"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Participation: We have a strong, diverse and active membership! We understand members can’t attend every meeting or activity, but at least 80% participation is encouraged. The "Flags Over Bellaire" is our Club's largest fundraiser. Participation in our flag program is strongly encouraged, unless physically unable. Active members benefit both professionally and personally.
Club Financial Obligations:
- Annual Dues $250 (billed January and July)
- New Member Initiation Fee: $35 (one-time)
- Lunch Meeting Fee: $19 each
- Socials entail a small voluntary cost per your order at establishment
Volunteer Service and Development: "Flags Over Bellaire" program, Shop with a Cop, or numerous other service opportunities. Members have the opportunity to serve on the Club and/or Foundation Board, expanding personal knowledge and growth in non-profit service. There’s something for everyone!
Financial Gifts: Our members contribute annually to the Rotary Foundation, Inc (parent organization of all Rotary Clubs). Your contributions help to achieve Rotary's seven focus areas: Peace & Conflict Resolution, Clean Water, Basic Education & Literacy, Maternal & Child Health, the Environment, Disease Prevention & Treatment, and Community Economic Development.
- Learn – Browse our website and talk with Rotarians to determine if our club is the right fit for you. Attendance at three (3) club meetings is required before an application may be considered. Club meetings give a prospective member an opportunity to get to know our club, as well as for us to get to know you. Prospective Members are encouraged to at
- Identify a Sponsor – Connect with a member of our club and ask that person to sponsor your application.
- Apply – Fill out the application by clicking “Membership” then “Member Application” at the top of our website. Applying for membership is not a guarantee of acceptance.
- Submit – All applications are reviewed by the Membership Committee and Board of Directors. If approved to proceed, we will present a prospective member's application for general membership review. After two weeks, we will contact you with your application status.