
Mothers Trust Foundation

Since its founding, the Mothers Trust Foundation has tailored small grants to help needy children get the most out of life.  Whether that is funding fees for a tech camp, shoes for a dance or seeing that a disabled child can attend a field trip, Mothers Trust evaluates and helps fund the small things that can really make a difference in the life of a needy child.  Service Meetings which review funding are held each Wednesday morning at 9:30.  Those meetings take place at 400 E Illinois Rd, Lake Forest, IL.
The Libertyville Sunrise Rotary Foundation is proud to have been a partner with Mothers Trust in this critical mission.  By attending either our Winter or Summer Fundraisers, you too can help make a difference.  
Mothers Trust Foundation 2017-10-25 06:00:00Z 0
Representives from local charities recieved $55,000 at our annual charitable giving dinner April 29th. 2015-05-14 00:00:00Z 0
Lisa Stueckemann from Feed My Starving Children shares how they distributed over 200 million meals to chidren around the world last year. 2015-05-13 06:00:00Z 0
Larry Neal taking the ice bucket challenge and collecting over $600 in the process. Jon Robb 2014-08-20 00:00:00Z 0
Representatives of 33 local charities received $52,000 in grants at our annual giving dinner 4/30/14 Jon Robb 2014-04-30 00:00:00Z 0
Two time Olympic Speed Skater Brian Hansen shared his experience's at our April 16th meeting Jon Robb 2014-04-17 00:00:00Z 0

Swiss Family Hagmann

Posted by Dennis Kratohwil on Jul 23, 2013

The whole family of  our Swiss inbound exchange student, Dominic Hagmann, celebrated his successful Libertyville Year at the July 17th club meeting.  The family was then off to a two week RV tour of the U.S. West, including national parks, before their return to Switzerland.  Here, from left to right, are Dr. Angelika Hagmann, Dr. Andreas,  Fabienne, Dominic, and Sylvan.


Swiss Family Hagmann Dennis Kratohwil 2013-07-24 00:00:00Z 0

Zengeler Cleaners Earns Rotary Humanitarian Award

Posted by Dennis Kratohwil on May 29, 2013

 The Rotary Humanitarian Patriot Award  honors outstanding area community contributors and their humanitarian efforts supporting Veterans and Returning Warriors. 

Tom Zengeler is the current President of Zengeler Cleaners and the 5th generation of Zengeler family leadership for Illinois’ oldest and the Midwest’s largest Cleaner. He is a charter member of the Libertyville Sunrise Rotary Club, having been a Rotarian now for nearly 26years.


Through his efforts, and community support, Zengeler Cleaners has supported Veteran’s programs since 2004, when they joined with Weinstein Family Services for the “Operation Sweaters for Veteran’s” program .  Starting in 2008, in conjunction with the Libertyville Sunrise Rotary Club, he led Zengeler Cleaners and the Rotary Club in the “Coats for Vets” program that each fall collects coats, jackets, gloves, and other winter apparel. 


Since that time Zengeler's has collected more than 10,000 articles of winter clothing. These are then inspected, repaired and cleaned before being delivered to veterans by Zengeler's.


Tom’s own words express his motivation and commitment best:


 “Far too many veterans have been negatively impacted by the slowdown in the economy. Now more than ever, we need to support them. After all, every American owes our way of life thanks to the service of our vets. With some international military engagements winding down, that means even more veterans than ever are coming home in need of jobs, food, clothing and housing. ‘Coats for Vets’ is a great opportunity for each of us to show our appreciation in a very meaningful way.”



At Wednesday's meeting at Lamb's Farm, Tom Zengeler received the plaque from Club President Bob Zamor, who had accepted it on Tom's behalf at the May 21st luncheon at the Captain James A. Lovell Center. 

Zengeler Cleaners Earns Rotary Humanitarian Award Dennis Kratohwil 2013-05-30 00:00:00Z 0

Over $80,000 Distributed to 38 Charities - Annual Charitable Giving Reception

Posted by Dennis Kratohwil on May 01, 2013
On Wednesday, May 1st, President Bob Zamor presided over this year's annual event.  Charitable Committee head, Steve Risley observed, "The Libertyville Sunrise Rotary Club is pleased and proud to support these organizations. Since its’ inception in 1987, our club has provided over $750,000 in grants to local, regional and international groups embodying Rotary’s motto of: SERVICE ABOVE SELF"

For a list of Recipients, click on the "More" link below this picure.
Over $80,000 Distributed to 38 Charities - Annual Charitable Giving Reception Dennis Kratohwil 2013-05-02 00:00:00Z 0

Sunrise Rotary to the Aid of Salvation Army

Posted by Dennis Kratohwil on Nov 30, 2012

On Saturday December 1st, club members mobilized again to ring Christmas bells at several of the Salvation Army‘s kettles helping to raise funds to benefit the Army’s programs in Lake County.  For over 17 years, the members have been volunteering to man the  kettles for one Saturday in December.  Participation by club members has always been nearly 100 %, with the only acceptable excuse being unavoidable circumstances such as death in the family, out of town on business, etc..  This years’ chair was Rick Mittelman, who admitted no Krugerrands had turned up, but maybe next year!  Rotarians Alan Burack and Terry Weppler get an assist from Reindog, Molly, at the Jewel Food Store on Milwaukee Avenue.


Sunrise Rotary to the Aid of Salvation Army Dennis Kratohwil 2012-12-01 00:00:00Z 0

"Rotary Reads" Thrives and Expands

Posted by Dennis Kratohwil on Oct 18, 2012

Steve Risley of the Libertyville Sunrise Rotary Club organized this year’s “Rotary Reads.”  With Steve, were thirteen volunteers from the club, including four family members, plus fourteen volunteers from the Libertyville High School, Rotary sponsored, INTERACT Club. The philosophy behind the “Rotary Reads” program is to encourage reading at the very early elementary levels by the participation of members of the public.

   Libertyville Sunrise Rotary supplied each reader with a bag of books as a gift to each classroom.  After delivering the books, each “reader” was there to not only read to the students but to also ask questions about how reading is emphasized in the class room.  After each story time, the students were given an opportunity to ask the reader questions.The high school INTERACT Club’s participation has been a fantastic part of the program, and the  high school students enjoyed it so much most have already volunteered for next year’s program. 

In all, Adler, Butterfield, Copeland, Rockland, and Oak Grove Schools received 250 books through this year’s event.  Chair of the event, Risley remarked “The success of this reading program shows what a wonderful type of citizenry we have in Lake County, which allows such a great interaction between people of all ages.”   The program has been a great success and will be expanding into Waukegan schools this November with two schools involved initially, and 500 books donated.

for News Article go to:


Rotarian Ron Lapins and his daughter, Jessica, have Ms. Zilch’s third grade class at Butterfield School involved in a funny story.  


Libertyville High School INTERACT Club students Julia Curry (L) and Elizabeth Woo (R), read to Rockland School students.


Jane Risley reads to Rockland School students.


"Rotary Reads" Thrives and Expands Dennis Kratohwil 2012-10-19 00:00:00Z 0

The Goose Is Loose 2012.....a Success!

Posted by Robert Zamor on Jul 30, 2012
Photo: Great fun at the goose is loose

On behalf of all of the members of the Libertyville Sunrise Rotary Club, we would like to thank our event sponsors, all of you who bought raffle tickets, and all of you who attended last nights event. We hope that you had as good a time as we did, and, you can be assured that all of the proceeds will go to very worthy causes. Your participation will help a lot of people in need.

And, of course let's not forget to congratulate this year's Raffle Winners!!!!!

The 2012
Goose Is Loose Raffle Winners!!!!

Rick Mittelman $15,000 !

Bob Panos $1,000
Jeff Harger $1,000
Ed McGlynn $1,000
Janice Matthews $1,000
Mike Ralston $1,000
Jason Martens $1,000
Pat Rinella $1,000
Kim Rinella $1,000
George Frangos $1,000
Timothy Curran $1,000

Steve Freese $500
Matt Kovatch $500
Pat Hart $500
Jefffrey Cheatham $500
Ken Neumann $500
Pat Konen $500
Scott Kuhlmey $500
Myretta & Glen Taylor $500
Paul LaRoche $500
Michael Papierniak $500

Congratulations and Thank You for your support!

We hope to see all of you again next year, and please don't hesitate to share your suggestions how we can make this event an even better experience for you and your friends.
The Goose Is Loose 2012.....a Success! Robert Zamor 2012-07-31 00:00:00Z 0
Local Charities Benefit from Rotary Donations Janice Matthews 2012-04-25 00:00:00Z 0
Despite the weather everyone had a great time at the Northshore Wine Beer and Cigar festival. One of our main fundraisers Jon Robb 0
Dennis Kratohwil recieving the Rotarian of the year award from Jeff Harger at our July2nd 2014 installation dinner. Jon Robb 0

Winter Gala Raises Spirits - and Funds for Charities

Posted by Dennis Kratohwil

Auctioneer, Tucker Olson, vanquishes the Polar Vortex and heats up the bidding with with the "Live Auction".


The 2014 Winter Gala held on February 1st at Midlane Country Club was attended by 190 guests.  Over 120 auction items donated by local businesses and members-which included live and silent auction items - netted proceeds of $55,000. $15,000 was raised specifically for Shelter Box Disaster Relief. The remaining $40,000 will be distributed, together with funds from other fundraising activities during the year, to two dozen local charities at the Sunrise Rotary Annual Giving Dinner in early May.

Winter Gala Raises Spirits - and Funds for Charities Dennis Kratohwil 0

Report On Global Terrorism

Posted by Dennis Kratohwil

Former CNN reporter, Brian Jenkins, spoke at a November meeting on the new reality of global terrorism.


Report On Global Terrorism Dennis Kratohwil 0

Pumpkin Fest - A Smash Hit

Posted by Dennis Kratohwil


Cook Memorial Park was the scene last Saturday, October 5th, of the annual Pumpkin Fest.  Libertyville Sunrise Rotary collected food and cash contributions in exchange for several hundred pumpkins.  Libertyville Township Food Pantry receives and distributes these contributions to the hungry in the area.


Pumpkin Fest - A Smash Hit Dennis Kratohwil 0

Welcome to Exchange Student Yatziri Pereira

Posted by Dennis Kratohwil

2013/14 inbound exchange student Yatziri Pereira from Ciudad Carmen Mexico was welcomed to the club by President Jeff Harger and Jim Babowice at our regular meeting at Lambs.


Welcome to Exchange Student Yatziri Pereira Dennis Kratohwil 0

Our Exchange Students

Posted by Dennis Kratohwil


Jeff - Outbound to Brazil, Dominic - Inbound from Switzerland, Kyra - Outbound to Finland

Our Exchange Students Dennis Kratohwil 0
Lake County State's Attorney Michael Nerheim Visits Libertyville Sunrise Rotary Dennis Kratohwil 0

A Turkey of a Project

Posted by Dennis Kratohwil
Yes, Turkey dinners - complete and boxed and provided to over 120 families for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Jeff Harger and his team headed this up in partnership with Sunset Foods.  Donations from the club members provided needy families with the means to gather around the feast and enjoy the Holidays.ImageImage
A Turkey of a Project Dennis Kratohwil 0


Posted by Janice Matthews

Diana Schnell was recently presented with the Service Above Self Award by the Libertyville Sunrise Rotary Club. 

The award was established by the Club in 1997 to recognize non-Rotarians who exemplify the Rotary motto of "Service Above Self". 

"This award is a great way in which our club recognizes unsung heroes within our community", noted Bill Rickert, chairman of the award committee.

Schnell was selected for this award for her tireless efforts with the Equestrian Connection, a therapeutic riding center in Lake County.

In 1990, Diana gave birth to twin boys, both of whom were born with severe cerebral palsy.  they have been confined to wheelchairs their entire lives.  Through the age of 10, they were engaged in traditional forms of therapy and were not seeing results.  Diana had heard about therapeutic horseback riding and took her boys to a farm in Wisconsin.  The results were impressive as the twins responded positively to the horses.

Diana decided to start a therapeutic riding center in Lake County and in 2001, Equestrian Connection was born.  It started in rented facilities with borrowed horses.  In the intervening years, acting as volunteer Executive Director, Diana has overseen the growth of Equestrian Connection to today, where they own ten acres of land and a 26,000 square foot barn.  They have 19 horses and see over 220 riders every week, over 11,000 annual visits.  In addition to fundraising, Diana coordinates programming and over 500 volunteers and an annual budget approaching $1 million.  She routinely works over 50 hours a week in a strictly volunteer capacity, receiving no compensation.  She has invested personal funds into Equestrian Connection on numerous occasions to cover cash flow deficiencies.

Additionally, prior to Equestrian Connection, Diana was instrumental in the Libertyville High School CATS Special Olympics swim team as parent, coach, lifeguard and fundraiser.  She has competed in numerous marathons and Ironman triathlons with the sole purpose of raising funds and awareness for Equestrian Connection.  She is a tireless advocate for those with disabilities and advocates with no expectation of personal gain or recognition.

According to Rotary, Schnell exemplifies the criteria for the Service Above Self Award.  It states:  "Nominee saw a need and, without hesitation and without being instructed to do so, took on the tasks to meet that need."

The Libertyville Sunrise Rotary Club is a local chapter of Rotary International.  Founded in 1905 by Paul Harris in Chicago, it is an international humanitarian service organization.



Assisting Our Community

Posted by Janice Matthews
story thumbnail
In April, we held the dinner where we distributed funds to over 20 community groups.  These funds are earned primarily through our Goose Dropping Festival.  Thank you to all of the fabulous people in our community who contribute to our fund raising and all of our community groups who perform such vital services locally.
Assisting Our Community Janice Matthews 0
Another successful Rotary Reads Day Dennis Ryan 0