Our club held meeting # 38 using Zoom with ten participants.  After allowing time for socializing, Wayne called the meeting to order and gave his official welcome.  Our Rotary theme this year is Rotary Connects the World.  We are doing our best to do this and maintain the proper protocols during this time of crisis.  By Zoom meetings and email messages, we are keeping in touch and sharing with each other.
     We welcomed past member Dwight Bennett as our guest at the meeting.  Dwight appears as the telephone in our screenshot of those attending.
     Rather than hold special executive meetings, Wayne advised that decisions would be made and voted on at our regular meetings, since the majority of those attending are executive members, and we have a quorum each time.  He will advise members ahead of time when a funding request has been received, so they can be prepared to make an informed decision.
     Wayne reviewed the requirements for the club to earn a Presidential Citation and informed the members that the rules have been relaxed due to the coronavirus causing social distancing and other hardships.  We now must achieve three of the goals under Unite People and three under Take Action.  Reviewing what we’ve done this year, it appears that we will meet these requirements and earn a citation for our club.  Good for us!
     The Area district grant re. COVID-19 will include proposals from all four Langley Rotary clubs so we will share the grant equally at $1250 US each.  The Rotaract club will not participate financially but is looking at its options for assisting in the other projects.  Our club will provide funding for the Gateway of Hope and as the needs are urgent, Wayne asked that we approve our share for the matching grant immediately so plexiglass shields may be purchased and installed as soon as possible.  Moved by Leon, seconded by Lana; “That we approve a donation of $1750 ($1250 US) to Gateway of Hope for the purchase and installation of plexiglass shields as needed in the reception and kitchen areas.”  Motion carried.  Matching funds from the district, when received, will be used to purchase masks and antiseptic wipes.
     Happy and sad dollars were donated, and more members are creating special containers for these funds.