Because we are Rotary "International," it is important that we work with RI and the clubs around the world to bring the eradication of polio to the finish line. So, if throughout the year, between now and May 1st, 2024, you can send a check to help us fund this project, it would be greatly appreciated. Please put "Polio Fund" in the memo of your check. The check can be made payable to the Waukesha Rotary Club and mailed to our P.O. Box:
Waukesha Rotary Club
P.O. Box 1876
Waukesha, WI 53187
Waukesha Rotary Club
P.O. Box 1876
Waukesha, WI 53187
Thank you for playing a part in eradicating this disease from the world – we are truly making history!