Gem Munro will discuss the ambitious and dangerous work of his organization, Amarok Society.
May 26, 2015
Gem Munro, Amarok Society
Gem Munro will discuss the ambitious and dangerous work of his organization, Amarok Society.

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Gem Munro will discuss the ambitious and dangerous work of his organization, Amarok Society. Bringing education into the worst slums in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nigeria in a unique way, Amarok Society teaches mothers to teach their children and their neighbours' children. Despite enormous obstacles, these once illiterate women are guiding their communities to a more prosperous and peaceful future.


Gem Munro has devoted his life and career to improving educational opportunities for disadvantaged people across Canada and abroad.

Pursuit of this objective carried him into residence in unfortunate communities across most of Canada, before carrying him overseas.

He is presently a Director of Amarok Society, a registered Canadian charity that provides education programs to the very poor in Bangladesh. As well, Gem is an author and artist whose current book (which he has here today) is a bestselling collection of stories about some of the extraordinary people he’s come to know in the slums of Bangladesh. (Sale of his book is a major fundraiser for Amarok Society.) For their work, Gem and his wife, Dr Tanyss  Munro, have recently been named recipients of Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals.