Luna Vista get a visit from a Leprechaun!
President Vinnie welcomed a packed house of over 3/4 of the club for a fun St. Patrick Day celebration.  As always, the decorations fairies did a great job of sprucing up the place, we had corn beef and cabbage, and Lynette made some wonderful desserts for all of us!  And there was a birthday cake as well!  We celebrated Victoria's birthday as well as Cass/Craig's 34th wedding anniversary.  Happy dollars had some tall tales as usual and we also heard about the recent meeting to change our fund raiser to a Micro Brew Festival.  It will be at the Fair Grounds on September 7th from 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM, feature a couple of bands, along with (hopefully) several food trucks for different food items.  More information will be coming so stay tuned.  Our Leprechaun for the evening was City Councilman (and Morning Rotary member) Jim Hilliard who regaled us with fun facts and many Irish jokes to enjoy the day.  Thanks Jim!