Posted by Gordon Cox
Rotary Is the Place Where Our Communities Go for Help
Angel Fire Rotary Club Saves Lives!
A few months ago, John Murtagh, Chief of the Angel Fire Fire Department (AFFD), gave a presentation at one of our weekly meeting on how the fire department was doing and outlined some of their needs to better serve the community. The AFFD was in need of a defibrillator/monitor for one of our ambulances as the life span of the cardiac monitor in this unit was coming to an end. Unfortunately, the AFFD lacked funds for EMS needs and sought support from our small community. The defibrillator costs over $20,000. A couple of club members got the ball rolling by starting a 50/50 raffle and obtained business sponsors to further support the effort. The rest of the club got into the program, sold tickets and topped the fundraising effort with a Halloween Costume Ball. In the end our club raised $10,000 which will be matched by the Angel Fire Community Foundation. The power of Rotary is AMAZING.