Contact us
Arvin Trujillo, 4CED presents on Hydrogen Hub proposals

Don Black presenting on Polio Plus

Speaker Devin Long, New Beginnings Grant Manager

Michelle Hilman Meyering, Boys and Girls Club President and CEO

District Governor Rausch's visit with San Juan Rotary East
Rotary District 5520 Governor Bob Rausch

Honored on December 15, 2021 Jim Baker, Paul Harris Fellow

San Juan Rotary East Club banner as sister club with Club Rotario San Salvador Noroeste

Tuesday's speaker David Ripley, Director at San Juan County Communications Authority

Santa’s Rotary elves ringing in Christmas for the Salvation Army
Carol Taulbee, Randy Joslin, Terri Fortner, Dawn Bourgeois, Jim Baker, Jeanette Kelly, Ginger Palmer and Gary Risley

Tonya Stinson, Executive Director,
Farmington Convention and Visitor Bureau
Ingrid Gilbert, NM Hospitality Association’s Board of Directors Chair

UMATTR and San Juan Rotary East https://www.umattr.com/

Jose Villarreal, Work-based Learning Program, Farmington Municipal Schools

Liesl Dees, San Juan College, Director of Continuing Education
Our club held a zoom meeting with Rotary San Salvador Noroeste. Our plan to work with them on an international project. For more information, please contact us by clicking on members name on the left of page!

Jamie Church, Farmington Chamber of Commerce

Four Corners Professional Women's Summit October 28, 2021
Vendors needed for Chile in October- fest, Saturday, October 2nd at Berg Park!
For a vendor application contact the Farmington Chamber of Commerce at (505)325-0279 or email at chamber@gofarmington.com
Focus on Farmington Coffee
September 15, 2021 from 8:00am - 9:00am | Connect Space 203 W. Main
FMS Superintendent Gene Schmidt and Bobby Newlund, CFO spoke
at Tuesday's club luncheon.

Bonnie Hopkins Byers
County Program Director and Agricultural Extension Agent at New Mexico State University, San Juan County

Delbert Anderson, musician

See the link below for more information

Passing of the gavel
President Bourgeois to Ginger Palmer
June 29, 2021

San Juan Rotary East Board
Ginger Palmer, President
Dawn Bourgeois, Past President
Jeanine Kelly, President elect
Daniel Evans, Treasurer
Terri Fortner, Communication/PR
International Programs Co-Chair
Jim Baker and Carol Taulbee, Program Co-Chair
Gary Risley, Sergeant at Arms
Peggy Marie, Rotary International Programs Co-Chair
Maria Van Caster, Foundation Chair
Randy Joslin, Chaplain
Drew Degner and Melissa Meecham, Co-Chair Healing Fields
Doug Dykeman, Grant Writer
Dave Turnbull, Service Projects
Membership, Drew Degner
Rick Quevedo, Club Administrator