Posted by Jamie Tripp on May 09, 2018
Today's Program was a Terry Fox Run Primer and tune-up as well as feedback meeting, Don Chapman, from our local TFR organizing committee started the program with a thank you for all the Midland Rotary has done to support the run over the years. Secondly he ran us through a quick pop quiz focused on the numbers surrounding the run. Next he reviewed the results over the past three years and stressed that our run, hits way over it's weight in terms of per capita dollars raised. He revealed some of the coming years plan and goals before turning the meeting over to Pat Boyd for the fun part of the meeting. In the "Bag of Junk" exercise we attemped in groups to quickly go from object to attributes to brain storming Ideas. Some got it, some didn't. Thanks to Andre Sanche from our group for rescuing and answer from our mis-conceived analysis. Oh boy.