Broadbeach Rotarlight #21
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
Well we just don't seem to have the same meeting twice !! This week we were favoured with strong bookings but at the last minute we had a few cancellations due to one thing or another. Probably the time of year. Everybody is merry!!
Sergeant Uwe got the meeting off to an early start, was ferocious in fines, was humorous with the heads and tails and held us all to account and led us in Advance Australia Fair in fine voice. Great work Rotarian Uwe.
My year is certainly passing quickly and is prefixed by the Annual General Meeting and the introduction of the incoming President Bruce Kuhn and his team. Like me Bruce has a vacancy for a Service Director. Bruce has a great team around him and so over the coming months please give this important role some thought and if you feel like stepping up to the plate for a Board position please see Bruce. it is good to see our newest member Peter Dimond accept the position of Treasurer and congratulations Lachlan Bode on President Elect. Thanks to all for their assistance and input on the night.
Past President and happy wanderer Harold provided us with an enlightening update on the District 4610 Suns Horizons Project. Thanks Harold we are now fully informed of this wonderful project that helps the Suns AFL Community awareness and of course it helps us put back into the Community, its wonderful fellowship and you get to watch an AFL game on home ground. Let Harold know if you want to be on roster to attend a game as the tickets walk out the door, On behalf of the members Harold thanks for this talk. Not sure if you received the Scotch glass!!
The meal again was tasty and healthy and the service from the Crown staff excellent. Speaking of health we have a few members not in the best of health at present so please keep them in your thoughts and or see if we can be of assistance in any way.
Rotarian Peter Gowans advised the members that he has locked in the Rawcs project in Fiji for our Club next year to build a cook house at an Island village in the Fiji. We will travel there at a date to be fixed in April next year. Peter is calling for fellow Rotarian and wives and partners that might like to go to let him know numbers at next week’s meeting if possible as accommodation needs to be booked. Peter is accustomed to leading delegations and I can guarantee it will be a memorable trip and a chance for us to enjoy fellowship away and assist in a worthy Rawcs project. Great work Peter.
Our Social Director Rotarian Kevin is hard at work on Christmas Party activities. This night promises to be a fun time so book yourself, partners and friends in to this evening. We will have a few weeks break and back on the 12th January with our first meeting at Crown.
Next Week we have Bev Allsop coming to the club as guest speaker. Bev is the co-Ordinator of the Capalaba Book Fest .This should give us first class insight into our pending Book Sale. Bev is very excited to attend so members a good roll up would be appreciated so book in asap.
Please keep your eyes on the Sizzle Roster and Car Boot Sale Rosters and also book in for our Book Sale Roster.
In closing Fellow Rotarians I have enjoyed being President of this wonderful Broadbeach Rotary Club this past 6 months and thank all members for their assistance and support.
Best Regards
Yours in Rotary
Bill Rex
Meeting | Fundraising | ||
Raffle | TBC | Sausage Sizzle | TBC |
Fines | TBC | Sausage Sizzle | TBC |
Copper Pot | TBC | ||
Book Sale Working Bee - Jim Hawkins
Bob Jordan & Chris Thomsen are organizing another round of book sorting and pricing at “The Hub” next week. Times are from 10am until midday on Monday 7th, Wed 9th & Friday 11th. All are welcome & encouraged to attend – particularly if you are away for the weekend of the sale (22 – 24th Jan.) Yet another opportunity for fun & fellowship with fellow members & partners. You may like to let Bob or Chris know in advance if you can make it on one of those days.