Design & Planning Matters

Our speakers Aaron Wilson (left) and Andrew Hagemeier (Right) of Missoula County joined us last week to discuss the Mullan Road Planning project. Aaron and Andrew shared about the long range plans for Missoula County road structure.   We need to think about transportation and how our roads are different.  For example North Reserve was built with modern subdivisions.  Autos were the major focus and Reserve street is one of the most congested in terms of traffic.  When planners design for cars you get more cars on the road.  Resources unfortunately are more restrained and growth costs more, especially to build infrastructure that is efficient and sustainable.  Missoula is limited to growth because of land and keeping our town attractive environmentally.  We are growing 3-6 persons a day and 600-800 hoes a year.  Right now there are a deficit on homes and costs are outpacing revenues.  Costs have gone up 70% and the gas tax does not cover the cost of building roads.  The gas tax has not risen since 1994 and so Missoula has to locally raise funds for a more efficient system.  About 71.7% of the population drives alone with about 15% biking and bussing to work.  Just the recent work on the Russell street cost $80 million dollars for a short amount of highway.  Right now core services are within 15 minutes away and there are more demand for land.
The Mullan area is the next development being considered and in concert with Missoula County they have put together a BUILD coalition in 2019 and got 13 million from the 23 million ask to build houses, restoration and trails.   "Road design matters" for all types of transportation, safe lanes, walkers bikers, cars, buses are all looked out when doing long range planning.   What is next for Missoula is creating a long range planning plan with 5 core goals, Expanding mobility, climate change, economic development, equity investments and wholistic growth.  The Missoula county zoning code is being rewritten to incorporate all these growth patterns.