February 2025
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Club Executive Secretary/Director
Rotary Foundation
Rotary Foundation Co-chair
Public Relations
Public Image Chair
Service Projects
Youth Programs
Interact Contact
RYLA Contact
Global Grants
Club Webmaster/Website Manager
Club Service Projects Chair
Club Information
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Galveston, Texas

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m.
Fisherman's Wharf
2200 Harborside Dr.
Galveston, TX 77550
United States of America
Home Page Stories
The Rotary Club of Galveston will be supporting the Salvation Army by participating in their annual Red Kettle Fundraiser.  Rotarians and friends will be ringing the bell for donations on December 14 from 10am to 6pm at Walmart and Kroger on Galveston Island. If you can't make it out to one of these locations, please consider donating to the Club's Virtual Red Kettle. The deadline to donate is December 24th. 
Heather McBeth-Estrada was introduced as the newest member of the Rotary Club of Galveston at a recent meeting.  Her sponsor, Rotarian Neil Murphy, made the introduction.   (Photo by Robyn Bushong.)
Four past club presidents were the special program for the Rotary Club of Galveston's March 27th meeting in recognition of Women's History Month. Each president who participated in the program shared the highlights of their year and what an honor it was to serve as President of their club.   
At its recent meeting, the Galveston Rotary Foundation of the Rotary Club of Galveston presented a $2,500 award check to the Galveston College Foundation in support of its new Health Science Education Center. Pictured are Kelly Kennedy (Club Member, left) and Christine Courteau (right) from the Galveston College Foundation, and Kristen Carlson (center), Past Club President and Treasurer of the Foundation.
Peyton LaBauve, (Back row/center) Rotarian and Tideway Program Director of the Moody Neuro-Rehabilitation Institute, presented a very informative program to the membership of the Rotary Club of Galveston at a recent meeting. Assisting LaBauve with his presentation was Dr. Claudia Forshee (far right/back row), a physical therapist and brain injury specialist at the Institute.
The Rotary Club of Galveston recognized and honored recently the following members for their continued and generous financial support of Rotary International's Rotary Foundation as Paul Harris Fellows (PHF), as well as continued financial support of the Club's Galveston Rotary Foundation, Inc. by upgrading their status as VIT members.  Those honored (from left/front row) include Randall Robinson, Incoming President; Linda Ott-Thompson, Barbara Sanderson,  Carolyn Clyburn, Nick Droege, Jerry Mohn, and Neil Nathan, Project chair.   Back row - from left - Dr. Charles Mouton,  Fred Raschke, Cissy Matthews, President; and Gary PetersMaureen Patton and Mary Brechtel, not pictured.  (photo by Robyn Bushong)
At recent Rotary Club of Galveston meeting, Kristen Carlson (right), Past President and treasurer for the club's Galveston Rotary Foundation, Inc., presented a check for $2,000 from the Foundation to Fanfare! Lutheran Music Academy to help fund the Academy's student scholarships and Summer Camp program.  Representing Lutheran Music Academy is Rotarian and Executive Director, June Collins Pulliam.  (photo by Robyn Bushong.)
The Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network was the recipient of a $1,000 grant  from the Rotary Club of Galveston's Galveston Rotary Foundation, Inc. to fund educational programs for the Network.  Accepting the donation on behalf of the organization was Heidi Whitehead (right.)  Club Past President and  treasurer for the Galveston Rotary Foundation, Inc.,Kristen Carlson, presented the check. (photo by Robyn Bushong.)
Members of the Rotary Club of Galveston again sponsored a booth and volunteered at the recent 27th Annual Grand Kids Festival, Saturday, April 29th, and donated  brand new bicycle helmets for youngsters and teens who needed a helmet. Rotarians participating included (from left) Barbara Winburn, President Nominee; Art Wilcox, Mari Berend, Judy Johnson, Project Chair; and Tom Delgado, project co-chair.
The Grand Kids Festival is sponsored by The Grand 1894 Opera House. (photo by Robyn Bushong.)
Kristen Carlson (left) Treasurer for the Rotary Club of Galveston's Galveston Rotary Foundation, Inc., presented a check for $2,395.20 to UTMB Police Officers who oversee the UTMB project to purchase/provide  infant car seats to parents who do not have/nor can afford the required car seats for their newborn baby(ies.) Representing UTMB are (second from left) Lt. Shawn Carr, Sgt. Terrell Smith, and Officer Adriana Zermeno.  UTMB Chief of Police, Ken Adcox (far right) also pictured.  (Photo by Robyn Bushong.)
Thank you for another wonderful Chili Supper Event.  It was great fun to see some many of our community members come out to support our event and enjoy a bowl of chili.  We can't wait until the next one!!
Thank you to our generous sponsors that are supporting our annual Chili Supper including:
Diamond Sponsor:   Bromberg Charitable Trust
Gold Sponsor:         Edward Jones Investments,    Prosperity Bank,    Jerry Mohn,  Autumn Springs RAL, LLC
Silver Sponsor:       Stewart Title,    Councilwoman Marie Robb,       Fred & Kim Rasckhe, Neil and Linda Nathan
Bronze Sponsor:      Bets Anderson,  VJ Tramonte,    Robyn Bushong,     Dave & Cissy Matthews,  The Grand 1894 Opera House,  Heffernan Insurance Agency, Soar Vacation Rental Services
The members of the Interact Club of Galveston participated in cleaning up fishing lines and cigarette butts at Jamail Park on January 21st. This ongoing project helps keep these items out of our bayou where they could contaminate the water or injury marine animals.  The Interact Club was assisted by Rotary Club Past President Mary Brechtel along with Rotarians Casey Brechtel and Ming Tzeng.
The Rotary Club of Galveston recently celebrated their annual Holiday & Family Program by making generous contributions to the annual Toys for Tots program - sponsored annually by the 4th Marine Division in Galveston.  On hand to accept  the generous contributions donated by the membership were Toys for Tots Coordinator, Sgt Christy (2nd from left) and Sgt. Garner.  Also pictured were Club President, Cissy Matthews (far left), co-chairs Rotarians Mike Guarino and Bill Clement (far right.)  Also pictured, in front, were Guarino's grandsons Gus and Pip (right) Caballero.  (Photo by Robyn Bushong.)
Members of the Rotary Club of Galveston, including Interact members, rang the bell to collect donations for the Salvation Army.  Members covered entrances at Walmart and Academy from 10am - 6pm on Saturday, December 10, 2022.  
The Rotary Club of Galveston's Galveston Rotary Foundation, Inc. awarded a $2,000 grant to First Lutheran Church in conjunction with the United Nations' World Interfaith Harmony Week.  Pictured with the Reverend Richard Rhoades, is Committee member and Rotarian, Ming Tzeng (left), and  Foundation treasurer and Club past president, Kris Carlson. Photo by Robyn Bushong.
Rotarian Sally Byrom (right) was presented a special award at a recent meeting of the Rotary Club of Galveston from the Alzheimer's Association of Houston & Southeast Texas Chapter. Stephanie Fitzgerald, Bay Area/Galveston Regional Manager, made the presentation and recognized the Club's Rovin' Rotarians as the top-producing Rotary Club in the United States for raising over $20,000 annually -for the past 3 years - for the Alzheimer's Association.  (Photo by Robyn Bushong.)
Upcoming Events
Rotary International News
Mário César Martins de Camargo calls on members to Unite for Good

The RI president-elect speaks about the power of Rotary’s members

Light a fire under your club

Light a fire under your clubMembers say they thrive with clear, specific goals and the continuity they