Happy thoughts included rain in the long term forecast, the end of the rotary year, and a successful Interact fundraiser. George mentioned a wonderful day and a bike ride, Doug talked about his  wonderful sunburn he received while white water rafting, and Tracy mentioned a trip to an auto show auction, and that they didn't come home with a car.
We wished happy birthdays to George and Melissa, and sung together blissfully out of key.

George announced a deadline for the YES of August 31st. This is a service trip for qualified youths going into their junior year. Candidates should be motivated to raise $1,500 on their own to complete the program and should believe in the importance of making a difference in global communities through service projects.
Lyn read a letter of thanks we received from a member of the local SW Stingrays Swim Club. Our club sponsored their team for $220.
Bill Leeds gave a entertaining and interesting classification program which featured a selection of colorful characters from his life and his ascent through the sales industry. His motto for his life is  "Right people, right place right time." We learned that he descended from a line of war heroes in his paternal grandfather and dad. He handed out a letter of thanks from General MacArthur addresses to the former.  Bill Served in the national guard before working for a variety of sales and consulting companies. He eventually formed Leeds Consulting, LLC which has provided  consulting for a wide range of companies, including startups to Fortune 500s.
Thanks for a great program, Bill!