Nursing students gave a presentation on the research they completed for the MHC campus Trails and Trees path regarding purchasing and placing benches.  Students had the opportunity to work with Parkinson's Alberta Society to learn about physical restrictions experienced by people with disabilities.

They found out that people with disabilities can walk about 250 - 350m before tiring out.  In doing their research, students walked the paths of a number of parks to look at benches and accessibility.  They decided to space benches every 250 m and chose benches with arm rests.  A copy of their presentation info is located in the Club Documents section of our site.

Guests:  Deanna Haysom, Tanis Robinson and five nursing students from MH College, Dave Pannamaker and Leslie Jeffries of the Medicine Hat Rotary Club.

Meeting Notes: 

  • Volunteer positions for the Salvation Army Christmas Kettles, are open for times on December 8, and December 15.
  • Casino volunteers still needed for March 26, and March 27, 2013.
  • Please bring Viva Las Vegas ticket money in to Renee.
  • Caroline requested that members bring in children's shoes which will be taken down to Mexico in early December.
  • The next Viva Las Vegas Meeting will be held tonight, November 20, 6pm, at Medican office. 
  • Club Draw- Frank pulled the Ace of Spades and won $975.00!