Invited as one of the presenters at Spring 2024 NJIT Non-Profit Expo, the Rotary Club of Newark made available information concerning Rotary and what the Rotaract program is and how it could help student. As an invited participant was Madison Rotarian Ellsworth Haven who presented his clean water program for volunteerism in Haiti.
Come join us for our meeting on Wednesday October 2nd and hear the exciting new District programs and events from our DG Jeannie Tsukamoto who will be our guest. Listen and ask questions for more information on Rotary. We will be meeting at the Spanish Pavilion, 31 Harrison Ave, Harrison, NJ. 
Register Here :
Former New York Giant great Bart Oates addresses the Newark Rotary Club
It was a pleasure and honor to have Mr. Bart Oates provide a brief history of his career from farm to BYU student, to NFL football then to his to law career. What a fantastic chain of events that has changed his life and as a New Jersey resident still changing the life of others as head of the NFL Alumni Association, charity involvement and religion. Our best wishes to you Bart and thank you.
As part of an exchange program with Rotary Clubs in Japan, Newark Rotary was pleased to host a contingent of students and Rotarians from Japan on August 6th during the Club meeting at the Spanish Pavilion.
Our Newark Club starts another year since our formation in 1910 as the Rotary Club of New Jersey.
For tickets please copy link to you browser ---
The Rotary Club of Newark has sponsored the newly formed The Newark Rotary Foundation Inc. as a NJ 501c3 non-profit organization with the purpose of raising funds to be distributed to organizations that aid in betterment training programs for educating children and young adults and enjoining with other organizations in these efforts.
Our first scholarship grant was presented to Simone Givans at out May Club meeting, to advance her education in nursing. The grant was presented to Simone by the attending trustees of the Foundation, Michael Penders, John Wilson and Joe Marino, all of which are Newark Rotarians. We wish Simone well in the upcoming year and support in her educational endeavor. 
District 7475 END HUNGER 3.6 2023 event was held on April 22, 2023 where volunteers packaged 40,000 non-perishable meals to feed the hungry. Again members of the Newark Rotary Club volunteered along with Rotarian volunteers of other clubs and community volunteers to help with this effort in meal packaging in West Caldwell. 
Thank you Newark Rotarians - Rich Russo, John Wilson, Jenifer Hwang-Ceterko, Nakeitha Severe & Joe Marino (pictures MIA)
In September of 1910 the Rotary Club of Newark was officially filed as a New Jersey corporation and has continued its community and international service work continuously for 122years. Our members share comradery, fun and self-service in helping others throughout the Essex County area and beyond. Our organization is a member of Rotary International, a global organization known around the world for its efforts to eradicate Polio and other worldwide programs. Our diverse members come from all walks of life and professions which provide a great network to get things accomplished. Consider being part of this picture. 
Personal Membership Application -
Organization Membership Application -
Our Club's effort to raise funds to donate to Veterans and other Rotarian supported charities was a success. As earmarked, 60% the proceeds were donated for supplying companion dogs to veterans, the balance went to Ukrainian Winter Relief  Aid and the Masaai Girls Foundation. This is part of our efforts to support domestic and international aid. We thank all those who donated for their support.
Banners with the insignia of the branch of service will be monogramed with the veteran’s name on the first line with their rank with years of duty or rank with Theater of Action on the second.
The flag is 12in X 18in and the stand stands 39in above the ground with an iron American flag above the banner.
Cost per flag, including monogram and stand is $100.00.
Get you order form and more information here -
  This a fundraiser sponsored by the
Our Foundation Chair, Trustee and long-time Member John B. Wilson was honored for his work with the District Foundation and Polio Plus efforts. 

Newark Rotary Supports Education in Kenya

The Rotary Club of Newark has announced its intention to provide private school funding for a student in Kenya for a four year period. The Club will work with the Rise to Shine Education Foundation, located in that country. Private school education is vital in Kenya; public school attendees are often denied the opportunity to complete their studies and to graduate. East Orange Rotary is sponsoring a second student.
The foundation is governed by a board of directors, with daily operations conducted by Executive Director Emily Bakhitah Akoth Otieno and volunteers. Donors are provided with semi-annual reports on fund utilization and the information on the positive impact the program has on the participating children. In announcing the Rotary Club’s intention, President Joseph Marino stated, “Not only are we doing good things in and around the City of Newark, but we are also helping people around the world in keeping with our premise of Service Above Self.” For more information on Newark Rotary visit their website at

Newark Rotary Supports Education in Kenya...
The Newark Rotary Club not only supports domestic programs, but aid internationally, we had a request from a Rotarian member from Kenya and headed her call for assistance. Better she explain her need herself:
My name is Emily Bakhitah Akoth Otieno, and along with being a proud member of the Rotary club of Kisumu Winam, Kenya, I am the founder and executive director of Rise to Shine Education Foundation. Rise to Shine is a Kenyan based non profit organization, whose mission is to raise financial support to offer high school scholarships to very needy and very bright students to have the possibility of creating a sustainable future for themselves and their families in Western Kenya.
While we have been honored to work with a number of Rotary clubs in the US, we are currently  looking to partnering with district 4745 clubs, to support this effort, without which, this possibility could never be realized. 
Recently, I was honored to discuss the serious need to create sustainable futures for our children with two members of the newly created Essex County Presidents Round Table, Presidents, Carol Jenkins of the East Orange club, and Joe Marino of the Newark club. I am delighted to report, both were moved by the impact R2SEF has had on children, especially daughters, having the opportunity to complete high school and all that this makes possible for their families and future generation. 
I am reaching out to you, my fellow Rotarian members of the President Round Table, to see how together, we might collaborate to create a structure to enroll other 7475 clubs in “Being the Cause”, in impacting the lives of these future African leaders.
Thank you so much for taking a moment to read this email and I have copied the members of the roundtable with a request to follow up with the two of you directly.
Warmly yours in service to children,
Emily Bakhitah,
We listened and acted, please read on.
Rotarians again show their compassion. On March 25th the Rotary Mid-Northeast Multi-District training participants assembled in East Hanover for their Club's President-Elect training seminar (PETs). That evening a dinner was held for the attendees at which time various programs sponsored by Rotary International were presented, one of which was the efforts to help the Ukrainian crisis. Afterward a raffle was held to raise additional funds for this effort in which the dinner participants donated over $33,000.00 to go towards the Ukraine relief effort.
Newark Rotarians pitched in with other Rotarians, families and friends who attended the End Hunger Packaging event held at Caldwell University on March 12th. At the end of the day from bulk boxes and bags of food items, volunteers repackaged these items into premeasure single serving containers. Our volunteers then took these meal packages and boxed them in manageable boxes for distribution to people in need, some of which are destined for the Ukraine effort. At the end of the day collectively there were over 400 repackaged boxes to be delivered and picked up. Our thanks to all that volunteered.   

Our meeting location is at the Spanish Pavilion, 31 Harrison Ave., Harrison, NJ 07029.  Join us at for fun and fellowship at our general luncheon meetings. Please check our calendar on our Home Page for additional meetings and events, just click on the shaded date which will open the event. Newark Rotary is 105+ years young and counting....

In October 2021 the Rotary Club of Newark honors our community partners who helped make this book distribution project a success!
Rotary members of Newark and their sorority partners extend literacy with the sorting and distribution of 40,000 free donated books to the community.
Where do we go from here we said to ourselves? These boxes of books had to be relocated to another space, unloaded, sorted and inventoried. What a job!
Vice President
Trustee 1
Trustee 2
Trustee 3
President Elect
Foundation Chair
International Service
Vocational Services
Community Service
February 2025

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