Rotary Club of Edmonton Strathcona   



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Club Meeting Information
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Edmonton Strathcona

"The Friendly Club"

We meet In Person
Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m.
Woodvale Facility and Golf Clubhouse
4540 - 50 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6L 6B6
Our Club meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. The 2nd Tuesday is a "Meeting with a Taste" - a social event, date and time to be determined. Members will be notified by email of the details. The Board Meeting is the 4thTuesday of the month.
Stories -- click on story title or 'Read More...' to get the rest of the story.
Sabrina Ali, Community Development Director
This week we had lunch then toured and heard from several people at Wellspring Cancer Support about the programs they offer in Edmonton and across Alberta.  Sabrina Ali, their Community Development Director and Carla Stevens, their Strategic Partnerships Coordinator explained their programs and then gave us a tour of their facilities. Sabrina told us that in addition to the Edmonton location they have locations in Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Calgary and Red Deer and are looking to expand to Grande Prairie later this year.  They said that all of their programs are free and there is no referral required to participate. Signing up is simple and easy. They also said that currently they rely on public donations for all of their funding.
Sabrina and Carla told us that they aim to give people with cancer, their caregivers and family members support that gives them a place that will cheer them on, where they can freely express their feelings and opinions, a home away from home that will help them to focus on positivity. She told us that all of their programs are evidence based, many are offered in conjunction with various research partners and the programs are led by experts in that field. They have six pillars to their programs, Therapeutic Arts, Exercise and Movement, Finance and Workplace Strategies, Self Development and Education, Individual and Group Support and Symptom Management. They offer over seventy plus programs in all. Some of their programs are targeted at specific cultural communities in Alberta. The age demographic for most of their participants is eighteen plus with most people at fifty plus, however they also offer programs geared to children and young adults.  They offer many programs online, making up about sixty percent of their programs. They have found that the outcomes for the online programs are the same as for in person programs. In 2023 they helped over twenty-eight hundred individuals with cancer in one hundred and forty communities around Alberta.
Sabrina and Carla said that they have many different types of fundraising events throughout the year including stair climbs, walks, runs, pie sales and bike rides. They also accept major gifts and sponsorships. She told us that they rely on volunteers for nearly all of their programs, with only twenty-four full time staff spread across Alberta, seven of whom are in Edmonton. They are always looking for volunteers. They have all types of things volunteers can do from painting walls to landscaping to helping out with their many fundraisers. We would like to thank them for their time and look forward to being able to work with them in the future.
Angus Watt with Club President Loida Lumanlan
This week our club was pleased to welcome Angus Watt, founding member of Angus Watt Advisory Group and Senior Advisor for National Bank Financial as our speaker.  Angus began by telling us that the coming year will be very challenging for Canadians to find a path forward. The current economic climate in the US with Republican supporters who want to return to the type of economy we had in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, with lots of blue collar jobs, clashes with other Republican supporters who promote the new age of technology and it’s use of artificial intelligence and this will create challenges.
He then proceeded to present and discuss graphs showing how various Canadian economic indicators have varied over time such as Interest and Mortgage Rates, Stock Market Values, Rates of Inflation, Commodity Prices, National and Provincial Fiscal Policies and Debt, Money Supply, Immigration, Provincial Population Changes, and Supply of Electrical Power all affect how our economy in Alberta and Canada will do in the coming year.
He then spoke in particular about how the supply of electrical power varies across Canada and the effect this will have on our economy here in Alberta. He said that with the conversion to electric vehicles and the advent of Artificial Intelligence, which has the potential to be an economic driver, will challenge power supply and the cost of power across Canada. The challenges will vary from province, but the bottom line is we currently have no excess power generation in Canada, the provinces that currently generate more power than needed sell it to the US.  Provinces that have the flexibility to generate more power at a reasonable price will have an advantage in the new AI economy.  This means that Alberta has an advantage, as building a gas powered generator is much easier than building a new hydro dam. Electric power generation will become the latest ‘Gold Rush’ and has the potential to become a big driver of our economy in the future.
Angus then showed how Alberta has an advantage compared to the other provinces in terms of fiscal debt and population growth. He said that Alberta already sells it’s main exports, grain, oil and gas in US currency.
In closing he said that as a result, when considering the overall effect of Tariffs, Fiscal Policies, Immigration, Currency, Power Supply and Artificial Intelligence on the Alberta economy, we, in Alberta, are looking at a stable future. 
We would like to thank Angus for his very interesting and insightful presentation.
Newest Member Wendy Fung Reuscher with Club President Loida Lumanlan 
This week we were pleased to welcome our newest member, Wendy Fung Reuscher. Wendy was sponsored by Carin Jansen van Vuuren and her classification will be Government Agencies. Stephan Jansen van Vuuren, our Membership Chair formally inducted her to our club although she has been an informal member for many years as the widow of one of our long-time former members Bernd Reuscher. We would like to welcome Wendy to our club and look forward to getting to know her better. Welcome Wendy!


With the number of members in this club either owning or operating a business, we are getting a very poor interest in this nice little generator of funds for the club.
Are the rates too steep? I don't think so, but if you do, please let us know.
If you have any bright ideas on how to promote this little initiative, please speak up.

Mini Calendar
February 2025
 KIVA Micro Finance
Canada Flag Program
As of January 1, 2022 the price of the one year subscription is $60
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Rotary Club of Edmonton Strathcona Endowment Fund
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Executives, Directors & Committees
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President Elect
Director at Large
Director at Large
Youth Services Chair
International Service Chair
Membership Chair
Bulletin Editor/Publisher
Club Historian
We Care Committee
Canada Flag Project
Casino Chair
Community Partners

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New Hope School, Pretoria
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RC Edmonton Strathcona in partnership with RC Pretoria, South Africa