VIT Association
The Rotary Club of Galveston was the fifth Rotary club in Texas, chartered after Dallas, San Antonio, Houston and Beaumont. To encourage contributions to the Galveston Rotary Foundation, Inc., the VIT Association was started by B. Joe Cline during his year as President of the club (1992-93). Joe modeled the idea on the famous XIT Ranch. In this case, the V represented the Roman Number 5, the I represented the word “in”, and the T represented the word “Texas”, i.e., Fifth (club) In Texas.
Carrying the ranching idea forward, Joe developed categories of membership based on ranching roles. To become a VIT Wrangler, a member or a member’s spouse must be a Paul Harris Fellow and make a US $500 contribution to the Galveston Rotary Foundation. Additional contributions enable a Wrangler to become a Foreman ($1,000 total contributions), a Trail Boss ($2,500 total contributions), a Rancher ($5,000 total contributions), a Cattleman/Cattlewoman ($10,000 total contributions), and a Cattle Baron or Baroness ($25,000 total contributions). A member or spouse becomes a provisional VIT Association member with a contribution of $50 or more toward Wrangler status.
Upon joining the VIT Association, members receive a frameable certificate and a special VIT lapel pin in the shape of the State of Texas. Lapel pins are upgraded with colored stones as membership levels increase. Members are also eligible to receive special prizes and recognition on the fifth Wednesday of months having five Wednesdays.