Graham Skjenna was our guest speaker. He gave us a first hand talk about West Nile Virus and how it can completely change your life. Graham contracted the virus 7 years ago. At that time he was an avid Marathon runner and ran 10 km/day.

After he was infected, he could barely get to the couch, and back into bed. The symptoms he experienced were; a rash all over his body, severe 4 alarm headache, fatigue, muscle aches, his skin hurt and he became sensitive to light. He went to the doctor and explained the symptoms, but the doctor did not immediately test for the virus. Not until he visited the second time, was he diagnosed. There are 3 levels of the virus, and Graham has the most severe, neurological. It destroys brain cells. To make life a little more interesting for Graham, his wife is handicapped and he has always taken care of her and the house. The disease definitely made that more difficult. In addition, his brother, a doctor from Ottawa, came for a visit about 4 years ago, and he contracted the virus too! Since then he has had to close his clinic. His brother's wife also contracted the virus, but a less severe form. Wow!

Graham has had tremendous support from the School District. He was an avid reader and he lost the ability to read. He has now regained that. He thinks the brain has opened up some new passages.

West Nile Virus is not going away. The mosquito that carries the virus, loves Medicine Hat. Plus the birds migrate and they continue to carry the virus. There is a vaccine for horses, but not for humans yet. There is a pattern forming with respect to who contracts the most severe form. The further north your ancestry, the more likely you will be to contract the severe form of the virus. Graham's family originated in Norway.

Tips to avoid West Nile Virus; Wear long sleeves and pants. Spray mosquito repellent with Deet. If you have symptoms, ask the doctor to test for the virus. They don't automatically.

Date:                   September 22, 2009

Cashier:               Bill Lloyd

Greeter:            Bonnie Rude Weisman/Bill Cooper

Program:          Caroline Vandean

Guests:               Keith Walker, Graham Skjenna

Meeting Notes:

  • Sean again announced the Mayor's Breakfast is October 20th. Tickets are $20.

  • Sgt-at-Arms: Bill had to fine himself for not doing his duty as Greeter. Thank you to Bonnie for filling in.

  • Draw: Sean won the draw, but not the Ace of Spades.


Next Meeting Date:  September 28, 2009

Program:  Brian Varga

Cashier:   Julia Reinhart

Greeter/Recorder: Glen Christensen