Posted by John Schorr
CMIRC and Chiang Mai Municipal Schools hosted a certificate ceremony for the 4th-graders in the 5 schools that have completed the CMIRC-Kru Payu Swim survival swim program so far this Rotary year.  The event took place on Thursday, December 14 at 1:30pm at the Wat Sri Don Chai Municipal School.
The Students and the Medals 
There was a total of 168 (89 boys, 79 girls) students at the five schools served thus far this Rotary year.  Of those, a total of 119 (70%) students successfully completed the course, 71 boys, 80%, 48 girls, 61%.  
Of those completing the course, 115 (97%) passed all survival swimming competencies, or 68% of all 4th graders in the 5 schools.  All program completers received a certificate and a Rotary-themed medal in recognition of their accomplishment.  The CMIRC-Kru Payu Swim program is currently training students at two additional municipal schools and by the end of the Rotary year in June,  all 4th-grade students at all eleven municipal schools will have had the opportunity to learn survival swimming and water safety.  This will be the second year that the CMIRC-Kru Payu Swim Program has trained 4th-graders at all eleven municipal schools.  CMIRC plans to continue this program, so that soon all municipal elementary school graduates in Chiang Mai will have had the opportunity to participate in our survival swimming and water safety course.
One class and the good people who made it possible