao. One of the English language sessions this month with the mothers and a patient is shown below.
Another patient who has been at the house now since mid-September with tumors on his neck and nose. I am very happy to report that he will be going in for his final surgery this coming week. Although he has very few English language skills he has taken to our practice sessions with intensity, writing down his own transliteration of English pronunciation in his notebook using the Burmese alphabet. When he goes to the hospital this week he will be joined by a new patient, an 11 year old boy who has extreme eyesight problems and is here for corrective surgery.
We are preparing for a relatively large influx of new patients to begin November and expect as many as 10 new patients next Sunday.
We are working with the new CMIRC Interact group from Chiang Mai International School on a project to paint the front wall of the B.K. Kee House, including the hands-holding-hands logo of the Burma Children Medical Fund in the design. The second part of that project will be to provide artwork on several of the panels that remain untouched.
Proceeds to benefit the Children's Chairty Projects of CM International Rotary Club.
Fabulous raffle prizes donated by Rembrandt Hotel - Bangkok, Anana Ecological Resort - Krabi, Lanna Lawyers, Anantara - Chiang Mai, Le Crystal Restaurant, Four Seasons Resort - Mae Rim, Bangkok Hospital - Chiang Mai, Duke's Restaurants, Pern's Restaurant, Rim Ping Supermarket, Fashion King and others.
CMIRC's Annual Winter Clothing Appeal is underway now through 24 November. (Project chairman Geoff Perry is pictured at right accepting donations from the members of the Rotary Club of Chiang Mai North.) The emphasis is on collecting children's clothing and this year we've added school supplies to the items we're collecting and distributing to mountain villages in Chiang Mai province. If you're coming to Chiang Mai soon, please visit a thrift shop or budget store and bring children's clothing or school supplies with you.
Look for large cardboard collection boxes with the poster shown above left in these locations:
To commemorate World Polio Day, 24 October 2018, Chiang Mai International Rotary Club donated U.S.$ 500 to the Polio Plus effort of The Rotary Foundation. This money came from the income of the raffles held during the club meetings during July - September plus small donations from several members.
Polio is a highly infectious disease that is not as much life threatening as it is crippling. Also known as ‘Poliomyelitis’ in medical terms, it is a disease caused by the deadly ‘Poliovirus’. It usually affects children under 5 years of age, and for this reason it is also known as ‘Infantile Paralysis’. The virus mainly affects the nervous system, leaving the person with a weak crippled leg and unable to walk normally throughout his life.
In rare cases the muscles of neck or head may also be affected. In only 0.5% of cases polio results in permanent paralysis, mainly affecting the limbs i.e. legs, feet and ankle. During 1940s and 1950s polio killed or crippled nearly two million people globally. Fortunately, in the past two decades the world has seen a steep decline in the total number of recorded cases with many parts of the world like Europe, America and South East Asia being declared polio free.
The World Polio Day was initiated by The Rotary Foundation nearly a decade ago with the aim of complete eradication of Polio virus from all the parts of the world. Rotary International is a partner in the Global Polio Eradication Program with organizations including World Health Organization, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative was launched by Rotary International and the World Health Organization in 1988, when there were nearly 350,000 cases of polio in 125 countries.
By 2013 most countries were declared polio free, but yet countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan were witnessing rare occurrence of the disease and there was still a constant threat of the disease reappearing in any part of the world. A need was identified to establish World Polio Day to completely eradicate the Polio virus globally through general awareness for vaccination, prevention and raising funds for different programs. World Polio Day is celebrated with only one prime objective, that is – to completely eradicate Polio from all the parts of the world, making the world ‘Polio Free’. The occasion also commemorates the birth of Jonas Salk, who led the team in developing the first vaccine for Poliomyelitis, along with commemorating the efforts of millions of dedicated employees and volunteers of the organizations committed to the cause.
Every year the World Polio Day is celebrated with a new theme, specifying its objective as well as inspiring millions who are committed to the cause. Themes provide an objective or target to be achieved or mark the beginning of a new step towards the goal. World Polio Day Theme 2018 – “End Polio Now”.
Dr. Jonas Salk was an American doctor and research virologist. He was born on the 28October 1914. Salk shunned a lucrative career as a doctor and instead devoted his best years to medical research. Jonas Salk was also a virologist of the highest reputation and was responsible for inventing the vaccine for one of the most damaging medical conditions that can surface due to a virus. Salk enjoyed a long and fruitful career as a researcher, which brought him recognition from some of the leading scientific research organizations in the world. However, something that has made Salk a legendary individual in the field of scientific research is the fact that he gave away his greatest discovery for free and according to experts he could have been a millionaire many times over if he had decided to cash in on it like so many others.
At the 1917 Rotary convention, outgoing Rotary president Arch Klumph proposed setting up an endowment “for the purpose of doing good in the world.” That one idea, and an initial contribution of $26.50, set in motion a powerful force that has transformed millions of lives around the globe.
The mission of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
The Rotary Foundation is organized as a public charity operated exclusively for charitable purposes and governed by a Board of Trustees. The operations of Rotary International, a member organization, are overseen by its Board of Directors.
The headquarters of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation are in Evanston, Illinois, USA. It has associate foundations in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Japan, and the United Kingdom.
During the past 100 years, the Foundation has spent $3 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects. CNBC ranked The Rotary Foundation as No. 3 in its annual list of Top 10 Charities Changing the World in 2016. The list includes some of the largest and highest-rated charities that help women, children, the poor, and the environment throughout the world, according to Charity Navigator, and that maintain high standards of financial health, accountability, and transparency of reporting.
The Foundation was noted for connecting 1.2 million members from more than 200 geographic areas to tackle the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges, including projects that focus on disease prevention, water and sanitation, and maternal and child health. The ranking also recognized Rotary’s role in the effort to eradicate polio.
Each year CMIRC sends The Rotary Foundation U.S.$ 50 for each member from the dues we pay to the club ("Every Rotarian Every Year") and some members make additional donations, permitting CMIRC to consistently be recognized as donating U.S.$ 100 per member to The Rotary Foundation.
We ended the month of September with the last Friday of the month "Let's Talk Rotary" lunch gathering at the Suan Pak Restaurant near Airport Plaza.
During each week in October club members participated in English Language Cultural Club Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday sessions at the BEAM Foundation.
On each Sunday morning of the month club members visited with patients and their parents at the B.K. Kee Patient House.
Our annual Winter Clothing Appeal boxes were placed at a number of locations around Chiang Mai and soon filled creating the need for several "sorting parties".
The new Interact Club at Chiang Mai International School has gained some new members and is planning a project at the B.K. Kee Patient House.
On the 2nd of October our club had its annual visit by the District Governor of D3360 DG Roongranee Sangsiri and her spouse Mr. Artit Sangsiri (above left). A large group of club members and guests enjoyed an excellent banquet prepared by Hong Kong Lucky with everyone looking their best.
Below is a series of photos of Sergeant-at-Arms Gary Herman trying to figure out how to Rock-the-Sash -- the first time he'd ever worn the "official" emblem of his office. He found the "bow" especially problematic until one of the female club members pointed out that it isn't a bow, but rather a band that holds both ends of the sash together.
On the 5th of October club members were at the Chiang Mai Expats Club Breakfast (CEC) for awareness elevation and exchange of “Change for Children” owl banks.
On the 7th of October some club members attended the Rotary Club of Chiang Mai North’s bowling fundraiser at Bully Bowl in Kad Suan Kaew mall.
On the 9th of October club members met with the President of Payap University (left) to discuss the possibility of our club sponsoring a Rotaract club at the university.
On the 16th of October our Membership Committee met with prospective member Cynthia Jianping at My Secret Café in Town.
On the 16th of October we held the third Tuesday in the month regular meeting. A number of visitors attended to hear Dr. Stephen Elliott and his team from CMU discussing their local reforestation efforts.
On the 19th of October club members attended the CEC breakfast meeting for “Change for Children” owl bank exchange and to sell tickets for the club’s Rock & Roll Fundraiser on the 9th of November.
On the 26th of October we had our last Friday in the month "Let's Talk Rotary" lunch at Butter is Better Restaurant.
On the 27th of October club members represented our CMIRC at the monthly general meeting of the Chiang Mai Expats Club. Owl banks were brought for exchange and tickets were for sale for our 9th of November Rock & Roll fundraiser.
On the 30th of October we held our fifth Tuesday of the month social event at club sponsor Pern’s Restaurant. The event theme was the food, dance and culture of Myanmar with dance performances by BEAM students (right).
For a complete and up to date list of events, check our online calendar.
Here are just a few of the important dates for members of Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC). These are opportunities to meet some of us and to meet other Rotarians from around the world!
Every Sunday at 9:30 am, regular visit by club members to BCMF B. K. Kee Patient House. Interested? Contact Rotarian Gary Herman.
06 November 2018 - Regular CMIRC Meeting, 7 pm Hong Kong Lucky Restaurant. Program presented by Honorary Member Stasha Malcolm on the topic "The Role of Karen Policy-Networks in Myanmar’s National Peace Process".
09 November 2018 – CMIRC Fundraising Dinner and Rolling Stones Tribute Band Concert at Old Chiang Mai, Contact John Schorr.
17 November 2018 – City Life Garden Fair.
20 November 2018 - Regular CMIRC Meeting, 7 pm Hong Kong Lucky Restaurant. Program presented by Jack Eisner on the topic "World War II Sites in Northern Thailand".
21 – 25 November 2018 - Tour of Mae Tao Clinic, Mae Sot. Contact Jerry Nelson.
30 November - 2 December 2018 - Rotary Zone 6B & 7A Meeting, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
04 December 2018 – CMIRC Annual Meeting.
06 – 10 December 2018 – Access to Justice Week. Contact Bruce Lasky or Wendy Morrish.
07 December 2018 - Mae Tao Clinic Fundraiser in conjunction with Access to Justice Week. Contact Jerry Nelson.
09 December 2018 - Rotary Intercity Meeting, Uttaradit.
19 February 2019 – CMIRC’s 5th Birthday Celebration.
01 – 03 March 2019 - Multi-PETS, Hatyai.
23 - 24 March 2019 - District 3360 Conference, Chiang Rai.
01 – 05 June 2019 - Rotary International Convention, Hamburg Germany (
23 June 2019 - District Governor’s Salute, Phitsanulok.
06 – 10 June 2020 - Rotary International Convention,Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
12 – 16 June 2021 - Rotary International Convention, Taipei, Taiwan.
04 – 08 June 2022 - Rotary International Convention, Houston, Texas, USA.
Rotary is not free; we give our hearts, we give our time and to some extent we give our money. Most of our heart, most of our time and most of our money goes to support our children’s projects. Yet we have operational expenses such as our website with its powerful tools such as this bulletin. We ask that you consider our sponsors for your needs.
Pern's Restaurant, a Mediterranean restaurant on Huey Kaew Road, near Central Kad Suan Kaew mall, across from the Shell Petrol station hosted our Social Night on October 30, "From Myanmar to You". Brian Pern and his friendly staff (including the legendary Micky) create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for diners to enjoy steaks, seafood, chicken, pasta and vegetarian offerings. There are nightly specials and half-price house wine on Wednesdays. Most Wednesday and Sunday evenings you can enjoy smooth jazz while dining. First time diners receive a free glass of house wine when they reserve through Pern's website. Book here.
Lanna Lawyersis an expat-focused professional general practice law firm in Chiang Mai.They provide detailed and focused legal advice and services to expats and Thai nationals.Specializations include: Family, Business/Corporate, Property/Real Estate, Wills and Estates, Civil, Contract and Criminal Law. Other services include immigration, notary services, translations and accounting.Lanna Lawyers prides itself on the ethical, high quality and standard of care. Lanna Lawyers is a leader in providing pro bono services to a significant number of clients who are both in need of legal assistance and do not have the financial means and ability to pay for them.
Fashion Kingis the best tailor in Chiang Mai. They have been in the same shop for over 12 years and receive the highest ratings from Trip Advisor and others.They feature authentic craftsmanship, superior materials and a great value!Their success is measured in customer satisfaction. The owners, Frank and Vanita will personally guide you through the entire process: design, material selection, fitting and delivery. Frank and Vanita are the sponsors of the famous Chiang Mai fundraising event called “Bollywood Night”.They do a lot to give back to their community, helping the underprivileged in and around Chiang Mai.
Hong Kong Lucky is a unique Hong Kong Chinese dining experience. The food is wonderful. Their Flagship Restaurant is in the Old City very near the regional police station. They have not only a dining room but facilities for private parties, large and small. Our Rotary meetings are held here. Hong Kong Lucky can be found on the 4th floor of Maya Life Style Mall, providing an excellent choice for a meal during your shopping experience.Hong Kong Lucky is also inside the Top North Hotel, near Thapae Gate where you can enjoy great food in a garden setting.
Our sponsors donate money that supports our operational expenses, freeing funds for the projects we love. Please give them your support.