What a great way to start the new year! At the Monday meeting BEL member Trish Edwards was recognized with her Paul Harris Fellow +2. Congratulations Trish! Your contribution will make a difference in the world!
Club News
Thank you President Shannon for becoming Polio Plus Society member. Your contributions will make a difference as we move to rid the world of the scourge of this horrible disease!
It’s back! On February 2, 2025, intrepid plungers will meet by the shores of Chemong Lake to take the plunge! This year the theme is “Retro TV Shows” and plungers will jump for the charity of their choice!
Over the years hundreds of thousands of dollars have gone into the community to support organizations including the Cancer Society, the Alzheimer Society, Lakefield Animal Welfare Shelter, the local food banks and many more. An equal amount has supported the work of BEL Rotary including the Adopt a Family Christmas program, support for the local food banks, the BEL Rotary Bridgenorth Trail and support for Community Care and local schools. Internationally BEL currently supports the eradication of polio worldwide and the SOS Children’s Village in Panama.
So . . get your team together, get your sponsorship and join the wacky group that will be “freezin’ for a reason” on February 2nd. Not quite up to the plunge – you can sponsor the jumper of your choice or the BEL Club directly.
For registration information visit www.belrotaryplunge.com
Spirit and and fellowship was high as Rotarians prepared for and participated in the annual Lakefield Santa Claus parade. Although the theme was the Grinch - the club was anything but "Grinchie" Once again food and was collected for the local foodbanks and the BEL float came 3rd! Well done BEL.
BEL Rotary Grinch Holiday Party at Prez Shannon Whoville home! Everyone had a wonderful time with great food, cheer, fellowship and fun with our regift exchange! Enjoy the holidays from BEL Rotary! Happy Holidays one and all!!
At the recent holiday celebration Rotarians collected more than 100 pairs of socks and more than 50 bottles of personal hygiene items to be donated to the Youth Emergency Shelter. This is one more example of the caring and generosity of the members. Thank you!!
It is never too young to make a difference. Future Rotarians shop for the perfect gift!!
It has been another challenging year, and the joys of the holiday season that so many of us take for granted can be elusive to some of our neighbours.
Again this year, BEL Rotary is able to provide the gift of Christmas to some families in our community. BEL Rotarians and friends connect with families through the local schools and purchase, wrap and deliver toys, games, books and clothing specific to the interessts and needs of the children. In addition, shoppers provide the makings of a festive dinner with all the trimmings, food items to help ease the pressure of the holiday season – and of course a few extra treats!
It seems it is getting more and more difficult for families to make ends meet and many in our community have to choose between paying the rent, buying food or providing the magic of Christmas. “It is heartwarming to be able to make a small difference in people’s lives”, said shopper Anita Lamb. “It is easy to take for granted our many blessings and the opportunity to give back even a little is truly an honour”. There were tears of joy and hugs of appreciation as the hampers of food and gifts were delivered.
It is thanks to the generosity of our community that the BEL Rotary Club is able to take on projects such as this. We extend a special thank you to John’s Independent grocer in Bridgenorth, The Lakefield Legion and Doane Grant Thornton LLP for your generous donations to this project. As always, thank you to Terry McQuitty and the Lakefield Herald for promoting the work of BEL Rotary. You make a difference!!