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President Elect


Club Information
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Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Chateau Golf & Country Club
3600 Chateau Boulevard
Kenner, LA 70065
United States of America
(504) 415-5793
Every second Wednesday @ 6:00 PM. We have outside activities each month!
Home Page Stories
Please join us for our inaugural Kid's World Fest.  Admission and activities are free! This give back event will give kids the opportunity to explore the world via games, activities, and crafts! We will have live music performed by the Bucktown All-Stars. Food will be available to purchase from various vendors. Don't miss out on great family fun!
Meeting is open to all!
Please join us online tomorrow evening at 6pm. Our guest speaker is Principal Wesley Taylor of G T Woods Elementary. We will planning our annual school supply donation.
Topic: Rotary Club of Kenner
Time: Jul 22, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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At our second meeting this month, we had Spanish Sports Broadcaster for LSU and Saints, Mario Jerez. It was entertaining hearing him speak on his experience and growth in his career. We also had members of the Sunrise club visit to talk Bunny Fest! We are looking forward to collaborating with them. 
We also had fun fundraising at Freedom Fest!! TIP TIP HOOOOORAY!!! Thank you to everyone who participated :)
We've been busy bees lately! We donated 13 Chromebooks and copy paper to GT Woods. Principal Pollard-Hill has been so communicative and we wish her the best. Raiza, Brian and Gabriel Pitre assisted an elderly resident in need of lawn care. We also had Chuck, Roxanne, and Raiza  represent us as the Red Dress Run.  
Our last guest speaker was Ms. Renee Arsenault with Slidell Ladies of Liberty and Inner Circle. We learned a great deal of great information regrading both organizations.
We have a few upcoming events: Freedom Fest on Sept 1st and Lake Ponchartrain Basin Foundation's Beach Sweep on Sept 21st.
We had a very insightful meeting on July 10th! To get meeting minutes, please login to Club Runner - Organization - Documents!
Our guest speakers were Honorable Judge Kevin Centanni and Principal LaShana Pollard-Hill of GT Woods Elementary.
We'd like to congratulate our former Club President, David Gilmore, on an outstanding year! We accomplished so much under your leadership and are very grateful of all of your time and efforts in the progress of the Rotary Club of Kenner!
Our first meeting of the 2019-2020 year is on Wednesday, July 10 at 6p at the Chateau Country Club. We welcome our new President, Raiza Pitre! We are looking forward to all of the great things she has planned for us this year. Our guest speaker will be Judge Kevin J. Centanni
On January 13th, Kenner Rotary hosted the first in a monthly speaker series.  The speaker was Juan Kincaid, Sports Director of WVUE Fox 8.  He went over the Saints, LSU, Tulane, and the Pelicans.  Everyone enjoyed his talk and there were many questions asked.  The next in the speaker series will be Rafael Goyeneche of the Metropolitan Crime Commission on February 17th.
We're gearing up for a busy time of year.  On Saturday, December 12th, we'll be serving a pancake breakfast to participants in the Laketown Road Race, our primary fundraiser for the year.  The race starts at 8:00 AM, and we'll be setting up beforehand in the parking lot just west of the boat launch at Laketown.  Get there early if you hope to get a parking space nearby.
On Friday, December 18th, we'll be assembling Christmas boxes for 96 needy families in the Metairie/Kenner area.  We'll be starting at 4:00 PM at Bissonet Plaza School on Kawanee in Metairie.  Distribution of the boxes and turkeys will take place Saturday morning beginning at 9:00 AM at the same location. 
The stars and stripes are now flying over Granville T. Woods Elementary School.  The 8' x 12' flag was donated by The Rotary Club of Kenner in a ceremony at the school on Friday, September 4th.  Mayor Mike Yenni addressed the assembly, several fourth and fifth grade students recited comments on what the flag symbolizes, and Kenner Rotary presented and the students accepted the flag for the school.  The Star Spangled Banner was played while the flag was raised, and the ceremony concluded with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Exchange students from Ecuador, Denmark, India, and Hungary flew into Armstrong Airport recently, and they were greeted with a welcome reception coordinated by Kenner Rotary.  The students are participants in a year-long program for high school students between 16 and 18 years of age, Rotary Youth Exchange, or RYE.  The RYE goal is to promote the advancement of international understanding, good will, and peace at a person-to-person level.  The students live with a "host family" and attend the local high school for an entire school year.  There they learn more about American culture while sharing their own.  They also assist local Rotary clubs with service projects while enjoying typical American teenage activities.
When the school bell at G. T. Woods Elementary School in South Kenner rang for the first time this year, students were greeted with supplies provided by the Kenner Rotary Club.  Kenner Rotary presented a $500 check and over $1000 of needed classroom materials to the Woods faculty.  Supplies donated were scissors, paper, Kleenex, crayons, pocket folders, notebooks, paper towels, pens, pencils, baby wipes, pencil pouches, white board markers and school glue.  Each student was provided enough materials to start off the year.  Teachers were very excited and pleased since over 98% of their students are on the free lunch program and unable to purchase necessary items.
Members of the John Curtis Interact Club assisted with the delivery and unloading of the school supplies.  Interact is a service organization for high school students that is supported and mentored by a Rotary Club.
Janice Watsky was named 2014-2015 Rotarian of the Year for the Rotary Club of Kenner.  Janice is currently serving as both Secretary and Club Administration Director, and she helps with public relations as well.  This award is presented annually to the member who, by their actions and deeds, best demonstrates the high ethical standards, selfless service, and good fellowship that are the foundation of Rotary International.  Congratulations, Janice, for a well-deserved award!
The Kenner Rotary Club announced its slate of officers for 2015-2016 at a luncheon at Chateau Golf & Country Club.  The officers were installed by the immediate past Rotary District Governor Brian Hall of Madisonville.  Larry Siegel was re-elected President of the Club.  Other officers installed included Barbara James as Vice President, Paul Prokop as Treasurer, Janice Watsky as Secretary and Club Service Director, and Marilyn Pankratz as Sgt.-at-Arms.  Hall also installed Pat Driscoll as Foundation Director, Dave Gilmore as Services Director, Chuck George for Membership, and Rick Wilderman as Publicity Director.  Janice Watsky was selected to receive the Rotarian of the Year award for her service to the Club with fundraising, speaker recruitment, and past help with publicity.

The Rotary Club of Kenner awards two scholarships

The Kenner Rotary Club awarded scholarships to two graduating seniors from John Curtis Christian School at the school's recent graduation ceremony.
Pictured from left:  Mrs. Cathy Boucvalt, Interact Club advisor and recipient of the Rotary Paul Harris Fellowship Award, David E. Gilmore, Kenner Rotary Board Member, Ms. Angelina Chifici and Mr. Justin Turner.
Kenner Rotary will be raffling off an NBA basketball signed by Anthony Davis, complete with display case.  Tickets are $5 each, or five for $20, and are available from any member.  The raffle will be held June 3, 2015.  Winner need not be present.
At a recent meeting, the Rotary Club of Kenner heard about the experiences of a Rotary Youth Exchange Student, Anna Lauritsen from Denmark.  Anna is sponsored by the St. Charles Parish Rotary Club.
At the January 14th meeting of the Rotary Club of Kenner, Policeman Zachary Dubourg was honored as "Policeman of the Year" for service above and beyond the call of duty.  Officer Dubourg also received an award from Mayor Mike Yenni and the City Council.
This morning The Rotary Club of Kenner delivered and presented over $1500 worth of needed school supplies to the principal and staff of G. T. Woods Elementary in Kenner.  This is an annual undertaking by Kenner Rotary to assist the students of the Kenner community who are in need of school supplies.  One of the goals of Kenner Rotary Club is to undertake service projects that will benefit those who are truly in need of educational assistance.  Photos of the presentation will be posted on our Facebook page.