Rotarians again show their compassion. On March 25th the Rotary Mid-Northeast Multi-District training participants assembled in East Hanover for their Club's President-Elect training seminar (PETs). That evening a dinner was held for the attendees at which time various programs sponsored by Rotary International were presented, one of which was the efforts to help the Ukrainian crisis. Afterward a raffle was held to raise additional funds for this effort in which the dinner participants donated over $33,000.00 to go towards the Ukraine relief effort.

Rotarians again show their compassion. On March 25th the Rotary Mid-Northeast Multi-District training participants assembled in East Hanover for their Club's President-Elect training seminar (PETs). That evening a dinner was held for the attendees at which time various programs sponsored by Rotary International were presented, one of which was the efforts to help the Ukrainian crisis. Afterward a raffle was held to raise additional funds for this effort in which the dinner participants donated over $33,000.00 to go towards the Ukraine relief effort.