The Newark Rotary Club not only supports domestic programs, but aid internationally, we had a request from a Rotarian member from Kenya and headed her call for assistance. Better she explain her need herself:
My name is Emily Bakhitah Akoth Otieno, and along with being a proud member of the Rotary club of Kisumu Winam, Kenya, I am the founder and executive director of Rise to Shine Education Foundation. Rise to Shine is a Kenyan based non profit organization, whose mission is to raise financial support to offer high school scholarships to very needy and very bright students to have the possibility of creating a sustainable future for themselves and their families in Western Kenya.
While we have been honored to work with a number of Rotary clubs in the US, we are currently looking to partnering with district 4745 clubs, to support this effort, without which, this possibility could never be realized.
Recently, I was honored to discuss the serious need to create sustainable futures for our children with two members of the newly created Essex County Presidents Round Table, Presidents, Carol Jenkins of the East Orange club, and Joe Marino of the Newark club. I am delighted to report, both were moved by the impact R2SEF has had on children, especially daughters, having the opportunity to complete high school and all that this makes possible for their families and future generation.
I am reaching out to you, my fellow Rotarian members of the President Round Table, to see how together, we might collaborate to create a structure to enroll other 7475 clubs in “Being the Cause”, in impacting the lives of these future African leaders.
Thank you so much for taking a moment to read this email and I have copied the members of the roundtable with a request to follow up with the two of you directly.
Warmly yours in service to children,
Emily Bakhitah,
We listened and acted, please read on.
The Newark Rotary Club not only supports domestic programs, but aid internationally, we had a request from a Rotarian member from Kenya and headed her call for assistance. Better she explain her need herself:
My name is Emily Bakhitah Akoth Otieno, and along with being a proud member of the Rotary club of Kisumu Winam, Kenya, I am the founder and executive director of Rise to Shine Education Foundation. Rise to Shine is a Kenyan based non profit organization, whose mission is to raise financial support to offer high school scholarships to very needy and very bright students to have the possibility of creating a sustainable future for themselves and their families in Western Kenya.
While we have been honored to work with a number of Rotary clubs in the US, we are currently looking to partnering with district 4745 clubs, to support this effort, without which, this possibility could never be realized.
Recently, I was honored to discuss the serious need to create sustainable futures for our children with two members of the newly created Essex County Presidents Round Table, Presidents, Carol Jenkins of the East Orange club, and Joe Marino of the Newark club. I am delighted to report, both were moved by the impact R2SEF has had on children, especially daughters, having the opportunity to complete high school and all that this makes possible for their families and future generation.
I am reaching out to you, my fellow Rotarian members of the President Round Table, to see how together, we might collaborate to create a structure to enroll other 7475 clubs in “Being the Cause”, in impacting the lives of these future African leaders.
Thank you so much for taking a moment to read this email and I have copied the members of the roundtable with a request to follow up with the two of you directly.
Newark and the East Orange Rotary Clubs heard Rotarian Emily and responded sending funds to send students the full ride to four years of high school. This what Rotarians do!
Dear Pres. Joe Marino,
How are you doing? I hope this email finds you well. I am doing very well.
Firstly, on behalf of Rise to Shine Education Foundation,Please receive my immense gratitude for RC Newark's generous donations towards offering a high school scholarship to a student who would otherwise never see the doors of a high school classroom. Thank you very much!
The process of application and final selection usually takes time. This is because we receive thousands of applications and we try to narrow down to the very few who we know for sure need the scholarship the most.
These are the steps we follow to make sure we come up with the most needy students:
- Scholarship applications ; Students walk into the office to put in a request for scholarships, Primary school head teachers and local chiefs suggest to us names of students from their primary schools and villages respectively.
- These students are then invited for a written interview
- Students who pass the interview are then given Rise to Shine Education Foundation's scholarship forms
- Having a one on one conversations with the students who based on their application forms meet RTSEF need criteria
- Doing home visits
- Final listing of the students who really deserve the scholarships.
Currently, we are in the stage of home visits, I will get back to you soon with the name , photo and a letter from the student RC Newark has put through school. Please have a look at the pictures of the interviews we held. In a few days, please look out for an email from me.
Thank you so much.
Warmly yours in service to children,
Emily Bakhitah,