The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on November 8, 2024. President Chad Stevens called the meeting to order at 7:02 AM. Board members in attendance were Tim Buenz, Clancy Clawson, Randy Monthei, Bill Monroe, Bill Raney, Karen Shannon, Larry Teeples, Loren Turner and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje was also present. Board members Chad Butterfield, Denny Hammen, Mike Palmer, Scott Peterson, Sherry Palmer, and Kathy Pittman were absent.

A motion was made by Raney and seconded by Monroe to approve the October board minutes as presented. Motion carried.

Raney shared the October Treasurer’s report. Monroe made a motion to approve the report as presented. Monthei seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Current Membership: 30 members
Leave of Absence: none
Resignations: none
New Membership:
Aktion Club: No report

Pancake Breakfast Summary - 381 meals served (up 6 from previous year) Gross $5066, Approximate net profit of $4,404. We thank Bill Stuessy for his leadership, time, and effort in organizing the fundraiser.

Sierra Theater - Stevens presented a donation request from Sierra Theater. Clawson shared some additional information as a STCT board member. The donation will allow for the Kiwanis logo to be shown during the previews/credits of movie showings. There was also discussion about sponsoring a movie and continuing to purchase movie tickets. Monroe made a motion to approve a $500 donation to the Sierra Community Theater. Monthei seconded the motion. Motion carried with Clawson abstaining from the motion.

Committees - Stevens discussed the absence of committees of old such as Membership, Aktion, Budget, Publicity, Fundraising. The topic will be brought up to the entire membership to determine interest in reviving these committees for the growth and development of our Club.

Payment of Kiwanis International Dues - Discussion was had about concern of using Activities funds to pay membership dues. It is within regulation to pay Liability and Officer Insurance from the Activities Account, this totals $600. The Club will also be saving approximately $400 with the modified meeting schedule in December/January, creating an additional $1,000 funds in the Administrative account to offset the dues increase for one more year. Monthei made a motion to transfer $600 to the Activities fund for Liability and Officers Insurance and pay the $1,000 to Kiwanis International from the Administrative account. Buenz seconded the motion. Motion carried. More discussion will take place at a later time about membership dues for next year.

Winter Festival - Two requests were made from the Winter Festival organizing committee to participate in the December 6-7 event. 1) A tree to be entered into the Christmas Tree display representing Kiwanis and the work we do. Raney offered to organize this project. 2) Help is being sought to set up the new sock skating rink at the fairgrounds leading up to the event.

Holiday Meeting Schedule - A motion was made by Buenz and seconded by Monthei that there will be no meetings on Wednesday, December 25 or Wednesday, January 1. Motion carried.
Adjourn 7:51 a.m.