The Staying Connected Committee was established in 2019 as part of our Strategic Plan Initiatives. The purpose of the Committee is to facilitate a WE CARE environment in our club so that members feel more connected. This committee has been monitoring member attendance/absence up until February 2020 with enthusiastic response from those members who were contacted. These contacts were due to prolonged absence due to illness, surgery or what was perceived as a lack of interest in attending meetings. The follow up was both by telephone and/or a thoughtful card from the Club with a positive message. A positive response was noted in increased attendance. Although we have started meeting in person again, we have not started monitoring member attendance/absence, but hope to do so in the near future.
This Committee has become a valuable resource as all those members in question realize that our Club is an extension of family and are missed at meetings and Rotary events. Our motto “The Friendly Club” holds true.