Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove & Buffalo Grove Community Foundation Joint Community Grants now available Tim Kirsininkas 2025-01-23 06:00:00Z 0 community grants

Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove Volunteers to Fight Hunger

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Making a Difference at Feed My Starving Children

On December 26th, members of the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove volunteered at Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) in Libertyville, Illinois. This event was an opportunity to help provide food for children around the world who face hunger every day.

At FMSC, we worked together as a team to pack specially designed meals that help malnourished kids get the nutrition they need to grow and thrive. These meals, called MannaPacks, are made with a blend of rice, soy, vegetables, and essential vitamins and minerals. In just a few hours, our group of Rotarians, family members, and friends packed hundreds of these meals, demonstrating the power of collective effort.

Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove Volunteers to Fight Hunger Jason Davis 2025-01-06 06:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Clubs of Buffalo Grove & Wheeling Bring Holiday Meals to Local Families Jason Davis 2024-11-27 06:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove Celebrates Major Donor Milestone

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At a recent club meeting, we had the privilege of honoring one of our own, Rob Seitz, as the club’s newest Major Donor to the Rotary Foundation. This milestone reflects Rob’s 18 years of dedication to Rotary’s mission of “Service Above Self,” during which he has served in several leadership roles.
The Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove Celebrates Major Donor Milestone Jason Davis 2024-11-27 06:00:00Z 0
Service Above Self Scholarship application now open Tim Kirsininkas 2024-11-05 06:00:00Z 0
Celebrating 50 Years of Service to Buffalo Grove and Beyond Jason Davis 2024-10-27 05:00:00Z 0

Our Club Members Attended 6440 District Conference

Santosh, Jason, Juliet and Martha attended 6440's District Conference on Saturday, "Passion to Action: Telling our Rotary Story," and listened to very inspiring keynote speakers - author Tony Bridwell and activist Eve Gomez from Rahab's Daughters, an organization combating human trafficking.  There were breakout sessions for the 3 Year Action Plan, Public Image, Community Service, Membership, Rotary Means Business, the RI Foundation, Cultivating Change, International Service and Engaging Youth.  
Our Club Members Attended 6440 District Conference 2024-10-07 05:00:00Z 0

Our Joint Environmental Project with the Arlington Heights Club

On Saturday, Juliet, Sita, Martha, Jerry, Mike, and Deenie joined six Arlington Heights club members for our environmental project at Mill Creek Park and planted 21 native shrubs and sowed two acres of prairie seed mixes to stabilize the stream banks in the park.  We then shared fellowship at Continental Restaurant for lunch.  Martha's husband Jeff led the group.  Both clubs donated funds for the joint project.  Thanks to all who volunteered!
Our Joint Environmental Project with the Arlington Heights Club 2024-09-30 05:00:00Z 0

Our Rotary Club was Represented at the Green Fair

On Sunday, Jason, Juliet, Deenie, Joan, Glenn and Martha volunteered at our booth during the Buffalo Grove Environmental Action Team's Green Fair.  The event was rescheduled from the previous Sunday because of the weather, and attendance was still good.  The fair had informational booths on environmental topics and collected many items, such as shoes, clothing, CDs, hangers, books, etc. to be reused and recycled.  Thanks to the those who volunteered!
Our Rotary Club was Represented at the Green Fair 2024-09-30 05:00:00Z 0
Thanks to Our 2024 Duck Race Sponsors! Dane Bragg 2024-08-21 05:00:00Z 0 bgrotary,buffalo grove,buffalo grove rotary,community service,rotary
Many Thanks to Our 2024 Duck Race Sponsors Dane Bragg 2024-08-21 05:00:00Z 0 bgrotary,buffalo grove,buffalo grove rotary,community service,rotary
International Youth Day 2024: Celebrating Global Change-Makers and Rotary's Youth Impact Jason Davis 2024-08-08 05:00:00Z 0 Youth

What is Generative AI?

In our March 28th meeting, Jason Davis, a member of our Rotary Club, presented an overview of Generative AI and its potential benefits for our organization. His presentation offered a concise yet comprehensive look at this emerging technology, emphasizing its capabilities to automate tasks and enhance productivity.
What is Generative AI? Jason Davis 2024-04-11 05:00:00Z 0

People of Action: Champions of Impact

Steve Dudenhoefer

Rotary Club of Puerto Barrios, Izabal, Guatemala
Project: Guatemalan Tomorrow Fund

Steve Dudenhoefer founded the Guatemalan Tomorrow Fund and Asociación Ak’ Tenamit 33 years ago, after selling his business in the US and moving to Guatemala to serve as a full-time volunteer accompanying rural Indigenous Central American communities in their sustainable development processes.

People of Action: Champions of Impact 2024-03-19 05:00:00Z 0

Our Rotary Club Awards Officer of the Year at Village Meeting

President Shawn Collins presented the Officer of the Year Award to Buffalo Grove police Investigator Crystal Dibble at a Village meeting.  The annual honor is awarded to an officer who has displayed a strong work ethic, integrity and commitment to the residents of the village. 
Investigator Dibble was recognized for her work on several significant cases last year, including financial crimes and exploitation of the elderly, sexual assault investigations and commercial burglary. She also is responsible for maintaining evidence technician supplies and keeping the evidence processing area in order.  Our Rotary Club will donate $500 in Dibble’s name, with $250 going to the Rotary Foundation and the remainder to the charity of her choosing.

Officer Gabriel Augustyniak also received special commendation. He led the department in DUI arrests for the second year in a row and was among the department’s leaders in traffic law enforcement. 


Our Rotary Club Awards Officer of the Year at Village Meeting 2024-03-17 05:00:00Z 0

2024 Community Grant Applications NOW OPEN

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Nominate Your Organization and Make Buffalo Grove a Better Place!

Applications Due February 15

Local organizations operating as charitable, faith-based or not-for-profit agencies with a 501(c)3 designation are eligible to apply for one-time grants of up to $2,500.  Help us help your organization by submitting your projects and causes that contribute to the success of the community!
2024 Community Grant Applications NOW OPEN Dane Bragg 2024-01-03 06:00:00Z 0 bgrotary,buffalo grove,buffalo grove rotary,community grants,community service,rotary

Bill Reid Award

Our club established the Bill Reid Community Service Award in 2001 to perpetuate the legacy of Bill Reid, a long-time Village trustee and a founding member of the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove.  This award is given out on a yearly basis to unsung heroes who have demonstrated a long-term commitment to the Buffalo Grove community, and who personify what it means to serve and inspire.

Cathy Novak, a person who has tirelessly worked on behalf of our community, is the 2023 recipient of this award.   

Bill Reid Award 2023-12-29 06:00:00Z 0

Our Club will be Sponsoring the Thanksgiving Food Box Again

We partner with the Wheeling Rotary Club every year during the Thanksgiving season to donate food to local families in need.  We receive support for this program from donations from local businesses and from a Rotary District 6440 grant.
Our Club will be Sponsoring the Thanksgiving Food Box Again 2023-11-09 06:00:00Z 0

Our Club Welcomes New Members

Our newest member Sita Prakasan.
School Dist 21. Asst. Superintendent Robert Gurney, Dir of Communications Cassandra Young, Superintendent Dr. Michael Connolly.
BG Deputy Village Manager Mike Skibbe.
Our Club Welcomes New Members 2023-11-09 06:00:00Z 0

Congratulations to the Duck Race Winners!

Congratulations to the 2023 Duck Race Winners!
1st Place $1,500 - #2979 Umesh Rai
2nd Place $500 - #0688 Lisa Cotini
3rd Place $250 - #3052 Joe Gibrick
$100 Winners (10)
1. #1838 Ann Rylko
2. #2553 Melanie Santostefano
3. #0336 Golan Mor
4. #1771 Beverly Sussman
5. #0070 Sandra Cowan
6. #2267 Claire Weiss
7. #1845 Ann Rylko
8. #2915 Chris Cunningham
9. #0364 Golan Mor
10. #1916 Joe Gibrick
Thank you to everyone who supported the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove and congratulations to our winners!
Congratulations to the Duck Race Winners! 2023-09-03 05:00:00Z 0 bgrotary,buffalo grove,buffalo grove rotary,rotary
Rotary Proudly Supports Community Organizations Dane Bragg 2023-08-18 05:00:00Z 0 bgrotary,buffalo grove,buffalo grove rotary,community grants,community service,rotary
Get Ready for the Rotary Duck Race! Dane Bragg 2023-07-18 05:00:00Z 0 bgrotary,buffalo grove,buffalo grove rotary,community service,rotary

Officer of the Year Award Given by Our Club

President Lisa awarded our club’s 2022 Officer of the Year Award to Buffalo Grove Police Department’s Investigator Jaime Verduzco at the February 21st Village meeting.  In addition to being instrumental in solving many high-profile investigations in Buffalo Grove and aiding area agencies, Investigator Verduzco served as a leader and role model throughout the year to members of the Investigation’s Bureau and Patrol Division.  Despite being very busy this year, he always found time to help less experienced officers to obtain crucial evidence and build their cases until finally reaching a successful conclusion.
As part of this award, our club will donate $250 in Verduzco’s name to the Rotary Foundation and $250 to a charity of his choice.
President Lisa also presented Officer Dawid Wojs with a Special Commendation Award at the Village meeting.  He was recognized for being a leader on his shift in traffic enforcement, arrests and DUIs.  Officer Wojs showed his work ethic during 2022 and made over 800 contacts with traffic violators.  He also showed his dedication to the force by covering shifts that needed additional staffing.
Officer of the Year Award Given by Our Club 2023-06-06 05:00:00Z 0

Our Club and the Wheeling Club Sponsored a Thanksgiving Food Box Program

Thank you to all who participated in the Thanksgiving food box program.  A special "Thank You" to Shawn, Bo, and Pete for their work in coordinating the details with Buffalo Grove High School, social workers, food bank, Garden Fresh, knitting groups, and obtaining stuffed animals.  It is a truly collaborative effort with the Wheeling Club, with many moving parts. Here is the recap:
We provided the following food over two days:
Thursday, Nov 17, 2022 - Total 93 Food Packages
Saturday, Nov 19, 2022 - 9-11 AM - Total 57 Food Packages
8 extra NIFB Meals delivered to area social workers to be given to families
2 extra NIFB Meals given to large families
Our Club and the Wheeling Club Sponsored a Thanksgiving Food Box Program 2022-12-11 06:00:00Z 0

Our Bowling with Buddies Event Oct. 20th

Along with the Village's Citizens for Residents with Disabilities Committee, we held our annual Bowling with Buddies event at Bowlero.   As you can see, our club members not only enjoyed volunteering with the 90 participants, but also got into wearing Halloween costumes.  Thanks to all who volunteered!
Our Bowling with Buddies Event Oct. 20th 2022-12-11 06:00:00Z 0

Bowling with Buddies is Back!

Thursday, October 20, 2022, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
350 N. McHenry Road
Join BG Rotary and the Rick Kahen Commission for Residents With Disabilities for Bowling with Buddies.  There will be a Halloween theme and costumes are welcome! This fun event for residents with special needs is free to participants with bowling, food and friends!  Advance registration is required by October 6.


Bowling with Buddies is Back! Dane Bragg 2022-09-12 05:00:00Z 0 CRD,bgrotary,bowlero,bowling,buffalo grove,buffalo grove rotary,community service,rotary
The Duck Race is September 4th - Buy Your Tickets Now! 2022-07-12 05:00:00Z 0 bgrotary,buffalo grove,buffalo grove rotary,community service

A Message from President Lisa Siwek

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove Home Page.  Our club consists of a variety of like-minded community and business leaders.  We devote our time to fundraising and invest these resources in a comprehensive range of projects throughout the community, as well as globally.  It is a team effort of ambitious and caring people who dedicate their time to several causes while enjoying the camaraderie and friendships of club members. 

The project engagement and funding opportunities include:

            - Food Baskets (providing food for those in need at Thanksgiving)

            - Bowling with Buddies (pairing Rotarians with residents with disabilities)

            - Reading with Rotary (reading to young students and donating books)

            - Little Free Library (providing free books to the community)

            - Youth Assembly and RYLA (youth leadership programs)

            - Environmental Projects (local green infrastructure projects)

            - Guatemala Ak’Tenamit (projects to support and build infrastructure at a school)

            - End Polio Now (funding the worldwide effort to eradicate polio)

            - Community Grants (grant applications available April/May to non-profit organizations)

            - Academic / Vocational Scholarships (applications available second semester)

            - Exchange Student programs (opportunities to go abroad and host exchange students)

Our goal for this year is to strengthen our ties with local youth. We offer exciting leadership programs for high school students and can provide opportunities to learn more about their community through collaborative efforts.  

If you have an interest in participating in one of our community projects, don’t hesitate to contact us, or feel welcome to join us for lunch.  Please email for more information or message us through Facebook at Buffalo Grove Rotary.

Lunch every Thursday

Time: 12:15 to 1:30

Location: The Continental Restaurant

788 S. Buffalo Grove Road

Buffalo Grove

Hope to see you there.

Lisa Siwek

President of the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove


A Message from President Lisa Siwek 2022-07-03 05:00:00Z 0

Thanksgiving Food Boxes

Our club, along with the Wheeling Rotary Club, organized Thanksgiving food boxes to help families celebrate the holiday. 

This giving effort continues to grow its reach by engaging more individuals and organizations.  Each year, the Rotary clubs purchase food boxes to be donated to local families experiencing food insecurity, who are referred by school counselors from Buffalo Grove area school districts and the police department social worker.

This year, the clubs jointly purchased 150 holiday meal boxes from the Northern Illinois Mobile Food Pantry, representing a nearly $5,000 investment in the program. Each food box contains a whole turkey, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce, potatoes, white rice, corn, green beans and dry black beans, as well as mixed fruit, cake mix, frosting and hot cocoa.

Board games donated by the Buffalo Grove Rotary Club will also be given to families with school-aged children, in addition to books donated by Wheeling Rotarian Rich Rosen.

The growth of this giving program would not be possible without these community partners:
• Garden Fresh Market, 770 S. Buffalo Grove Road, Buffalo Grove: Donated nearly $7,000 in food to be packed into additional food boxes by volunteers and given out alongside food baskets on distribution day. The grocer is also providing $20 Garden Fresh Market gift cards to each recipient family.
• PetSmart, 20771 N. Rand Road, Kildeer: Donated dozens of stuffed animals.
• The Ela Township Women's Knit Club: Donated approximately 100 hand knit baby blankets, 80 hand knit hats and 50 hand knit scarves.
• Hillside Towing, 120 W. University Drive, Arlington Heights: Donated a lift truck to move food pallets on distribution day.
• Route 12 Rental, 1306 E. Rand Road in Arlington Heights: Donated a truck to move food.
Additional community partners and volunteers include: The Continental Restaurant, 788 S. Buffalo Grove Road, Buffalo Grove; Kolbi Pipe Marker Company, 416 Campus Drive, Arlington Heights; Buffalo Grove High School; Buffalo Grove Police Department; and the Buffalo Grove Park District.
Thanksgiving Food Boxes 2021-11-18 06:00:00Z 0
Bowling with Buddies October 21 Dane Bragg 2021-11-09 06:00:00Z 0 CRD,bgrotary,bowlero,bowling,buffalo grove rotary,village of buffalo grove
Congratulations to our Duck Race Winners! Dane Bragg 2021-09-06 05:00:00Z 0 bgrotary,buffalo grove,buffalo grove rotary,community service,rotary

2021 Service Above Self and Public Safety Scholarships Available

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$2,000 Scholarships Available!
Applications Due - June 1, 2021

The Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove is accepting applications for academic and public safety scholarship programs to support educational programs preparing students for careers with a four-year undergraduate degree and careers in public safety fields.  One-time grants in the amount of up to $2,000 each will be awarded in both categories.  Applicants must be a current student or graduate of either Buffalo Grove High School or Adlai Stevenson High School. 
2021 Service Above Self and Public Safety Scholarships Available Dane Bragg 2021-04-18 05:00:00Z 0 bgrotary,buffalo grove,buffalo grove rotary,community service

Our Club Sponsored a Mobile Food Pantry on Jan. 31st

From the Daily Herald:

A mobile pantry sponsored by the Buffalo Grove Rotary Club met its goal of feeding 200 families Saturday afternoon at Mike Rylko Park in Buffalo Grove. Luckily, no one had to be turned away.

The first 100 cars in line received a hot meal provided by The Continental Restaurant in addition to groceries that included meat, milk, eggs, cereal, potatoes, carrots and other staple food items provided by the Northern Illinois Food Bank.

The food was packed and distributed by 28 volunteers, including 13 club members. Vehicles started lining up at 1:30 p.m., a half-hour before the event began.

By 3:30 p.m., the last box of food was loaded into the last vehicle's trunk.

"While it was a chilly day outside for our volunteers, it was heartwarming to see everyone working together to serve others who are experiencing challenges," said Buffalo Grove Rotary Club President Melanie Santostefano.

Club member Shannon O'Connor initially brought the idea of sponsoring a mobile pantry to the club and took the lead on organizing the event. She thanked the food bank, the restaurant, police and the park district for their parts in making the event possible.

Buffalo Grove Village Manager Dane Bragg and his son Wade help out Saturday at the mobile food pantry sponsored by the Buffalo Grove Rotary Club.  Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor Image may contain: one or more people, sky, outdoor and closeup Image may contain: tree, sky and outdoor

Our Club Sponsored a Mobile Food Pantry on Jan. 31st 2021-02-02 06:00:00Z 0

Thanksgiving Food Donations Given Out Nov. 21

From the Daily Herald article on November 19, 2020:  The Buffalo Grove Rotary is making a memorable Thanksgiving possible for dozens of families in need.

On Saturday, 150 families will be able to pick up food baskets packed by Rotary members with essentials canned beans, flour, beans, pasta, rice and sugar. They'll also receive a gift card to purchase meat and other perishable items.

It's part of an effort that began Tuesday when Rotarians loaded up a truck with about $10,000 in food donated by the Garden Fresh Market near Buffalo Grove and Dundee roads.

"We live in a great community, and I just wanted to say thanks to the community for always being there for us," said Golan Mor, president of Garden Fresh Market. "We want to give back, especially now. These are troubling times. It's just such a great honor to really be a part of this community."

On Wednesday, Rotarians got together and began packaging the items into baskets for the 150 previously selected recipients, who will pick them up Saturday. The families are recommended by local school districts.

"Normally, if there were no pandemic, we get together on the Saturday before Thanksgiving and drive these donations to different apartment buildings where these families live and deliver them," said Rotary President Melanie Santostefano. "But this year, we have had to pivot, due to social distancing."


Thanksgiving Food Donations Given Out Nov. 21 2021-01-22 06:00:00Z 0
Mobile Food Pantry Distribution - Jan 30, 2021 Martha B Weiss 2021-01-22 06:00:00Z 0
The 2020 Golf Outing with Special Leisure Services Foundation was Great! 2020-10-07 05:00:00Z 0
Congratulations to the 2020 Duck Race Winners! Dane Bragg 2020-09-07 05:00:00Z 0 bgrotary,buffalo grove,community service,rotary
2020 Virtual Rotary Duck Race 2020-07-08 05:00:00Z 0

2019 Thanksgiving Food Baskets

Buffalo Grove, Wheeling Rotary Clubs Spread Holiday Cheer - Journal &Topics - Dec. 17, 2019

The Wheeling and Buffalo Grove Rotary clubs’ Thanksgiving Basket program has been going strong for nearly four decades.  The program aims to ensure in-need families in local communities can enjoy a traditional holiday meal on Thanksgiving, despite dire financial circumstances.

This year, 160 Thanksgiving baskets served families living in Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, unincorporated Deerfield, Long Grove, Mount Prospect, Palatine, Prairie View, Prospect Heights, Vernon Hills and Wheeling.

Of all the baskets, 130 were delivered to residences, while the remaining 30, along with extra food items were donated to Kingswood United Food Pantry in Buffalo Grove, and St. Mary’s Food Pantry in Waukegan.

Families in-need are referred to the program through local school district social workers. Once the list of recipients is finalized, club volunteers, along with their friends and family, get to work.

“The response to our reach out for volunteers is always amazing,” said Shawn Collins, Buffalo Grove Rotary Club past president and co-chair of the program. “We had more than 50 people handle the many tasks that are essential to make this program work. They include moving and sorting the food, packing it into boxes, and then delivering them to the homes of these families before the holiday.”

Items included in the baskets included all the fixings for a traditional Thanksgiving meal, along with a gift card to purchase a turkey, Cornish hen, ham, or other meat, which were donated by Garden Fresh Buffalo Grove. Games and hand-knit hats, along with stuffed animals for the younger children, were also part of these special deliveries. 

“We have witnessed so much generosity through this program; it’s truly inspiring,” said Steve Balinski, a Buffalo Grove Rotary Club member and co-chair of the program. “From our Rotary clubs that financially sponsor it, to a community member who knits each hat to be donated, to Garden Fresh who provided 160 gift cards, to PetSmart that donated stuffed animals — all of these people, groups and efforts show that the spirit of giving is still alive, and that we are making a difference in the lives of others.” 

The Thanksgiving Basket program is just one of the many local and international efforts that Rotary Clubs sponsor.

2019 Thanksgiving Food Baskets Martha Weiss 2019-12-29 06:00:00Z 0

BG Days!!

Our club had a very busy and successful BG Days thanks to the hard work of many of our members during Bingo, duck ticket sales, the duck toss game, the parade, and the duck race.  Thanks to all who helped out!
BG Days!! 2019-09-03 05:00:00Z 0

2019 Rotary Duck Race Winners!

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Announcing our 2019 Rotary Duck Race Winners!


1st Place - $1,500 - Ron Bernardi (#3773)

2nd Place - $500 - Jon Bartelt (#4843)

3rd Place - $250 - Robin Raef (#0452)
$100 Winners
  1. Burdeen's Jewelry (#2233)
  2. Branden Smith (#3925)
  3. Garden Fresh Market (#2314)
  4. Lori Palmer (#0349)
  5. Emily Weiss (#1826)
  6. Neil Zweiban (#3144)
  7. Sandy Heltzer (#5321)
  8. Denise Weidner (#0660)
  9. Erica Sitkoff (#5050)
  10. Don Werneske (#0124)
Thank you to everyone for your support of the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove!
2019 Rotary Duck Race Winners! 2019-09-01 05:00:00Z 0

2019 Bingo at Buffalo Grove Days

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Join us for the annual BINGO extravaganza on Thursday night of Buffalo Grove Days!  Located under the big tent at Mike Rylko Park, this year's bingo features more than $1,600 in cash and prizes.


1 Bingo Booklet for $5 – 5 Bingo Booklets for $20

Sponsored by
Kloepfer Insurance Services   
John Jawor, Wilmette Harbor Rotary
2019 Bingo at Buffalo Grove Days Brett Robinson 2019-08-26 05:00:00Z 0 bgrotary,buffalo grove,buffalo grove rotary,rotary

Another Successful Golf Outing With Special Leisure Services Foundation

It was a beautiful day for supporting charity at the Buffalo Grove Golf Classic, hosted in partnership between SLSF and the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove! Thank you to Presenting Sponsor CDE Collision, Gold and Sign Sponsor Kolbi Pipe Marker Co., Bronze Sponsors F.H. Paschen, Buffalo Grove Park District, and Kloepfer Insurance Services, Golf Course Sponsor The Arboretum Club, Media Partner Daily Herald and all of the golfers and supporters who made this event such a success!
Another Successful Golf Outing With Special Leisure Services Foundation 2019-07-01 05:00:00Z 0

President and Officers' Installation Dinner June 27

Our club's new officers and board members were installed June 27th.  Thank you to Past President Shawn and his Board for all of their hard work to make this past Rotary year such a success.  Here is the list of members who were honored. Congratulations to all!!  Our entertainment that evening was the Center Ring Barbershop Quartet.  District Governor Nominee Lyle Staab administered the oaths of office and our new Assistant Governor for the coming year, Chrissie Mena from the Barrington noon club, was in attendance.
2018-2019 Milestone Club Service Awards
Steven Casstevens -5 years
Pat Johannes -5 years
Carey Savitt -5 years
Brian Shepard-5 years
Andy Spetter -5 years
Miriam Campbell -10 years
Tom Kloepfer -10 years
Larry Kushner -10 years
Eric Smith -30 years
Bill Balling -35 years
Perfect Attendance Awards
Dane Bragg
Shawn Collins
Tom Klopefer
Glenn Meier
Lisa Siwek
Dennis Snyder
Distinguished Member Award
Brian Shepard
International Service Award
Bill Balling

Community Service Award
Dennis Snyder
Youth Leadership Award
Jing O'Brien
Service Above Self Award
Pete Panayiotou
Dennis Gilbert Rotarian of the Year Award
Steve Balinski
2019-20 Officers
President - Bill Donahue
President Elect - Melanie Santostafano
President Nominee - Brett Robinson
Secretary - Cathy Splett
Treasurer - Brian Shepard
Directors - Steve Balinski, Shannon O’Connor, Dan Wolf
Past President - Shawn Collins
President and Officers' Installation Dinner June 27 2019-05-28 05:00:00Z 0

2019 Buffalo Grove Golf Classic

Join Your Friends and Neighbors to Support a Good Cause!


Register now to participate in or sponsor the 2019 Buffalo Grove Golf Classic on May 15, 2019 at the Arboretum Club!  Proceeds from this fun-filled event benefit the Special Leisure Services Foundation and the Foundation of the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove.  To register for this event, visit the SLSF events page, or contact Megan O'Brien at 847-392-2848, ext. 267 or e-mail

2019 Buffalo Grove Golf Classic Dane Bragg 2019-03-07 06:00:00Z 0 bgrotary,buffalo grove,buffalo grove rotary,rotary

Rotary Community Grants Now Available!

Applications Due May 18, 2019

The Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove is pleased to offer Rotary Community Grants to organizations that affect the community of Buffalo Grove and its inhabitants. The Rotary Community Grant will provide funding for projects and causes that contribute to the success of the local community with the objective of making ours a better place to live and work. One-time grants of up to $2500 are given to efforts that have the potential to provide visible, long-term, sustainable benefits for community members.
Rotary Community Grants Now Available! DCB 2019-03-06 06:00:00Z 0 buffalo grove,community grants,community service,rotary

Guatemala Tomorrow Fund Seeks Donations for Volcano Relief Efforts

Charitable Organization Collects Funds for Students

Guatemalan families face a major challenge after the recent volcanic eruptions near Guatemala City.  The Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove provides support to families in Guatemala through the Asociacion Ak'Tenamit program. Support is urgently needed to keep children of disaster affected families in high school. Neediest students will be selected from communities most affected by this catastrophic volcanic eruption as one of the greatest challenges poor families face after a disaster is keeping children in high school. Your support is urgently needed!
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and outdoor
Guatemala Tomorrow Fund Seeks Donations for Volcano Relief Efforts Dane Bragg 2018-06-10 05:00:00Z 0 bgrotary,buffalo grove,community service,rotary

BG Rotary Mourns the Loss of Dennis Gilbert

Member picture
Our sincere condolences extend to the family of friend and fellow Rotarian Dennis Gilbert, who passed on Monday, November 13.  Dennis had been a member of our club since 1999, donating his time and talents to many local initiatives.  Dennis's family has asked that memorials be made in his name to the Foundation of the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove.  To make a donation, please click the link below.
BG Rotary Mourns the Loss of Dennis Gilbert 2017-11-15 06:00:00Z 0

Fundraiser to Benefit Asociación Ak'Tenamit

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Learn More About Our Humanitarian Efforts in Guatemala

Join us for a fun and informative evening as we welcome Steve Dudenhoefer, the founder of Ak’ Tenamit, and Graciela Coy, the president of Ak’ Tenamit, at a celebratory dinner on Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at Continental Restaurant. 
Fundraiser to Benefit Asociación Ak'Tenamit Dane Bragg 2017-10-04 05:00:00Z 0

Duck Race Winners!

Congratulations to our winners!

Were you a winner at this year's Rotary Duck Race?!?!  See below for the winning names and numbers!
Congratulations to all of our winners, and thank you to everyone who supported this year's race!  Your  contributions are spent right here in the Buffalo Grove community for those in need, to support youth enrichment and to provide great events for our entire community.
Also, thank you to our sponsors!  If you frequent any of these local businesses, tell them THANK YOU for supporting Rotary!
Shorewood Development Group
Arthur J. Gallagher
Waste Management
Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.
Buffalo Grove Bank & Trust
Vicarious Productions
Burdeen's Jewelry
Deenie Pomilia, RE/MAX
Creekside Dental
Arlington Heights Ford
Legat Architects
Duck Race Winners! Dane Bragg 2017-09-04 05:00:00Z 0

Our District 6440 Vocational Scholarship Award Winner

Posted by Martha Weiss
Due to the generosity of one of the clubs in our District, District 6440 was able to award 15 Scholarships, in the amount of $1,500 each, to worthy candidates who will be attending less than a four-year university.
Our club recognized Jacob Cullen, a recent Stevenson graduate, as a winner of a District 6440 Vocational Scholarship to help him with his tuition at the Universal Technical Institute in Lisle in the fall.  He will concentrate in automotive technology. In this photo are past president AAron Appell, Jacob, and New Generations Chair Martha Weiss.  Congratulations Jacob!   
Our District 6440 Vocational Scholarship Award Winner Martha Weiss 2017-06-21 05:00:00Z 0

Our Club is Growing!

Posted by Martha Weiss
Our club inducted a new member, Dan Davis, the co-owner/office manager of Weed Man Lawn Care. In this photo are past president Aaron Appell, Dan, Dan's sponsor Deenie Pomilia and Membership Chair Deb Smith. 
Welcome Dan!
Our Club is Growing! Martha Weiss 2017-06-21 05:00:00Z 0

2017 Buffalo Grove Golf Classic presented by C.D.E. Collision Centers

Join Your Friends and Neighbors to Support a Good Cause!


Register now to participate in or sponsor the 2017 Buffalo Grove Golf Classic on May 17, 2017 at the Arboretum Club!  Proceeds from this fun-filled event benefit the Special Leisure Services Foundation and the Foundation of the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove.  To register for this event, visit the SLSF events page, or contact Nanette Sowa at 847-392-2848, ext. 255 or e-mail

Sponsored by C.D.E. Collision Centers

2017 Buffalo Grove Golf Classic presented by C.D.E. Collision Centers Dane Bragg 2017-04-05 05:00:00Z 0

You Can Help End Polio

Did you know that your local Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove provides annual support to the End Polio Now initiative?  Through local fundraising efforts, we have increased our contribution to $2,000 annually to eradicate polio on the planet.  To find out more about this global initiative and how you can help, visit the End Polio Now web page!
You Can Help End Polio Dane Bragg 2017-04-04 05:00:00Z 0

2017 Guatemala Mission Program

The Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove will sponsor two mission trips to Ak' Tenamit, Guatemala during the month of March, to complete work in support of Association Ak' Tenamit, a grassroots organization dedicated to providing healthcare, education and tourism development opportunities for the indigenous people of Guatemala.  Stay tuned to our web site and social media to see our progress in pursuing Rotary's mission throughout the world!
For more information on the Ak' Tenamit program, visit their website.  Click here to donate to the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove's Ak' Tenamit program in memory of Virginia Legge.
2017 Guatemala Mission Program Dane Bragg 2017-03-07 06:00:00Z 0

Meet One of our Newer Members

One of our newer members is Cristen Carlson, who is the manager of Grove Animal Hospital and Holistic Center where her husband is the veterinarian.  They purchased the practice at the corner of Highway 83 and Buffalo Grove Road in Buffalo Grove in 2012 and have quickly developed it into a holistic center for dogs, cats and equine patients. Appointments  include an integrative approach bridging both conventional medicine and all realms of holistic treatment.  Cristen's husband and daughter also attended our meeting.  Welcome Cristen!
Meet One of our Newer Members 2016-03-23 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove Community Grants


The Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove is pleased to offer Rotary Community Grants to organizations that affect the community of Buffalo Grove and its inhabitants. The Rotary Community Grant will provide funding for projects and causes that contribute to the success of the local community with the objective of making ours a better place to live and work. One-time grants of up to $2500 are given to efforts that have the potential to provide visible, long-term, sustainable benefits for community members.

Does your organization help build our community?

Applicants must be organizations with a clear mission and a structured leadership. Charitable or non-profit organizations with a 501(c)(3) designation are encouraged to apply, though this designation is not a requirement to qualify. Faith-based non-profit organizations may qualify, provided their proposed project is for the benefit of the community as a whole rather than just the members of their congregation or organization.

Projects must be initiated by the applying non-profit organization and contribute to Rotary's focus on community service, which includes projects and activities taken to improve life in the Buffalo Grove area.

An effective project or cause should do more than just offer a quick fix for problems. The most effective service projects

· Respond to real issues

· Improve community members’ lives

· Are based on a realistic assessment of available resources

· Aim for specific goals and objectives with measurable results

· Build effective networks

· Empower people and communities

Click here to access the fillable application for the grant.  The deadline is May 25, 2016.

Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove Community Grants weiss 2016-03-16 00:00:00Z 0

President Elect Dane Attended PETS training

President Elect Dane attended the recent 2016-17 President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) at the Westin Itasca.  He said he truly appreciated the Club’s support as he heads into the presidency, and the seminar reminded him of how much the cub has to be thankful for and to accomplish in the coming year! 



He was grateful that he was able to make such a sizable donation to the 2016-17 PETS Service Project and thanked the club members' generous donations.   He delivered more than $350 in food and toiletries, as well as tons of backpacks, t-shirts and other items donated by each of you!  Many Rotarians come up to him in amazement of the giant cart of donations – and sent their gratitude to the Buffalo Grove club for being so generous.  A huge thank you goes out to each and every club member for helping out with this great cause!

President Elect Dane Attended PETS training 2016-03-08 00:00:00Z 0

Our Club Members In Guatemala

Our club members and their family members completed their service trip to Ak' Tenamit in Guatemala and in 4 days a 20x40 tech center was constructed from scratch, 10 work benches and 8 picnic tables were built, they interacted with over 200 students who had the opportunity to learn English and learn to build, and over 80 patients were seen by Dr. Collins and his beautiful wife, his assistant. In 2 days they hiked over 6 miles to deliver over 65 solar lights and over 15 water filters to villages without electricity or clean water. What an impact 22 amazing individuals made in Guatemala. Thank you all for your generous donations. 
Our Club Members In Guatemala 2016-01-18 06:00:00Z 0

Kyle Legge Receives a Paul Harris Fellow

In gratitude for Kyle Legge's dedication to Rotary, he received a Paul Harris Fellow from contributions from his dad, Stephen, and from Youth Exchange Officer Martha Weiss.  Kyle is our outbound exchange student leaving for Taiwan next month.  Congratulations Kyle!
Kyle Legge Receives a Paul Harris Fellow 2015-07-28 00:00:00Z 0

Installation of New Club Officers and Awards Given Out June 30

The club had our installation dinner at the Arboretum Club on June 30.  Our new officers for the Rotary year 2015-16 are:
President Aaron Appell, Past President Quintin Sleigh, President-Elect Dane Bragg, Secretary Ryan Risinger, Treasurer Brian Shepard and Members at Large Andy Spetter, Stephen Legge and Dan Wolf.  Congratulations and thank you for your commitment to our club!  Al Viehman was the recipient of the Bill Reid Award, and Adriane Johnson was named the Rotarian of the Year.  Shawn Collins was inducted as a new member (shown here being congratulated by his wife, Past President Pam), and Darren Boundy became a Paul Harris fellow.  Ernie Karge and Glenn Meier were recognized for their perfect attendance since they became members of the club (Glenn in 1978 and Ernie the following year).  We also celebrated because it was Ernie's birthday!  Thank you to Past District Governor Bill Ferreira for acting as a wonderful MC for the evening.  Magician Dennis DeBondt was also very entertaining.  A great night for our club!
Installation of New Club Officers and Awards Given Out June 30 2015-07-14 00:00:00Z 0

A Message from the President

Posted by Martha Weiss



A Message from the President:
Have you ever wondered how you can have a positive impact in your community and around the world, all at the same time?  Look no further than the service opportunities available in the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove.  On behalf of our club, I invite you to join us for a meeting and fellowship on Thursdays,12:15-1:30 at Lou Malnati’s, 85 S. Buffalo Grove Road, Buffalo Grove.
Our club was chartered in 1974 and has grown over 50 members strong! We are committed to the principles of Rotary International and service above self.  Some of the projects our members lend their time and talents to include Buffalo Grove Days BINGO, Rubber Duck Race and Parade; Literacy Launch at local elementary schools, Winter Food Baskets and the AK’ Tenamit missionary project in Guatemala. We also support inbound and outbound exchange students in our community, raise funds for the End Polio Now initiative and provide community grants for many deserving local organizations.  We always welcome the opportunity to have new members and volunteers join the club to strengthen our partnership with our community.
If you live or work within the Buffalo Grove area, please feel free to contact us to learn more about membership. We are very proud of our newly implemented mentoring program to support a smooth transition and collaborative environment within the club.
I am honored to serve as the 2016-17 President of our club and look forward to continuing the growth and development of the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove. Come join us and see what Rotary means to you!
In service,             
Dane Bragg  




A Message from the President Martha Weiss 2015-01-28 06:00:00Z 0

A Message from the President - OLD

Posted by Martha Weiss
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A Message from the President:

On behalf of the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove, we invite you to join us for a meeting and fellowship on Thursdays, 12:15-1:30 at Lou Malnati’s, 85 S. Buffalo Grove Road, Buffalo Grove.

Our club was chartered in 1974 and is looking forward to celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year. As an organization we are committed to service locally as well as internationally. Buffalo Grove Days various events including BINGO, Pancake Breakfast, Duck Race; Art Festival, Literacy Launch at local elementary schools, Winter Food Baskets and AK’ Tenamit project in Guatemala are just a few of our service projects. We always welcome the opportunity to have new members join the club to strengthen our partnership within the community.

If you live or work within the Buffalo Grove area, please feel free to contact us to learn more about membership. We are very proud of our newly implemented mentoring program to support a smooth transition and collaborative environment within the club.

I am honored to be the 2013-2014 President of this organization and look forward to continuing the many fine traditions of the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove.

Yours in Service,

Pam Kibbons

A Message from the President - OLD Martha Weiss 0

The student whose education in Guatemala our club sponsors

Posted by Martha Weiss
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Here is Evelyn, a student at Ak Tenimit in Guatemala, a boarding school that Rotary District 6440 supports both financially and through hands on projects.  Also with Evelyn are President Stephen and club members Dan, Bill and Michael on their January, 2013 trip to the school.

The student whose education in Guatemala our club sponsors Martha Weiss 0

Our former Ambassadorial Scholar Steve Solomon

Posted by Martha Weiss
Our former Ambassadorial Scholar, Steve Solomon, was our speaker at a recent meeting and detailed how Rotary and our club's support has changed his life and opened many doors for him.  He is currently employed by the Rotary International Foundation.
Our former Ambassadorial Scholar Steve Solomon Martha Weiss 0

Our Club Participates in Youth Exchange

Posted by Martha Weiss
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Our club is the proud sponsoring club of two rebound students.  Kristen (on the left) had her Rotary exchange in Argentina, and McKaela (middle) had her adventure in France.  Our club, along with the Wheeling Club, proudly hosted Nico from Chile last year.  Please contact us to learn more about this exciting opportunity to either become an exchange student, or host one.
Our Club Participates in Youth Exchange Martha Weiss 0