Karen ran through a quick series of slides showing the recommendations and costings of the most recent report on the GBGH.  The role of the LHIN is apparently changing and collaboration with them will become more important.  Focusing on government roles, the staff and the financial situation are priorities.
There were 200 interviews and 108 recommendations.  Attitudes are a problem and an organizational redesign is being considered.  The evaluation of the Board and the CEO will be linked.  Medical quality and accountability will be studied.
Closing the cafeteria doesn't mean there won't be one - it would be contracted out.  Selling Penetang is another discussion.
14 of the recommendations are being actively studied at the moment.  Many of the problems mentioned are not unusual though that doesn't mean they shouldn't be addressed.  The hospital is in pursuit of sustainability, quality and safety.
Obstetrics is a big discussion with driving in the winter a major concern but currently there are only 180 births a year with as many as 270 already going elsewhere - Collingwood mostly.  Midwives might be introduced to Christian Island.  There are suggestions - a new doctor was recruited but change is slow and even with significant investment it might be 5 - 7 years before numbers go up again.
A different focus might be to try generating income through home care services etc. and positioning to deal with the aging population with care and rehab services.
Seasonality was not addressed - the numbers are included and the Provincial formula is being reviewed but it is exceedingly complex.
The recommendations were a whole and other changes are dependent all being acted on.  If obstetrics is closed that gives room for increased ICU beds and other changes that follow from that.  If obstetrics stays, the sequence breaks and new considerations have to be made.  All is being driven by the need to balance the budget.