Why Join Rotary?
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Why Join Rotary?

Are you a business or community leader who enjoys creating life-long friendships, networking with other business leaders, helping improve your community, and staying informed on current local and national issues?

Then consider joining the Rotary Club of Beaumont where you can experience all of this and more!

Our club is 200+ members strong and meets every Wednesday to gather with friends, work with Rotary committees, and hear local, state, and regional leaders speak on important topics concerning our community, our nation and the world. The luncheons are from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. and provide a wonderful opportunity to enrich your life and the lives of others.



Where Rotary International Began

In Chicago 1905, the first Rotary Club was founded as an organization where business and professional leaders could gather in friendship and serve their communities. While it is often difficult to make a difference on your own, Rotary International's vision is to bring diverse, like-minded individuals together to improve the lives of people in their communities, their nations and around the world. Since its founding, Rotary International's motto of "Service Above Self" has been embraced by more than 1.2 million people of all races and creeds in 33,000 clubs worldwide.

In 1913, the 72nd Rotary Club was founded in Beaumont. For almost 100 years, our club and its members have addressed a wide range of humanitarian and community issues: from providing books and reading at local elementary schools, posting nearly 500 flags across the community on major patriotic holidays, providing layettes to hundreds of indigent women in Nicaragua, to uniting with millions of Rotarians around the word to fight the deadly and crippling disease of polio, and much more.


Rotary Opportunities - What We Do

· Attend weekly luncheon meetings that include excellent speakers and great networking opportunities.

· Participate in community service, both locally and internationally, through serving on one or more committees.

· Visit other Clubs in our area and when traveling, making new connections with Rotarians at home and when away from home.

Rotary Objective - "Service Above Self"

Rotary was formed to encourage and foster the ideal of service. In embracing this ideal we promote:

1. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.

2. High ethical standards in business and profession; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of their occupation as an opportunity to serve society.

3. The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to his personal, business and community life.

4. The advancement of international understanding, good will and peace through a world fellowship of business and professionals, united in the ideal of service.


