1. Amy Kembel, on her life with Synergy North as Manager of Human Resources and Safety.
Her leadership in promoting and upholding workplace safety standards, including mental health
well being was highlighted. She has extensive knowledge and training in all aspects of leading
programming for Synergy North, including mentoring, labour relations, arbitration, and outreach
as well as a successful consulting business with The Kembel Group.

 2. Dr. Marg Woods, on World Polio Day, and our local Pizza for Polio fundraiser (with Eat Local
Pizza). Marg presented a comprehensive overview on Rotary International's extensive
involvement in eliminating polio: 2.5 billion immunizations in 125 countries. The first North
American outbreak was in 1895 in Vermont; in 1910 in Canada in Hamilton Ontario. The RI
president of 1979 brought Rotary into action on vaccination in public health management. The
POLIO PLUS campaign was born in 1985 and the POLIO PLUS PARTNERS program in 1985.
A primer on the virology and immunization programming for the 3 strains (two wild and one
derived) of the disease then led to a discussion of the ongoing Rotary determination to finalize
the goal of complete elimination (WPV 1 remaining only in Afghanistan and Pakistan). Rotary
clubs around the world hold this service dear to their hearts. Of note our own PA Rotary club
has seen members engage in international service, providing oral Sabin immunization clinics in
India, and of course benefiting from the cultural exchange