Our next club meeting will be at a new time and venue. On Wednesday, February 19, we will meet from 6 - 7 p.m. at the office of a Rotary member on the second floor of the Elks Building (across from the courthouse and Sheridan) in Telluride, 300 W. Colorado Ave. Suite 200A. You’re invited to an optional, casual happy-half-hour pre-meeting at the Sheridan’s old bar from 5:15-5:45. For questions or to rsvp as a guest, email telluriderotary@gmail.com. Anyone with an interest in Rotary is welcome to drop in as a guest.
The above will be the meeting time and place for future 3rd Wednesday club meetings.
On the 1st Wednesdays of the month, we will continue to meet on the 1st Wednesdays at Mountain Lodge in Mountain Village. We gather from 5:30-6 p.m. in the lodge's bar to socialize, and meet from 6 - 7 p.m in the conference room upstairs. To get to Mountain Lodge, drive and park at the lot next to Village Market or take the gondola from town to there, then it's a short walk down the hill to Mountain Lodge. You also can call the lodge at 970-369-5000 to request their shuttle to pick you up at the market lot.
No meetings in April during off season.
Pictured: Club President Sarah Lavender Smith welcomes and presents a Telluride Rotary flag to District Governor Whittney Smythe-Smith to our club meeting on February 5.
Mountain Village, CO 81435
United States of America