Discover the World of Rotary- Right Here In Your Own Community!
Meeting Info:
The Community Oven's Side Bar
845 Lafayette Road
Hampton, NH 03842
Club Meetings are held every Tuesday 6-7pm
Fellowship & Cocktails 1 hour before and 1 hour after
During these meetings we communicate important updates on service projects, fundraisers and meaningful programs that we are involved with, day in and day out. Every week we invite a new speaker to come in to address the members on various different topics.
(Please refer to the Club's Calendar for Speaker Schedule)

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hampton!

We hope you take the time to learn more about us!

Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

The Hampton Rotary club is an amazing service organization located right here in your own community. What we have in common is that serving our community is important to us. We serve the communities of Hampton, North Hampton, Hampton Falls and Seabrook.

We gather weekly to share fellowship, a buffet breakfast or dinner, and communicate important updates and reports on service projects, fundraisers and meaningful programs that we are involved with, day in and day out. Each week an interesting speaker is invited to address the membership on any variety of topics - school issues, aviation, youth leadership, sports, non-profits, so on and so forth. This part of Rotary is simply the club fellowship, where members get an opportunity to meet and spend time with each other, where friendships are formed and multi generations are enjoying and learning from one another.

Rotary is open to all ages (from twenties to eighties or even higher), we're in banking, education, law, architecture, real estate, insurance, energy utilities, newspaper media, small business, restaurant, we're retired, we're single, married, parents, grandparents, and quite honestly, we are just like you!

Some service projects we are involved in include:

  • Making sure that everyone that walks through the doors of the Community Kitchen has a warm meal in their belly and an hour of respect and support.
  • Keeping our local food pantries filled with food all year long, by collecting food at different food drives and doing our yearly supermarket sweep event
  • Providing children with the tools and supplies to do well in school
  • We help out volunteering at local blood drives
  • Provide snowsuits to kids in need through the Headstart program
  • Ringing the Salvation Army Bell during the holiday season, no matter the weather
  • Cleaning up our roadsides twice a year, or as needed
  • Provide scholarships to Winnacunnet seniors heading off to college
  • Volunteering at local events such as Reach The Beach and The Seafood Festival
  • Awarding a member of the community as Distinguished Citizen of the Year every year
The list goes on and on. We're invested in our youth and the future for all of our communities.

If you are interested in joining The Rotary Club of Hampton, please email us at:

Ask any of our members - it may be the most important step you will ever take!

The Four-Way Test

The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings:



Our club offers Hampton Rotary Members Only the opportunity to sponsor our club website and newsletter.  All proceeds benefit the operations account to assist in running the club from year to year.Image

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please see club Secretary, David Longo.

Many thanks to all those who have supported the club by sponsoring the club's website in the past.

Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Rotary Foundation Chair
Club Service
Club Service
Public Relations
Club Protection Officer
Interact Advisor (Member)
Interact Advisor (Member)
Web Administrator
Web Administrator
Club Historian
Club Historian
Coast Lines
Rl President's Quote
Friends of Rotary
Help support the
Hampton Rotary Club
by becoming a