Minnetonka Rotarians share about their Rotary experiences, why they joined, and why they stay.

Michael Glover -Past President - Foundation Chair -Rotarian
The Rotary areas of focus that interests him the most is disease eradication and literacy.
Mike has been practicing law for 32 years. I am currently helping people solve their legal problems to better run their lives and businesses. I can serve other Rotarians because legal issues pop up all the time and I am always only a call away.
Alissa Olson - President Elect - Rotarian
I joined because I wanted to give back to my community and I stay because it not only has allowed me to give back to my community, but I have made great friendships that will last a lifetime. It also has been great for business connections. I use services that other Rotarians provide knowing that I will be well taken care of. It is the club that gives in so many ways.

Nate Rundquist - Past President - Foundation Chair - Rotarian
I joined Rotary for… Community Service and my employer paid for it.
I stay because … of the people.
Nate said he really became a Rotarian when the Minnetonka Club went through District-led visioning sessions and watching his wife in her presidential year. Nate's favorite service projects include Loaves & Fishes and Hwy 7 clean-up.
Nate has served the club as fundraising treasurer, visioning chair, president, and is serving as the Foundation President. He has an interest in economic and community development. He favorite part of Rotary is the weekly meeting and good programs. He had hoped to get involved at the District level in the future and made that come true this year taking on the Area 5 Assistant Governor Role.
I am a CPA and has practiced public accounting for over 14 years, primarily with national firms servicing the middle market. He has provided tax compliance and consultation services to a variety of businesses and industries, as well as high net worth/private client services. He also has an extensive background in individual, estate, gift, and trust taxation. He considers mentoring and advising staff to be amongst his most valuable work experiences.

Dr. Sara Edwards - Foundation Member - Rotarian
I joined in 2013 for the connections and volunteering opportunities. I've stayed for both of those reasons, plus community involvement and broadening my horizons.
Sara is not sure she had a specific moment, [that she became a Rotarian] but service events, social events, and energizing meetings make her feel like a Rotarian.
I am a chiropractor and own Relief Plus Chiropractic in Minnetonka. I was an intern in Seal Beach, C.a. and stayed there to practice for an extra 1.5 years. I then moved back to MN and took a temporary position in Blaine for 8 months before purchasing my own practice in January 2013. I enjoy both running the business and helping people. Sharing with other about my natural health perspective and about my small business brings me joy.

Sam Stern - Rotarian
I joined Rotary at the invitation of the President-elect, a close friend and neighbor, so I could be part of a group that was making a difference in the community. I stay because of the camaraderie among my fellow members and to be part of a group that is making a difference in the community. Plus, it's more fun than you want it to be.

Chris Carr - Past President - Rotarian
I joined Rotary for… International Exchange –opportunity to host and give my daughter a chance to have international travel. I stay because … it’s an amazing family of people wanting to help and support great causes.

Lenny Newman - Past President - Polio Leader - Rotarian
I joined Rotary for… an opportunity to give back.
I stay because … for one day each week I have a special place to go with special people.
Lenny served as president in 2015/2016 and his favorite memory was presiding over meetings. During his year as Club President, he says he became a Rotarian. His favorite area of focus is Polio Plus and works with members to funds to END POLIO.
I have worked in public accounting, private industry, family business, as a business owner, and as a consultant. I believe strongly in networking and thrive sharing my network with others and would love to make connection for Rotarians through my network.

Ann Wengronowitz - Past President - Charter Member - Rotarian
I learned of Rotary through a neighbor. I am proud to be one of the original members of the club. The friendships and connections I have made throughout the years are 2 of the reasons I continue to be part of this organization. I have served many board positions, including President. The Minnetonka Rotary Club strives to support organizations that support youth, youth are our future.
2021-2022 President Nate Rundquist recognized Ann as Rotarian of the Year and said “Coming out of the pandemic, it was critical for the club to return to its main fundraiser, the Links & Libations Charity Golf Event. Ann stepped up to the challenge of chairing the committee with no time to spare for preparations. Through her leadership and the efforts of the fundraising committee and club at large, Minnetonka Rotary was able to pull off a successful fundraising event to support charitable missions including building responsible youth.” 2021 Links and Libations raised over $36,000 which went directly to the Minnetonka Rotary Foundation.

Mac Hardin - Treasurer - Rotarian
I joined Rotary because…I felt welcome and at home, much different than my first club. I stay because … the friends I have made and the opportunities to contribute.
My favorite part of Rotary is knowing and associating with so many good, good people that I wouldn't have otherwise. I hope to continue as Treasurer. For me, it's a job where I'm a square peg in a square hole.
Mac served as Club president in 96-'97. His memories are all good. That was the year our board defined our mission as the Club for Building Responsible Youth and developed PSAP - the Plaid Shirt Assistance Program.
I am the Bankcard Processing Manager for Midwest Hardware Association. I have been able to work in various positions at MHA, accountant, executive director and my current position.

Jerald Stiele - Past President - Rotarian
I joined in 2002. My Uncle, a long time Hopkins Rotarian and Dale Feste encouraged me to join. I stayed for the comradery!!
I was president in 2006-2007. My year went so fast, just when you think you get the hang of it its over! I definitely got a lot more out of it then I put in!!
When asked when he felt like more than just a Rotary member but a Rotarian, Jerald said "I felt it was right away when I was sworn in. The Minnetonka Rotary Club was and still is so good at making members feel like they belong!"
I am the owner and manager of Hopkins Auto Body 1 and Collision Center 1 Golden Valley. I started working in my family's business straight out of college and still here 25 years later. Every day is different with unique challenges. I love what I get to do every day or at least, almost every day.

Char Murphy - Rotarian
I joined Rotary … to make a difference in my part of the world. I knew Rotary through my Rotarian father. I stay because … I love the group, the programs, the camaraderie, and making a difference for my family and community.
Char has served her club in many ways including on the Foundation, Community Service, Publicity, Polio Plus, Golf Tournament Silent Auction. Her favorite service projects include ResourceWest Back to School and Holiday store projects. In fact, during these service projects is when she said she became more than just a member she became a Rotarian.
Char joined Rotary in January 1988; Her Dad belonged to Mpls #9 and some of her favorite memories include attending meetings with her dad. She also wanted friendships and opportunities for community service.
I am retired from St. David's Center in Minnetonka. I enjoyed my work in office management but now I am retired and living life fully every day. I have organizational skills and leadership guidance to share with others.

Frank Babka - Past President - Rotarian
I joined Rotary because… it was recommended to me by a cohort, and my Dad had been a member for decades. I stay because … it’s a great national and global organization, I love the members of this club, plus we have great speakers.

Cathy Carlson - Rotarian
In 1994-1995, I served as president of my club, the first woman in the century. I attended the Rotary International convention in Taipei Taiwan; 30,000 Rotarians all in one place. The RI Presidential induction was very impress. My favorite memories including hosting youth exchange and international service trips.
I am the VP and co-owner of Restwell Mattress Company. I started my career in baking and have worked in a variety of industries. My days are made interesting by the numerous involvements i have. I enjoy helping others and am open and here when anyone wants to inquire about something.

Alexa Rundquist - Past President - Rotarian
I joined Rotary in 2011. There have been so many moments when I have felt so much than just a member of a club but a Rotarian, part of a family. But the most powerful moment was after my husband and I experienced a loss. We found out that the club took a moment during the weekly meeting to pray for us. Then they wrapped their arms around us in so many ways. It was humbling and I will never forget it. I hope and work to show that level of compassion to others.
I loved my year as president. I had hoped to do more but it flew by, as those before me said it would. My favorite memories include PETS, raising and meeting our Polio goal, playing trivia everyone hated during Charter Night and holding my son while I presided over a meeting.
My career path was not what I had planned after graduation. I fell into emergency preparedness work and became very specialized so was able to work serve on many regional preparedness groups in MN. I enjoy learning new things so when a opportunity at the District 5950 came open I decided to try. A few hours of weeks has now led me to become the Executive Director. Each position has brought me a lot of joy and growth.

Bill Sorteberg - Rotarian - Membership Chair
I joined Rotary in 2010. I stay in Rotary because of the friendships I have developed and what we do locally. This includes some of my favorite service projects - ResourceWest backpack packing and Toystore assistance.
I am the VP and co-owner of Commercial Furniture Soluntions (CFS). I Started company 41 years ago after working for a furniture company 4 years part time and 3 years fulltime. Daily I am working in sales and like meeting with clients and our employees. My 41 years of experience has taken me through many situations, and I am open to sharing my advice.

Mark Mageny - Past President - Rotarian - Youth Exchange Chair
I am an owner and President of a construction company, Magney Construction. I began work as a construction superintendent and Construction Project manager for another contractor, then in 1994, I Started Magney Construction. I take pleasure in working with and mentoring our employees and would enjoy teaching others how to mentor and teach employees.

Bonnie Wittenburg - Rotarian
I joined Rotary because membership gave me a chance to connect with local people to build friendships and to discuss topics of local interest. I stayed because of the friendships, Rotary’s mission locally, nationally and internationally, and because the Minnetonka Rotary is “a group that’s more fun than you want it to be”. I also love the 4-Way Rotary test, which I think should be the pledge made by all persons everywhere.
Bonnie's Advice: "Be career/job choices, but not with your ethics"
I am self-employed estate planning, probate & trust administration lawyer. I HAVE BEEN A News reporter, department store executive, stock analyst and now A lawyer. I get to help people with something practical setting up their estates for the benefit of their loved ones.

Bob Hersman - Past President - Rotarian
I am a retired optometrist; I was the owner for42 years of Hopkins Eye Clinic, and 3 more as part-time. 2020 retirement was the plan, and Covid underlined that. I worked lots of time in primary eye care, and special work with low vision patients and Sports Vision with Twins, Vikings, and U of M I feel it’s a privilege to still answer a lot of questions and get people to the right referral doctor.
Jim Martin - Rotarian - Foundation Member
My father was a member of Rotary Club 9 for many years, giving me the opportunity to meetings and meet many Rotarians. When Minneapolis hosted the International Convention, my parents hosted two couples from other countries for dinner. One of the couples was from Italy did not speak English but we were able to communicate very well. Rotary made that happen.
When I had an opportunity to join a club in St. Louis Park, there was no question that I would join. Over the years I have moved around and joined the Bloomington Daymakers Club and now Minnetonka based upon where I have been employed. I have remained a member of Rotary because of all of Rotary's good works and because the club members are collectively the nicest, most welcoming group of people I know.

Patty Acomb - Rotarian