Shuteen Erdenebaatar (German Jazz Award 2024) and Prof. Anna Buchberger (University of Music and Theatre Munich), Photos: Georg Stirnweiß, Janina Guldner
Please save the date for our charity concert on Feb 3rd 2025 at 7.30 pm. The concert will take place at Piano Fischer, Thomas-Wimmer-Ring 14, 80538 München. Shuteen Erdenebaatar was scholaship holder of the Orlandus Lassus Foundation 2021 – 2022. She recently won the German Jazz Award 2024 with her Quartet. Anna Buchberger was our scholarship holder from 2009 to 2012 and is now Professor at the University of Music and Theatre Munich. You will enjoy an exquisite evening in the cosy studio atmosphere of Piano Fischer. Save the date, more information is on the way.
We are very grateful for the support of the two artists and the Pianohaus Fischer, which has supported us so generously on so many occasions.
You can register right here!