Hello All
It is always exciting to be a member of Sylvan Lake Rotary Club and now we have some new initiatives.  There is Gulls parking, electric bicycles, and now:  let me introduce......
We have done this before, however now it is just much easier.  Here’s how:
                Track your km weekly for your mental and physical health
                Report your results back to me as we are competing with at least eleven other 5360 Clubs
                Find a sponsor to fund your km’s with funds going to Polio Plus (re: eradication of Polio)
                Easy to donate with “lump sum” donations rather than $/km’s
Here’s how it works
                Steps can be converted to km’s – so count your steps or track your activity by time
                15 minutes of activity = 1km
                                Eg.  Victor paddling his kayak for one hour = 4 km
                                Jim and Cyril golfing for two hours = 8 km (or more)
                                Any of us parking at the Gulls game for 2 hours = 8 km
                                8 hours with the grandkids = 32 km (and I’ll bet you’d be tired!)
Please keep track of your km’s and submit the amount to me please on Mondays.  If you have kept past records of your activities, you can grandfather back to July 1st.  I will submit your activities to the 5360 Challenge on the following dates:
                                July 27, Aug 10, 22, Sept 14, 28, October 12 and 26.
                                Encourage your sponsors to make “lump sum” support payments rather than $/km
                                Tax receipts will be issued for all donations.
This is an exciting initiative for all of us, both to help eradicate polio and to keep each and all of us mentally and physically healthy.  If you have questions, please ask me at the meeting or email me at megsonjoyce@gmail.com.
Looking forward to having much fun!