Meeting Responsibilities
Heater, Tom
Monroe, Bill
Monthei, Randy
Hammen, Denny
Palmer, Mike
Hammen, Denny
Heater, Tom
Monroe, Bill
Fredrickson, Jack
Stevens, Chad
Club Executives & Directors
Vice President
Past President
Board Member (2025)
Board Member (2025)
Board Member (2025)
Board Member (2026)
Board Member (2026)
Board Member (2026)
Board Member (2027)
Board Member (2027)
Board Member (2027)
Club Information
Welcome to the Jefferson Kiwanis Website!
Jefferson Kiwanis

Kiwanis is for Kids!

We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 7:00 a.m.
Greene County Medical Center
1000 W Lincoln Way
Education Center
Jefferson, IA 50129
United States of America
Home Page Stories
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on September 13, 2024. President Bill Monroe called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Chad Butterfield, Denny Hammen, Mike Palmer, Sherry Palmer, Bill Raney, Hollie Roberts, Karen Shannon, Bill Steussy, Chad Stevens, Larry Teeples, Jim Teusch. Vern Foje was also present. Board members Tim Buenz, Clancy Clawson, and Kathy Pittman were absent.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on October 11, 2024. President Chad Stevens called the meeting to order at 7:03 AM. Board members in attendance were Tim Buenz, Chad Butterfield, Clancy Clawson, Denny Hammen, Randy Monthei, Mike Palmer, Scott Peterson, Bill Raney, Karen Shannon, and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje was also present. Board members Sherry Palmer, Larry Teeples and Kathy Pittman were absent.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on November 8, 2024. President Chad Stevens called the meeting to order at 7:02 AM. Board members in attendance were Tim Buenz, Clancy Clawson, Randy Monthei, Bill Monroe, Bill Raney, Karen Shannon, Larry Teeples, Loren Turner and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje was also present. Board members Chad Butterfield, Denny Hammen, Mike Palmer, Scott Peterson, Sherry Palmer, and Kathy Pittman were absent.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on March 8, 2024. President Bill Monroe called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Raney, Tim Buenz, Karen Shannon, Clancy Clawsen, Larry Teeples, Chad Stevens, Mike Palmer, Bill Steussy and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje was also present. Board members Hollie Roberts, Chad Butterfield, Sherry Palmer, and Denny Hammen were absent.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on February 9, 2024. President Bill Monroe called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Raney, Tim Buenz, Denny Hammen, Karen Shannon, Clancy Clawsen, Larry Teeples, Mike Palmer, Sherry Palmer, Bill Steussy and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje was also present. Board members Hollie Roberts and Chad Butterfield were absent.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on December 8, 2023. President Bill Monroe called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Raney, Tim Buenz, Denny Hammen, Karen Shannon, Chad Butterfield, Clancy Clawsen, Larry Teeples, Hollie Roberts, and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje was also present. Board members Mike Palmer, Sherry Palmer and Bill Steussy were absent.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on November 10, 2023. President Bill Monroe called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Raney, Mike Palmer, Tim Buenz, Denny Hammen, Karen Shannon, Chad Butterfield, Sherry Palmer, Bill Steussy, Clancy Clawsen, Larry Teeples, Hollie Roberts, and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje and Randy Monthei were also present. Board member Don Van Gilder was absent.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on October 13, 2023. President protem Chad Stevens called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Raney, Tim Buenz, Denny Hammen, Karen Shannon, Chad Butterfield, Sherry Palmer, Bill Steussy, Clancy Clawsen and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje was also present. Board members Hollie Roberts, Don Van Gilder, Larry Teeples, Bill Monroe were absent.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on September 8, 2023. President Mike Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Raney, Don Van Gilder, Larry Teeples, Tim Buenz, Denny Hammen, Karen Shannon, Chad Stevens, Bill Monroe, Chad Butterfield and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje and Dan Benitz were also present. Board members Sherry Palmer, Bob Schwarzkopf,Hollie Roberts, Bill Steussy Clancy Clawsen were absent.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on Aug 11, 2023. President Mike Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Raney, Sherry Palmer, Bob Schwarzkopf, Don Van Gilder, Hollie Roberts, Bill Steussy, Larry Teeples, Tim Buenz, Denny Hammen, Karen Shannon, Chad Stevens, and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje was also present. Board members Clancy Clawsen and Chad Butterfield were absent.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at HyVee Marketplace Grill on July 14, 2023. Pro-tem President Bill Monroe called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Raney, Chad Butterfield, Bob Schwarzkopf, Larry Teeples, Tim Buenz, Denny Hammen, Karen Shannon, Chad Stevens, and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje and Dan Benitz were also present. Board members Don Van Gilder, Hollie Roberts, Bill Steussy, Clancy Clawsen, Sherry Palmer, Mike Palmer were absent.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on June 9, 2023. President Mike Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Monroe, Bill Raney, Bob Schwarzkopf, Bill Steussy, Tim Buenz, Denny Hammen, Karen Shannon, Chad Stevens, Don Van Gilder, Sherry Palmer, and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje was also present. Hollie Roberts,Chad Butterfield, Larry Teeples were absent
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on May 12, 2023. President Mike Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Monroe, Bill Raney, Bob Schwarzkopf, Tim Buenz, Denny Hammen, Chad Butterfield, Karen Shannon, Don Van Gilder, Larry Teeples. Board members Hollie Roberts, Chad Stevens, Sherry Palmer, Bill Steussy and Jim Teusch were absent. Vern Foje was also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on April 14, 2023. President Mike Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Monroe, Bill Raney, Bob Schwarzkopf, Tim Buenz, Denny Hammen, Hollie Roberts, Chad Butterfield, Chad Stevens, Sherry Palmer, Karen Shannon, Larry Teeples. Board members Bill Steussy, Don Van Gilder, Jim Teusch were absent. Vern Foje was also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on March 10, 2023. President Mike Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Monroe, Jim Teusch, Bill Raney, Don Van Gilder, Bob Schwarzkopf, Tim Buenz, Bill Steussy, Denny Hammen, Chad Butterfield, Chad Stevens, Sherry Palmer, Karen Shannon, Larry Teeples. Board member Hollie Roberts was absent. Vern Foje was also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on February 10, 2023. President Mike Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Monroe, Jim Teusch, Don Van Gilder, Tim Buenz, Bill Steussy, Denny Hammen, Chad Butterfield, Chad Stevens, Sherry Palmer, Karen Shannon, Larry Teeples. Board members Bill Raney and Hollie Roberts were absent. Vern Foje was also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on January 13, 2023. President Mike Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Monroe, Jim Teusch, Bill Raney, Don Van Gilder, Tim Buenz, Bill Steussy, Denny Hammen, Chad Stevens, Hollie Roberts, Sherry Palmer, Karen Shannon, Larry Teeples. Board members Colton Cunningham and Chad Butterfield were absent. Vern Foje was also present.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is dedicated to inspiring a love of reading by gifting books free of charge to children from birth to age five, through funding shared by Dolly Parton and local community partners in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and Republic of Ireland. Sign up at the link below:
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on December 9, 2022. President Mike Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Monroe, Bill Raney, Don Van Gilder, Tim Buenz, Bill Steussy, Hollie Roberts, Chad Butterfield, Chad Stevens, Sherry Palmer, Larry Teeples. Board members Denny Hammen, Colton Cunningham, Karen Shannon, and Jim Tuesch were absent. Vern Foje and Dan Benitz were also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on November 4, 2022. President Mike Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Jim Teusch, Bill Monroe, Karen Shannon, Bill Raney, Don Van Gilder, Tim Buenz, Bill Steussy, Denny Hammen, Hollie Roberts, Chad Butterfield, Chad Stevens, Sherry Palmer, Larry Teeples. Board member Colton Cunningham was absent. Vern Foje and Dan Benitz were also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on October 7, 2022. President-elect Bill Monroe called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Jim Teusch, Bill Monroe, Karen Shannon, Bill Raney, Don Van Gilder, Tim Buenz, Bill Steussy, Denny Hammen, Hollie Roberts, and Chad Butterfield. Board members Mike Palmer, Chad Stevens, Sherry Palmer, Colton Cunningham, and Larry Teeples were absent. Vern Foje and Bob Schwarzkopf were also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on September 2, 2022. President Jim Teusch called the meeting to order at 7:00` AM. Board members in attendance were Jim Teusch, Tim Buenz, Mike Palmer, Chad Stevens, Denny Hammen, Bill Monroe, Thomas Laehn, Loren Turner, Sherry Palmer, Bill Steussy. Alexis Stevens, Vern Foje, Karen Shannon, Bill Raney, and guest Sean Thompson were also present. Hollie Roberts, Tim Christensen, Bob Schwarzkopf, were absent.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on June 3, 2022. President Jim Teusch called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Jim Teusch, Bill Monroe, Bob Schwarzkopf, Tim Christensen, Tim Buenz, Chad Stevens, Bill Steussy, Denny Hammen Hollie Roberts, and Thomas Laehn. Mike Palmer, Sherry Palmer, Loren Turner, Ian Wilkinson, were absent. Alexis Stevens, Karen Shannon and Vern Foge were also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on May 6, 2022. President Jim Teusch called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Jim Teusch, Mike Palmer, Bill Monroe, Bob Schwarzkopf, Tim Christensen, Tim Buenz, Sherry Palmer, Bill Steussy, Denny Hammen. Thomas Laehn, Alexis Stevens, Chad Stevens, Loren Turner, Ian Wilkinson, and Hollie Roberts were absent. Karen Shannon (pro tem Secretary) and Vern Foje were also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on April 1, 2022. President Elect Mike Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:02 AM. Board members in attendance were Tim Christensen, Tim Buenz, Sherry Palmer, Loren Turner, Mike Palmer, Bill Monroe, Bob Schwarzkopf, Thomas Laehn, Chad Stevens, and Denny Hammen. Jim Teusch, Hollie Roberts, Bill Steussy, and Ian Wilkinson were absent. Alexis Stevens (Secretary) was also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on March 4, 2022.  President Jim Teusch called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Tim Christensen, Bill Steussy, Hollie Roberts, Tim Buenz, Sherry Palmer, Loren Turner, Jim Teusch, Mike Palmer, Bill Monroe, Bob Schwarzkopf, Thomas Laehn, and Bill Raney (subbing for Alexis Stevens). Chad Stevens, Denny Hammen, and Ian Wilkinson were absent. Visitor Jody Melcher was also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on February 4, 2022.  President Jim Teusch called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Tim Christensen, Denny Hammen, Bill Steussy, Hollie Roberts, Chad Stevens, and Tim Buenz. Sherry Palmer, Loren Turner and Ian Wilkinson were absent. Officers present included Jim  Teusch, Mike Palmer, Bill Monroe, Bob Schwarzkopf, Thomas Laehn, and Bill Raney (subbing for Alexis Stevens). Visitor Tom Heater was also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on January 7, 2022.  President Jim Teusch called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Sherry Palmer, Chad Stevens, Tim Christensen, Denny Hammen, and Loren Turner. Bill Steussy, Hollie Roberts, and Ian Wilkinson were absent. Officers present included Jim Teusch, Mike Palmer, Bill Monroe, Bob Scwarzkopf, and Bill Raney (subbing for Alexis Stevens). Visitors Randy Monthei, Tim Buenz, Tom Heater, and Dan Benitz were also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on December 3, 2021. President Jim Teusch called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. Board members in attendance were Mike Palmer, Sherry Palmer, Bob Schwarzkopf, Chad Stevens, Thomas Laehn, Bill Steussy, and Rick McCollom. Denny Hammen, Bill Monroe, Hollie Roberts, Tim Christensen, and Ian Wilkinson were absent. Members Vern Foje, and Alexis Stevens were also present.
The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on November 5, 2021.  President Jim Teusch called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. Board members in attendance were Denny Hammen, Bill Monroe, Mike Palmer, Sherry Palmer, Bob Schwarzkopf, Chad Stevens, Thomas Laehn, and Rick McCollom.  Hollie Roberts, Tim Christensen, Bill Steussy, and Ian Wilkinson were absent. Members Dan Benitz, Vern Foje, Tom Heater, and Alexis Stevens were also present.
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January 2025