cultivate a membership that reflects the diversity of the Harrisburg community we are dedicated
to serving. This annual Fellowship awards the selected candidate a club membership at no
charge for one year. Nominations should be submitted for individuals who are not yet members
but have the potential to sustain their club membership beyond the end of the Fellowship year.
the board of directors. A letter of recommendation by the proposing Rotarian is welcome but
not necessary.
The selection of the Judson Fellow takes place during the June Board meeting, and their
membership commences with the start of the Rotary year on July 1st.

- A dedicated Rotary Club of Harrisburg (RCH) to the promise of Service Above Self
- Between 60 and 70 RCH pancake flippers, servers, and all-around supporters
- Harrisburg School District students needing a steady home, weekend meals, and/or need-based college scholarships or dictionaries
- A supportive Harrisburg School District (HSD) Administration including the Superintendent and kitchen staff
- An excellent kitchen and dining facility at Harrisburg High
- HSC Homecoming, student talent, the school band
Service Above Self
Harrisburg, PA 17110
United States of America