Joyce said George had worked in leasing and with Hertz but moved to Georgian College and travelled on their behalf for the International Centre.  He has helped with fund raising for the McLauchlen Gallery and the Y.  He has been a charter member of one Club in Barrie, the Charter President of another and a member of a third.  He has a PH from each of them.  He's been married to Sharon for 42 years and is now taking on the role of Assistant DG for region 6 of our District and is proud to wear a jacket with his jeans and happy to see that Lister has turned up somewher after being thrown out of Barrie.

Rotary works on three levels - RI deals with the global and the Foundation and he is happy that we have Bryn Styles representing us as an RI Director, on the District level and we, of course, are in 7010 which is huge going from Collingwood to Val d'Or in Quebec and Marilyn Hanson is our current President working with 44 Clubs and 15,500 members, and at the Club level and the Midland Club is in Area 6 of out District.  Being an Asst. DG is a three year assignement and involves helping Clubs achieve their goals and maintain their relationship with the District.  As of now all reporting is on line, which makes things easier and will make it possible, in years to come, to compare  activities year over year.

George said he has had different perspectives of Rotary.  As a charter member of the Huronia Club in 1976 at eh age of 28 he was young and enthusiastic and involved and he made friends .  Helping to start the Breakfast Rotary Club in 1996 when he was a little older made him realize that the energy and enthusiasm was passing to the next generation and we need to keep bringing in young people to keep moving forward. 

Rotary has stayed at the same membership for several years now, locked in at 1.2 million.  People are leaving as fast as they are joining.  We need to encourage people to stay, to engage with Rotary and to continue to change lives - both those of the less fortunate that we try to help and our own as we get out of Rotary what we put in.

His father was in Kiwanis but they never approached him, it was Rotary that did.  We have to make the approach, make sure the program works for them and, as we evolve, make changes to accommodate different groups and objectives.  We have to keep reviewing our practices, react to changes and the stresses of modern life.  Qualifications for membership have changed in the last several decades - the focus on business ownership is less, for example - and people who have maybe less flexible schedules may be interested in joining but have to be accommodated so they don't burn out.  We have to let them contribute what they can as they balance work, family and Rotary.  Every member invite someone to lunch every year and, even if they don't join, the word will spread.

Polio Plus is still dealing with challenges.  Bill and Melinda Gates have made a matching commitment of $2 for every $1 up to 35 million a year to 2018.  So far we've raised 5.5 billion and still need probably another 1.5.  Australia is considering a significant contribution. 

Rotary's grant structure has been revised and put on line.  Matching grants have been phased out to be replaced with District Grants, Global Grants and Package Grants.

Next September 18 will see the Conference in Val d'Or and George wants to see a bunch of people from Area 6 joining him to visit this part of the District. 

George said he'd attended a Board meeting and our lunch meeting and complimented the Club on its vibrancy and its hard work and encouraged the membership to keep it up.