When it became apparent that Phil was going to conduct the rest of the meeting a struggle broke out for Bob's scooter buttion.

Phil said he was looking for some discussion and feedback prior to the next day's Board meeting when the Budget for 2010-2011 would be discussed.

The Community Committee now has the go ahead to work on the inclusive play centre.  Other projects might be a hands on project with Penetang to connect the trails between the towns on a less arduous route, which met with the approval of those present.  A roof for the bandshell has been discussed but there would be costs as it would have to be engineered.  Alex wondered if the surface should be made bigger before a roof was designed.  A suggestion has been made to Reinhart Weber that the Club might help with the Cultural Centre and perhaps space could be made available, in return, for a display of Rotary memorabilia.

International spending will increase with the budget in line with the 25% rule.  Ron and his Committee are reviewing ways to help in Pakistan and are still looking for a major project.  Joyce has some suggestions from the Friendship Exchange group that is coming and added that our team will be going there in the winter and could review ideas on the ground.  There are now two shelter box suppliers and neither is recommended by RI. 

Sandie Blair is stepping down from the Club Chairmanship.  Phil will be looking for a replacement and had a suggestion for a Harbour cleanup and potluck picnic for a fall fellowship event.  Bruce said such a project had been successful before and wondered where and Peterson Park was suggested.

Membership reports two new members inducted in July but one resignation.  The goal is a net increase of 5.  Aaron is scheduling a College of Knowledge for the spring.  Bruce Wilcox said he'd heard Steve Wallace speak on a membership program started in Wasaga Beach that  has resulted in 13 new members.  Worth looking into.

Vocational Service is planning a vocational visit to the new Library and is looking a long and short term exchanges this year.  The GSE is apparently not coming to our part of the district this time, much to the disappointment of Moira who had put a lot of planning into the expected visit.