PHF Recognition for PP Andrew

PHF Recognition for PP Andrew![]() PP Neil Jones presents a Paul Harris Fellow to PP Andrew in recognition of his service as President 2022/23 and 2023/24. |
Change Over 2024 Visitor![]() One of the highlights of our 2024 changeover was the visit by Charter Member & Past District Governor - Darrell Brown.
Welcome to our President for 2024-2025
D.G. Visit 2022![]() A big thank you to our District Governor Karen Thomas for visiting us at the Broadbeach Rotary Hub. Karen was very impressed with the hub and interested how the club managed to achieve such an asset. |
Our Leadership Team for 2023-2024![]() President Andrew McTaggart introduces our leadership team for the new Rotary Year
Welcome to our President for 2020-2021![]() P.P. Graham Sivyer displays his certificate as past president reflecting his passing of the collar to our new President Les Bulluss with approval from our new District Governor Andy Rajapakse
Welcome - President Bruce KuhnP.P. Bill Rex passes on the collar to our new President Bruce Kuhn, with approval from PDG Anne Egan
Young Achiever Award - 2016 Winner![]() |
30th June 2015Change Over 2015-2016![]() John Monks was quite content to hand over our Presidential collar to incoming President Bill Rex.
Fellowship meeting at our new club headquartersTues Nov. 5th 2103 represented a significant date in the history of the Rotary Club of Broadbeach - we held a fellowship meeting at our new club facility in Ashmore. John M. & his team of willing helpers have been working tirelessly to move the facility to the point where all the basic comforts are ready for use. |
Gold Coast Police Officer of the Year Awards - 2013![]() |
2012 - Gold Coast Police Officer of the Year Awards Night
The eighth winner of the Gold Coast Police Officer of the Year Award was Senior Constable Nick White.
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Queensland's new Police Commissioner
The members of The Rotary Club of Broadbeach congratulate our former member Ian Stewart after the announcement today of his selection as our new Commissioner. We wish him great success in his new role and look forward to his presence at our Police Officer of the Year awards in November.
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Interested in Joining Rotary ?? - |
Didn't make it to the 2012 R.I. Convention in Bangkok ? |
G.C. Police Officer of the Year Awards 20112011 GC POLICE OFFICER OF THE YEAR Sergeant Stephen Quinn Sergeant Steven Quinn stationed at Coolangatta was presented with the Gold Coast Police Officer of the Year 2011 Award at the Police Charity Ball held at the Convention Centre Saturday 7th August by Qld Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson and Broadbeach Rotary Club President Harold Busch. |
How to contact us To email the club: broadbeachrotaryclub@gmail.comTo phone us via our club mobile: 0451 575 570 Our ABN: 91287817069 To email a particular club officer - click on their name from the left hand column of the home page (scroll down as necessary) ..... but make sure you include your own email address or phone No. |
Broadbeach Rotary donates $5,000 to Qld Rotary Flood Appeal![]() District 9630 (Brisbane) DG Anne Brand has set-up an energetic team under PDG Errol Wildman to lead Rotary Flood Disaster Appeal to help affected people and their properties. As such our club board followed D9640 recommendations to channel our Club donation via the fund established by Brisbane Rotary to manage donations.
2010 Annual Xmas raffle reportReceipts from ticket sales for the 2010 raffle exceeded $6,600 and excellent efforts from members ensured the event ran smoothly. A special thanks to Harold Busch who did a fantastic job as sub committee chairman, and to all members who assisted in many different ways ..... a well done folks is very appropriate |
Our 1 minute guide to meeting attendance registration ie "Are you coming to Dinner"![]()
A special thanks from our club's board of directors to all those who are simplifying the job of our hard working Secretary by registering in advance to advise whether you are attending upcoming club meetings and events.
Our latest website design allows you to simply click on "Calendar" above. From the calendar (move to the next month if necessary) - click on the meeting date to allow you to log on, then click "Attend or Decline". |
Xmas Raffle 2010 ... and the winner was ..........Winner of the 2010 Giant Christmas Raffle was Mr. & Mrs. P. Tritton of Mermaid Waters with ticket number 5008.
Congratulations from the members of the Rotary Club of Broadbeach and thank you to all others for supporting our Club's annual charity raffle at the Pacific Fair shopping centre.
Thanks also to the Pacific Fair centre management team for supporting our local area by allowing us to stage this event on-site for yet another year.
Quote of the Week - Who Said It?
We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.
Thought for the Week - Who Said It?
An optimist is the human personification of spring.
Mark Your Calendars!
Here you can post little tidbits of information, reminders, or anything else!
Gold Coast Police Officer of the Year Awards - 2014The winner of this year’s Police Officer of the year was Senior Constable Kurt Foessel. There were two other categories- the Station/Establishment of the year, recognising team work and performance. Also the Administrative Assistant of the Year. The winners for these categories were: Ray Milton, Rotary Club of Broadbeach was awarded a District Officer Certificate by the QPS for his co-ordination of the event over the past 10 years. Great job Ray !!!
Our Rotarians assist at the Carrara Markets Car Boot Sale |
Welcome back - Kenji Tsuda from our sister club Kasaoka, JapanSister club relationships are a great way in which Rotarians can express international goodwill as part of our common Rotary goals. At Broadbeach, we share in a 3 way relationship with the Rotary Club of Kasaoka Japan and the Rotary Club of Tauranga New Zealand. At our meeting on the 8th July, we were delighted that Kenji Tsuda was able to join us for our regular meeting. Kenji was making yet another visit to participate in the Gold Coast Marathon that was held a few days prior to that. Kenji presented President John Monks with a special gift from the members of Kasaoka. We send our best regards to all of our friends in Kasaoka and Tauranga. |
Nominations for 2014 Police Officer of the Year are now CLOSEDWe now look forward to the event itself during which the winners of the various sections will be announced. It will be held at the Crowne Plaza hotel on Wednesday 1st October 2014
President Neil Baldwin accepts the RI Significant Achievement Award from DG Tony Heading. |
A BIG thank you to these people ......When it became apparent that the existing infastructure at the Southport pools was to be demolished to make way for the new facilities for the Commonwealth games, the following people all made major efforts to ensure that some it could be re-used within our local community for ongoing service work of Rotary on the Gold Coast under the auspices of The Rotary Club of Broadbeach. In this picture we have John Monks, our Club project manager & President Elect for 2014-2015 presenting our Certificate of Appreciation to GCCC Manager of Property Services Brendan Madden for the help and guidance he was able to provide to ensure that the project was successfully completed. Significant encouragement was also provided by Cr. Dawn Crichlow (Division 6) and Cr. Paul Taylor (Division 10) covering our Broadbeach area.
A sizzling we wil go .....![]() |
Opening of "The Shed" on 10th Dec. 2013Congratulations to John Monks and all the other club members who have played a role in the construction of The Shed. The club thanks you for your untiring efforts that are now witnessed in the finished product. It was fitting that Cr Dawn Crichlow OAM performed the official opening and we thank Cr Dawn and Cr Paul for their generous financial support of this project that would not have been otherwise possible. Certificates of Appreciation were also presented to Cr Dawn and Cr Paul Taylor for their contribution and support of Broadbeach Rotary. ![]() |
Gold Coast University Hospital - Opens Sept. 28Gold Coast Health's five year program to expand existing services and complete a $1.76 Billion health facility is now drawing to a close. After 5 years of construction and many more in the planning, the Gold Coast will now have a world class tertiary hospital. Tony Matheson, Community Engagement Officer and Dale Tatterson, Volunteer Coordinator, were at our meeting on Tuesday 27th Aug and gave us a snap shot of the new Gold Coast University Hospital. They also gave us an insight into in-service volunteering and the Community Advisory Group where community members can get involved. |
Nominations for Gold Coast Police Officer for 2013 are NOW OPENGo to the "Downloads available" button above to download a nomination form in either .pdf or .doc format |
Many hands makes light work ???? |
The internal fitout begins ...A working bee of 14 members were busy at a variety of jobs on Sat. 29th. June as the construction of the
Broadbeach Rotary Shed reaches lockup stageAnother milestone was achieved on Fri 7th June when lockup stage was reached.
Aussie Joe comes to Dinner !!
Joe had us enthralled as he filled us in on his famous 15 rounders with Mohammed Ali in Las Vegas & Kuala Lumpur and much, much more. |
The progress continuesThis image shows the shed frame as at 21st May
Vale our much loved Charter member - Syd GarrettSyd's son Brian advised our members: Sadly I inform you that Dad passed peacefully away at 1:45 Wednesday 3rd April - (at the grand age of 99 years). |
Welcome to new member - Gold Coast Mayor - Tom Tate |
SS Spreadsheet TestingClick HERE to change your roster
A sizzling we will go ...Click HERE to check or update your shift on our sizzles at Bunnings Ashmore or Domayne Bundall. If you become unable to fulfil your commitment - its important that you arrange a replacement & check later that the roster has been successfully updated. When you actually alter the roster it's important that on completion you:
How to View or Print a copy of the Dec 2012 Pac Fair Raffle RosterAt our meeting last week members were shown how to access club documents. To recap: Login, Click on "View Club Documents" in the "My ClubRunner Section" in the main top left section. For the roster - click on the folder "Xmas Raffle Documents". In there you can open, save or print your copy of the roster sheet. This is a temporary measure whilst we wait in hope that our online spreadsheet provider ( comes back on-line.
2012 Xmas Raffle
...... Well our Xmas raffle is over for another year. The winner for 2012 was a Ms Debbie Nor.... from Sydney. Congratulations Debbie. My thanks to our donors - in particular Rebel Sport who once again have been our major sponsor. Well done to our many members who helped on the project - without your support this event could not take place. Thanks to Pacific Fair centre for providing the space to us once again this year. President Jim |
Donate a limb to an amputee in Laos - NOWGo to "Downloads available" on the top menu line above, to view & print out the "How to Donate" Form ![]() Click here to view register of donors to date |
Bomb Harvest - The Film (Bomb destruction in Laos) |
Nominations for our Gold Coast Police Officer of the Year Award 2012 are now CLOSED![]() Download a nomination form from "Downloads" in the left column, then follow the instructions thereon. Nominations close on 15th September. |
Broadbeach Rotary Club - "ABOUT US" - video
Click here to play the video :
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Member Participation 2012 - 2013![]() Members - please enter or update your preferences. Click here to access the participation spreadsheet. On completion click on the red "X" in the top right hand corner. |
Broadbeach Rotary International Humanitarian Project in Laos![]() Watch this video for more information |
Young Achiever in Vocational Excellence - Winner 2012![]() Ms Prue Plummer - Age 25, PHD Cancer Researcher Nominated by Dr Alan Munn, Prue completed high school at Robina High where she was the president of the Leo Club, which is a Lions Club youth group. She studied for a science degree at Griffith University and then obtained an honours degree. Prue was chosen to do a PHD under Professor Albert Mellick on research in the cause of cancer. Her studies focused on how cancers grow and spread to other parts of the body and how to restrict the growth of blood vessels that nourish the growth of tumours. Prue has identified the DNA markers of the EPC cells in blood vessels. This discovery allows for research into methods to restrict their growth. This may be a major breakthrough. |
2011 Annual Xmas raffle report![]() Winner of the 2011 Giant Christmas Raffle was Mrs. Evelyn E. of Runaway Bay with ticket number 1984
Congratulations from the members of the Rotary Club of Broadbeach and thank you to all others for supporting our Club's annual charity raffle at the Pacific Fair shopping centre. The total amount raised was $10,412 - an amount well in excess of the previous year.
Thanks also to the Pacific Fair centre management team for supporting our local area by allowing us to stage this event on-site for yet another year.
Computer Help and Support |
Re-union meeting a great success![]()
Our gala re-union meeting was attended by 80 people. Our
special guest speaker was former Qld Premier Rob Borbidge and the consensus was this was yet another terrific meeting at the Rotary Club of Broadbeach. Special congratulations were extended to chief organiser Chris Thomsen and pictorial presentation guru Richard Holland for their fine contributions.
GC Police Officer Award - Gala Ball![]()
Click on the Photos link on our home page to take you into the great photos now online in the Photo Album from Saturdays spectacular Inaugural Ball held on at Jupiters Casino on Sat. 7th Aug. 2010
Our Rotarlight now Downloadable from this websiteFrom our Home page, look for "Downloads" in the left hand column Click on the issue you want to view and/or download |
Welcome to our website!
We are all excited to see how ClubRunner will revolutionize the way we manage our day to day club activities, as well as communicate more effectively.