And the winners are....

It is with great pleasure that we can announce this year’s recipients of the Women in Rotary awards.  There are currently about 350 female Rotarians in District 7210.  Twenty three nominations were received and reviewed by a Nominating Committee and they have selected six women… each outstanding in some part of the Rotary Experience.  Every nominee deserves the recognition of the district. 

The Women in Rotary Awardees for 2016 are the following:

Lifetime Achievement -  Nuise Bhityakul, Kingston Rotary Club

Work in Rotary with an International focus-  Elena Mosley, Hudson Rotary Club

Work in Rotary with a District focus-  Christine Giangrasso, Highland Rotary Club

Work in Rotary with a focus on a local club level-  Toni Hokanson, New Paltz Rotary

Triple Crown with excellence in all three areas of Rotary-  Susan Kracer, Liberty Rotary

Our Rising Star award for a relatively newcomer-  Shannon Modaferri, Nanuet West Nyack Rotary

Congratulations ladies and we hope that everyone will join us on Sunday April 10th for our first Annual Women in Rotary Day brunch and auction to benefit S.T.E.P. Our awards will be given out at the brunch.