Cupertino Rotary has partnered with West Valley Community Services for an energizing weekend of volunteer-led activities at their Greenwood Court low-income affordable housing units.
The Rotary Climate Action Committee project has been led by Seema Lindskog. She is leading fellow volunteer Rotarians in performing the installation. Sunwork ( has provided the expertise and volunteer training. Funding for the project has come from Cupertino Rotary, Hammond Climate Solutions, and Left Coast Fund. When completed the solar panel array on the roof of West Valley Community Services’ Greenwood Ct property will cover 100% of the common area electricity needs and approximately 40% of the electricity needs of the low-income residents. The Greenwood Ct apartments are some of the few 3-bedroom units in Cupertino’s affordable housing inventory, home to some of our community's most economically disadvantaged families.
This project is an investment in both the environment and affordable housing -- it will enable West Valley Community Services to transition to renewable energy and long-term lower utility costs while increasing household stability and self-sufficiency for lower income families.