Home Page News
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hillsborough website! 
On these pages you’ll learn about how our club fulfills our mission of service above self while enjoying the fellowship of a diverse group of men and women who come together to make a positive and lasting impact in our community and the world.   Our Club meets at 6:15 PM at The Landing restaurant (311 Amwell Rd, Hillsborough) on the first and third Wednesdays of the month to share a meal and friendship, plan service projects and hear interesting speakers. For those who cannot attend in-person, we also Zoom our meetings. 
We welcome new members who share our commitment to our community and wish to participate in local service projects, as well as fun social events.  If you are interested in joining us, or simply learning more about our club, please contact us by email at Rotaryclubhboro@gmail.com, and we will respond by phone or email. Additionally, you can learn more about the worldwide reach of Rotary at www.Rotary.org.  Please call ahead of the meeting to confirm your visit with us.
Thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to seeing you at the Rotary. 
Rhoda Amini
Service Above Self  
Home Page Stories
The Rotary Club of Hillsborough announced today the availability of applications for their annual post-secondary school scholarship program for Hillsborough residents.  Now in its third decade, the program provides qualifying students with a $2,500 scholarship of to help offset the cost of their post-secondary education.
“A post-secondary school education often comes with significant expense,” noted Amrik Sahota, chair of the Rotary Club of Hillsborough Scholarship Committee.  “Over the years, our scholarships have helped lessen that burden for many of Hillsborough’s brightest and most deserving students, who not only excel academically, but put Rotary’s commitment of community service into action in their own lives.”
“Our Rotary Club will provide ten scholarships of $2,500 each to residents of Hillsborough who are pursuing a post-secondary education,” commented Rhoda Amini, president of the Rotary Club of Hillsborough.  “All our scholarships consider both a student’s academic performance, as well as their commitment to community service, a hallmark of Rotary’s mission.”
Seven of the ten scholarships will be awarded to students attending Hillsborough High School (HHS), including one scholarship reserved exclusively for a student with special needs. Selection of this scholarship, known as the Academic Achievement Scholarship, is made by the HHS Counseling Department.
Of the remaining three scholarships, two are available to Hillsborough Township students who attend Somerset Vo-Tech School, and one to a Township student who attends a high school other than HHS or Vo-Tech, such as Immaculata High School.
Scholarship applications and deadline information for HHS students, including the Academic Achievement Scholarship, may be obtained from their school counseling department. Scholarship applications and instructions for Vo-Tech and non-HHS graduates may be downloaded directly from the Rotary Club of Hillsborough website, hillsboroughnjrotary.com.(under Forms and Documents, Scholarship Application)  These non-HHS graduates must submit their applications by email to rotaryclubhboro@gmail.com by March 30, 2025.
Local Girl and Boy Scouts joined Operation Shoebox and Rotary Club of Hillsborough volunteers on December  7 at the Hillsborough YMCA to pack 500 boxes of toiletries and snacks headed to our troops serving across the US and abroad. The holiday packimg event is hosted annually by The Rotary, and includes a financial donation to help cover shipping costs. 
On Thursday, November 14, Woodfern Elementary School third-graders were among the first recipients this year of  thesauruses provided by the Rotary Club of Hillsborough, an annual tradition of Rotary Clubs across the US.  Rotarians Ben Rozenblat, Shangar Nandra, Al Catalina and Rich Salem talked with the children about the importance of community service after asking them to find synonyms for the word “serve” in their new books.  Several children also found “golden tickets” to next year’s annual Rotary Fair hidden in their books.  The ticket provides free access to the Fair rides all night long. 
Six Rotary Clubs have joined hands to provide a helping hand to homeless veterans in the Community Hope program at the Lyons VA campus in Basking Ridge.  The Rotary Clubs provide essential goods to the veterans who are given nine months of free housing, medical care and counseling at the Lyons VA campus. Pictured above, members of the six Rotary Clubs gathered for a photo at the end of the distribution. 
Archived Stories
Club Executives & Directors
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Director 1
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Director 5, Membership
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