Join us for these enriching evenings and learn how Rotary supports communities dedicated to lifelong learning and giving back.
Attend any or all sessions in the Education in the Evening series—each one offers unique insights and opportunities to connect!
All meetings have zoom option. Register to receive zoom links.

Past President Tony Newman named Alexa Rundquist Rotarian of the Year of 2023-2024. Alexa has been a member of Minnetonka Rotary for 12 years. She has held many positions in the Club over the years - Club President, Foundation President, Community Service Chair, Social Chair, Public Image Chair, Fundraising Committee member. Alexa said "I was surprised by the Rotary. I was excited my daughter was there to share the moment with me, Rotary is an important part of our family's lives."
Read the Sun Sailor Article Here

Minnetonka Rotary Club
The Club for Building Responsible Youth
2nd Floor
Minnetonka, MN 55345
United States of America